openethereum / parity-ethereum

The fast, light, and robust client for Ethereum-like networks.
6.83k stars 1.68k forks source link

Parity 2.7.2 stopped syncing #11838

Closed hlozadaccs closed 4 years ago

hlozadaccs commented 4 years ago

Since yesterday my node stopped syncing

System information:

lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic


free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          15855        4104         523           0       11227       11490
Swap:             0           0           0


Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs           1.6G  780K  1.6G   1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p1   20G  2.3G   18G  12% /
tmpfs           7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop1       18M   18M     0 100% /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/1480
/dev/nvme1n1p1  492G  358G  110G  77% /home/ubuntu/ethereum
/dev/loop2       97M   97M     0 100% /snap/core/9436
/dev/loop3       29M   29M     0 100% /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/2012
/dev/loop4       97M   97M     0 100% /snap/core/9665
tmpfs           1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /run/user/1000

Parity version:

Parity Ethereum Client.
  version Parity-Ethereum/v2.7.2-stable-2662d19-20200206/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rustc1.41.0
Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

By Wood/Paronyan/Kotewicz/Drwięga/Volf/Greeff
   Schoedon/Tang/Adolfsson/Silva/Palm/Hirsz et a

Config file

chain = "mainnet"
base_path = "/home/ubuntu/ethereum"

no_serve_light = true

interface = "all"

Systemd file


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/parity --config /etc/ethereum/config.toml


Fully synchronized: no / stopped syncing since yesterday Network: mainneet Restarted: no

Last block number: 10521353

echo $((`curl --data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545 | jq ".result" | grep -oh "\w*0x\w*"`))


curl --data '{"method":"parity_devLogs","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545 | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 13014  100 12952  100    62  2529k  12400 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2541k
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
    "2020-07-30 15:02:52 UTC This method is deprecated and will be removed in future. See PR #10102",
    "2020-07-30 15:02:40 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 15:01:39 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 15:00:38 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:59:37 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:58:36 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:57:35 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:56:34 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:55:32 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:54:31 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:53:30 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:52:29 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:51:28 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:50:27 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:49:26 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:48:25 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:47:24 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:46:23 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:45:22 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:44:21 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:44:02 UTC This method is deprecated and will be removed in future. See PR #10102",
    "2020-07-30 14:43:20 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:42:19 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:41:18 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:40:17 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:39:15 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:38:14 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:37:13 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:36:12 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:35:11 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:34:10 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:33:15 UTC This method is deprecated and will be removed in future. See PR #10102",
    "2020-07-30 14:33:09 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:32:08 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:31:07 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:30:06 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:29:05 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:28:04 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:27:03 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:26:02 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:25:01 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:24:00 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:22:58 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:21:57 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:20:56 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:19:55 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:18:54 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:17:53 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:16:52 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:15:51 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:14:50 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:13:49 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:12:48 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:11:47 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:10:46 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:09:45 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:08:44 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:07:43 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:06:42 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:05:41 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:04:39 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:03:38 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:02:37 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:01:36 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 14:00:35 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:59:34 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:58:33 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:57:32 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:56:31 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:55:30 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:54:29 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:53:28 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:52:27 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:51:26 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:50:25 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:49:24 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:48:22 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:47:21 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:46:20 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:45:19 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:44:18 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:43:17 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:42:16 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:41:15 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:40:14 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:39:13 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:38:12 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:37:11 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:36:10 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:35:09 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:34:08 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:33:07 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:32:06 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:31:04 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:30:03 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:29:02 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:28:01 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:27:00 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:25:59 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:24:58 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:23:57 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:22:56 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:21:55 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:20:54 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:19:53 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:18:52 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:17:51 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:16:50 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:15:49 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:14:48 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:13:46 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:12:45 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:11:44 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:10:43 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:09:42 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:08:41 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:07:40 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:06:39 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:05:38 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:04:37 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:03:36 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:02:35 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:01:34 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 13:00:33 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 12:59:32 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 12:58:31 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 12:57:29 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state",
    "2020-07-30 12:56:28 UTC Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state"
  "id": 1

Total transaction Hashes: 8192

curl --data '{"method":"parity_allTransactionHashes","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545 | jq '.result | length'

Total local transactions: 1 / in rejected status

curl --data '{"method":"parity_localTransactions","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8545 | jq '.result | length'

Total pending transactions: 8011

curl --data '{"method":"parity_pendingTransactions","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8545 | jq '.result | length'

Load average:

 15:04:46 up 16 days,  1:47,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
heimi-block commented 4 years ago

Try openethereum v3.0.1:

hlozadaccs commented 4 years ago

I already solved the issue, I cloned the file system on two new servers but never change the key value and the parity_enode statement return same value in two servers, after change key value and restart the server, the issue was solved.

curl --data '{"method":"parity_enode","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545 | jq