The --unlock flag when used exactly as follows ./parity --chain="Olympus.json" --unlock="0x8ee6f05768850c60bda43a205ea66483872f8303" --password="Ophion.pwd"
it begins loading up, starting parity-ethereum starts the db as "DB path /home/western/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/chains/Olympus/db/9184c6cf0ca5d802"
and keys as "Keys path /home/western/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/keys/Olympus"
However when I run "./parity --config=Ophion.toml" it starts up as the right key/db path and begins syncing from " DB path Ophion/chains/Olympus/db/9184c6cf0ca5d802" and keys "Keys path Ophion/keys/Olympus"
How do I force the unlock command to start the db and keys from the right file?
The --unlock flag when used exactly as follows ./parity --chain="Olympus.json" --unlock="0x8ee6f05768850c60bda43a205ea66483872f8303" --password="Ophion.pwd" it begins loading up, starting parity-ethereum starts the db as "DB path /home/western/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/chains/Olympus/db/9184c6cf0ca5d802" and keys as "Keys path /home/western/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/keys/Olympus"
However when I run "./parity --config=Ophion.toml" it starts up as the right key/db path and begins syncing from " DB path Ophion/chains/Olympus/db/9184c6cf0ca5d802" and keys "Keys path Ophion/keys/Olympus"
How do I force the unlock command to start the db and keys from the right file?