openequella / openEQUELLA-admin-console-package

Project to build a stand-alone admin console (launcher) package
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error when logging in to admin console on windows #146

Open mohammadswaidan opened 3 months ago

mohammadswaidan commented 3 months ago

We downloaded the latest admin console version v1.3.1 , we set the correct server trying to log in with TLE_ADMINISTRATOR user , the login failed with error in the cmd:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at []; nested exception is Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = 401, status message = [null]
        at com.tle.admin.boot.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by: org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at []; nested exception is Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = 401, status message = [null]
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerClientInterceptor.convertHttpInvokerAccessException(
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerClientInterceptor.invoke(
        at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
        at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
        at jdk.proxy1/jdk.proxy1.$Proxy0.getAllPluginDetails(Unknown Source)
        at com.tle.admin.PluginServiceImpl.registerPlugins(
        ... 1 more
Caused by: Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = 401, status message = [null]
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor.validateResponse(
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor.doExecuteRequest(
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.AbstractHttpInvokerRequestExecutor.executeRequest(
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerClientInterceptor.executeRequest(
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerClientInterceptor.executeRequest(
        at org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerClientInterceptor.invoke(
        ... 6 more
edalex-ian commented 3 months ago

Hi @mohammadswaidan ,

In part of that error I see:

Caused by: Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = 401, status message = [null]

With 401 indicating to me an authentication issue. Assuming you have correctly typed TLE_ADMINISTRATOR it would seem possibly your password is incorrect. Have you confirmed you're using the correct password by logging into with TLE_ADMINISTRATOR and that password?

mohammadswaidan commented 3 months ago

Hello , thank you for your time infact yes I am pretty sure the password is correct as I use it to login to site as admin and to my institution as well

islam56naser commented 3 months ago

@edalex-ian @mohammadswaidan I'm having the same issue, is there any update on this ?

edalex-ian commented 3 months ago

Hi again,

Maybe a couple of general questions for you both:

Lastly, @mohammadswaidan I note you said:

password is correct as I use it to login to site as admin

When you say 'as admin' do you mean as TLE_ADMINISTRATOR via the login page? Or, as you saying the password you use when you click on the 'Administer server' link?

mohammadswaidan commented 3 months ago

Hi, First, the oEQ version deployed was 2023.2.0 , we tried the latest admin console v1.3.1 , and also tried v1.21 We updated the oEQ to the latest version 2024.1.0 , and tried the admin console v1.3.1 same error in all cases Of course I am using the TLE_ADMINISTRATOR with password that we used to login to the institution

edalex-ian commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the version information @mohammadswaidan , you missed my query on OS and firewalls. That info could help.

Also, regarding:

Of course I am using the TLE_ADMINISTRATOR with password that we used to login to the institution

Just as per my last comment this password can be (and often is) different to the one used on the other link I mention above.

But if you're sure with all the above, feel free to reach out for support via