When you first install the equella moodle module you automatically get redirected to configure all of the relevant options (including the Drag and drop options). It seems to always use the value you set there (which by default is ‘Dont intercept files').
So if you set that value to something else after the fact via the settings page (settings.php?section=modsettingequella )it doesn’t appear to work (regardless of the version of moodle used)
Meaning you can't drag and drop files onto a moodle course page, and choose to contribute them into openequella)
This behaviour happens in every moodle version I tried (3.4, 3.6, 3.7)
Steps to replicate:
Install the openEquella moodle module into your moodle
When you get to the openEQUELLA Resource plugin settings page enter all of the relevant settings, but leave the Intercept drag and drop files dropdown as the default (Dont intercept files)
Save the configuration
Navigate to a moodle course page, turn editing on, and drag and drop a file. The dialog that appears should have no references to openEQUELLA.
Click the cancel button
Navigate to the openEQUELLA Resource plugin settings page (Site administration>Plugins>openEQUELLA Resource)
Select 'Display file destination dialog' in the Intercept drag and drop files dropdown
Click save changes
Navigate back to a course page, turn editing on, and drag and drop a file. Notice that you aren't given any option to contribute the item to openEquella (even though you configured it to)
When you first install the equella moodle module you automatically get redirected to configure all of the relevant options (including the Drag and drop options). It seems to always use the value you set there (which by default is ‘Dont intercept files').
So if you set that value to something else after the fact via the settings page (settings.php?section=modsettingequella )it doesn’t appear to work (regardless of the version of moodle used)
Meaning you can't drag and drop files onto a moodle course page, and choose to contribute them into openequella)
This behaviour happens in every moodle version I tried (3.4, 3.6, 3.7)
Steps to replicate: