openethereum / parity-ethereum

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DB migration from 1.11.1 to 2.x causes event logs to disappear #9629

Closed andrewheadricke closed 5 years ago

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

It worked fine in Parity 1.11.x branch... Now it returns zero results. The request is asking for all transfer events over a large period of time, so yes it should return a large amount of data and it usually takes a good 30-40 seconds to run. But its not working at all now, and returns instantly with zero events. No errors.

Using web3@0.20.7

jam10o-new commented 5 years ago

Hey, what parameters were you running parity with? (archive, tracing?) without transaction tracing enabled you likely won't see historical events for your contract.

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

the only pertinent flag i'm using is --no-warp, parity 1.11.x branch was able to retrieve all the logs/events no problem. I don't want to run in archive mode because I don't have the storage space.

debris commented 5 years ago

iirc, we haven't changed anything in the event logging logic since May. I don't know what may be causing problems over here.

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

This is hard for me to verify, but it appears that I am getting events for the last week or two and none before then, which was around the time I updated to parity 2.1.1

I wonder if 2.1.1 was not able to retrieve / access the old event logs and is only able to return new logs since updating?

debris commented 5 years ago

nothing has changed in the way logs are stored / retrieved

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

So I decided to delete my 150GiB fully synced chain and re-sync to see if the event logs start working again. I'm up to block 4,000,000 and the database on disk is only about 22GiB. So I believe it is doing a fast sync and not storing any of the logs.

Prior to Parity 2.x there was numerous options, but primarily it was:

It appears this middle option is no longer available in Parity 2.x, Parity is no good to me without the logs and I don't have 1.1TiB spare.

Tbaut commented 5 years ago

As @debris says, nothing has changed, warp, no-warp and archive work the same way in 1.11 and 2.x. Please provide concrete examples of what you do for us to be able to troubleshoot.

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

I'm re-syncing again with 1.11.1, i'll do some more tests and report back in a few hours.

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

Sync'd from scratch with 1.11.1 with --no-warp and can confirm event logs are present and accessible to web3.

I then ran parity 2.0.7 (stable) with the same --no-warp and it says:

Migrating database from version 12 to 13
Migrating blooms to blooms-db...

Now my logs are no longer there, web3 reports no events found.

debris commented 5 years ago

to sum up:

@andrewheadricke is it ok? if yes, it looks like a configuration issue with parity

andrewheadricke commented 5 years ago

That sums it up. The migration from 1.11.1 --no-warp to 2.0.7 --no-warp looses the events.

Note: I haven't checked with archive node. I don't have the space. Edit: I just sync'ed from scratch with 2.1.2 and the logs are present. So the problem appears to be only with the database migration between versions.

epheph commented 5 years ago

I have just run into this issue as well. I had a 1.11.1 with these relevant options:

        --pruning fast --pruning-history 1500 \
        --tracing on \

that was originally fast-sync'd, but had been running for months, so it had fully completed the warp sync.

Then I upgraded to 2.1.4 and it completed the database upgrade, and now eth_getLogs that used to work no longer return data. However, I believe this might be a bloom filter issue. Check this out:

With filter returns no data on my parity node:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[ {"fromBlock":"0x5a6da7","toBlock":"0x5a6da7","address":["0x653430560be843c4a3d143d0110e896c2ab8ac0d"],"topics":[["0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"]]} ],"id":74}' localhost:8545


Without filter DOES return logs, INCLUDING one that should have matched:

$ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[ {"fromBlock":"0x5a6da7","toBlock":"0x5a6da7","topics":[]} ],"id":74}' localhost:8545 | jq .result[15]

  "address": "0x653430560be843c4a3d143d0110e896c2ab8ac0d",
  "blockHash": "0x4ff6030cce082be8f5a56d7f7bbe5e32e8d98295f31c8e070285fbdd022a06a7",
  "blockNumber": "0x5a6da7",
  "data": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002386f26fc10000",
  "logIndex": "0xf",
  "removed": false,
  "topics": [
  "transactionHash": "0xdc3b61e081795c7e37fbbd6a663a67867b875065b0ba1a5fdddeee9818805283",
  "transactionIndex": "0x32",
  "transactionLogIndex": "0x0",
  "type": "mined"

Hitting a geth node returns the data when using the exact filter above:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[ {"fromBlock":"0x5a6da7","toBlock":"0x5a6da7","address":["0x653430560be843c4a3d143d0110e896c2ab8ac0d"],"topics":[["0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"]]} ],"id":74}' gethnode:8545


From database upgrade:

2018-11-06T19:50:48.040376048Z Migrating database from version 12 to 13
2018-11-06T19:50:48.040427332Z Migrating blooms to blooms-db...
2018-11-06T19:56:21.620663167Z Migration finished
dtran320 commented 5 years ago

We're seeing this issue as well after upgrading from 1.10-7-stable to 2.0.9-stable, running in full archive mode with tracing turned on on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS. Like with @epheph, we're seeing that getLogs queries with a filter before a certain block always return empty. Queries for getLogs with a filter for blocks synced after upgrading return as expected.

On parity 2.0.9-stable

curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x300000","toBlock": "0x300000"}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

But if I add in the topic from the first result above:

curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x300000","toBlock": "0x300000", "topics":["0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"]}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The same query against Infura (running geth):

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x300000","toBlock": "0x300000"}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Querying newer blocks appears to be fine

On one of our nodes that we upgraded from 1.10.7-stable to 2.0.9-stable last Thursday around 10:30am PST, queries for block 0x666510 (6710544) or newer with a filter appears to work fine. That block is from November 15 around 10:30am PST, which seems to be in line with the theory that the database migration broke this query for all existing filter log queries before the upgrade.

curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x666510","toBlock": "0x666510","topics":["0x23919512b2162ddc59b67a65e3b03c419d4105366f7d4a632f5d3c3bee9b1cff"]}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Querying by one of the topics that appears above, we get the expected result:

curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x666510","toBlock": "0x666510","topics":["0x23919512b2162ddc59b67a65e3b03c419d4105366f7d4a632f5d3c3bee9b1cff"]}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

If I query one block earlier for 0x666509:

curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x666509","toBlock": "0x666509"}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

And again query by one of the topics, we get no result:

curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock": "0x666509","toBlock": "0x666509","topics":["0xef4c8685c12779a52dae7549eb7defa8523f67a054ad425b877a6b2da469a331"]}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
nikilster commented 5 years ago

Hey @joshua-mir could we see a timeline for fixing this huge bug? It's causing major problems for our users and our entire infrastructure. Thank you!!! :)

nikilster commented 5 years ago

We're having to roll our entire infrastructure back to old parity versions.

nikilster commented 5 years ago

Also noticed this doesn't have a F priority on it - @debris seems like its a pretty big issue affecting everyone - how do we add a tag? Thanks!

grittibaenz commented 5 years ago

We are also affected by this issue. It prevents us from upgrading our Parity nodes to version 2.x.x.



warp = false
tracing = "on"
pruning = "archive"

Upgrade Path:


Loading config file from /app/parity/conf/config.toml
Migrating database from version 12 to 13
Migrating blooms to blooms-db...
Migration finished
2018-11-20 17:04:14 UTC Starting Parity-Ethereum/v2.1.6-stable-491f17f-20181114/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.30.1
2018-11-20 17:04:14 UTC Keys path /data/parity/base/keys/classic
2018-11-20 17:04:14 UTC DB path /data/parity/db/classic/db/906a34e69aec8c0d
2018-11-20 17:04:14 UTC State DB configuration: archive +Trace
2018-11-20 17:04:14 UTC Operating mode: active
2018-11-20 17:04:15 UTC Configured for Ethereum Classic using Ethash engine
grittibaenz commented 5 years ago


grittibaenz commented 5 years ago


New results from another upgrade attempt to the first stable release (2.0.5-stable).

Update/Upgrade Path:


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[{"action":{"callType":"call","from":"0xe5fe887bcdfcba0778e0254304399eec4d16646a","gas":"0x0","input":"0x","to":"0x3f5ce5fbfe3e9af3971dd833d26ba9b5c936f0be","value":"0x10d44362101259400"},"blockHash":"0x85c4dda3ee9da6c234537807bdfff85827125a20b37a8aae768ff36b4af5e85c","blockNumber":6935239,"result":{"gasUsed":"0x0","output":"0x"},"subtraces":0,"traceAddress":[],"transactionHash":"0x37ad582acc1e460e549a36e8814c1d0dbf2fe82c0f4b5ee5be9df15da2655722","transactionPosition":23,"type":"call"},{"action":{"callType":"call","from":"0xe5fe887bcdfcba0778e0254304399eec4d16646a","gas":"0x0","input":"0x","to":"0x3f5ce5fbfe3e9af3971dd833d26ba9b5c936f0be","value":"0x22b54feafc6b23800"},"blockHash":"0x43004a6601848b5a963ba0d26a0538f2a781c0c18dac0c78e323c94dfde2053b","blockNumber":6965524,"result":{"gasUsed":"0x0","output":"0x"},"subtraces":0,"traceAddress":[],"transactionHash":"0x6fe5ce2afd62955e6d6717cf195e9ee40288da86f018c0eb4da403edd209dedc","transactionPosition":13,"type":"call"}, <...>

- Query `2.0.5-stable`

curl --noproxy "*" -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"method":"trace_filter", "params": [{ "fromBlock": "0x694920", "toBlock": "latest", "fromAddress": ["0xe5fe887bcdfcba0778e0254304399eec4d16646a"]} ],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'


PS. This is not our address. It's some random address we got from an ETC block explorer
grittibaenz commented 5 years ago


New results from another upgrade attempt to the first beta release (2.0.0-beta).

Update/Upgrade Path:


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[{"action":{"callType":"call","from":"0xe5fe887bcdfcba0778e0254304399eec4d16646a","gas":"0x0","input":"0x","to":"0x3f5ce5fbfe3e9af3971dd833d26ba9b5c936f0be","value":"0x10d44362101259400"},"blockHash":"0x85c4dda3ee9da6c234537807bdfff85827125a20b37a8aae768ff36b4af5e85c","blockNumber":6935239,"result":{"gasUsed":"0x0","output":"0x"},"subtraces":0,"traceAddress":[],"transactionHash":"0x37ad582acc1e460e549a36e8814c1d0dbf2fe82c0f4b5ee5be9df15da2655722","transactionPosition":23,"type":"call"},{"action":{"callType":"call","from":"0xe5fe887bcdfcba0778e0254304399eec4d16646a","gas":"0x0","input":"0x","to":"0x3f5ce5fbfe3e9af3971dd833d26ba9b5c936f0be","value":"0x22b54feafc6b23800"},"blockHash":"0x43004a6601848b5a963ba0d26a0538f2a781c0c18dac0c78e323c94dfde2053b","blockNumber":6965524,"result":{"gasUsed":"0x0","output":"0x"},"subtraces":0,"traceAddress":[],"transactionHash":"0x6fe5ce2afd62955e6d6717cf195e9ee40288da86f018c0eb4da403edd209dedc","transactionPosition":13,"type":"call"}, <...>

- Query `2.0.0-beta`

curl --noproxy "*" -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"method":"trace_filter", "params": [{ "fromBlock": "0x694920", "toBlock": "latest", "fromAddress": ["0xe5fe887bcdfcba0778e0254304399eec4d16646a"]} ],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'


PS. This is not our address. It's some random address we got from an ETC block explorer
bb324930 commented 5 years ago

Can confirm here:

I tried with a full archival, trace node with no pruning and can also confirm the bloomdb migration in 2.x.x series completely breaks the eth_getLogs RPC call.

grittibaenz commented 5 years ago

It seems like we have to resync all our nodes. From Gitter:

@Tbaut: TBH I don't think we'll be able to provide a quick fix for that one. A full sync taxes a while but it's probably the best bet for now.

Glad the world economy is not yet depending on ETH and Parity, but our product/infrastructure does. We would be thankful if this issue gets addressed soon.

5chdn commented 5 years ago

Even if we would identify the underlying bug and fix it, you would still have to resync your chain. So, if you need the logs now, please resync your client with version 2.1.7 or 2.2.1!

grittibaenz commented 5 years ago

Our production nodes are still running on 1.11.11-stable. We identified this issue with a test upgrade of a testnet node a couple of weeks ago. We can wait for a new release to fix this issue, as version 1.x.x is working well. An alternative is of course waiting 6 weeks for ETH to be synchronized again.

Edit: I am happy to help with testing and troubleshooting, but I cannot provide a fix. We don't have Rust developers and the resources in our team.

grittibaenz commented 5 years ago

@5chdn and @ngotchac: many thanks for working on this issue! please let me know, if (and how) I can help you testing this patch.

Tbaut commented 5 years ago

You have to git clone Parity Ethereum repo, checkout the ng-bloom-db branch and build from the sources.

nikilster commented 5 years ago

Appreciate the help guys! Was a painful issue - prob cost us $25k :/ Is there a way to get these triaged faster in the future?

5chdn commented 5 years ago

@nikilster for business inquiries you can always shoot us a mail at

bb324930 commented 5 years ago

Would this patch work out of the box on the upgraded 2.x.x bloomdb? Or would it work from an un-upgraded 1.11.1 style bloomdb that gets migrated to the now (correct) format?

Or none of the above, and require a full resync starting from compiled ng-bloom-db branch?

ngotchac commented 5 years ago

So the fix would require a full resync if you already have migrated to 2.x ; if you still have a 1.x DB, then running with the fix against this DB should properly migrate the blooms. The issue was that the migration script was broken, so it migrated blooms to the wrong place. There is no way to undo that sadly :/

grittibaenz commented 5 years ago

@parity-devs: many thanks again for working on this. I just wanted to report back that the new stable version 2.1.8 is working well. The blooms-db migration is successful now. Thank you!

AC0DEM0NK3Y commented 5 years ago

I just discovered this after compiling parity with a bunch of logs to track it down to the bloom filtering.

I just want to be double sure, there is no possible recovery from this state?

I have an archive + traces node here that would need to be started from scratch, obviously that is a lot of time to wait. I'd prefer a code solution to this if it's possible to move those blooms back to the right place.

grittibaenz commented 5 years ago

@AC0DEM0NK3Y: As far as I know, there is no way to recover the blooms. We were lucky enough to find the problem in ETH Ropsten (and have 2 archiving + traces nodes). Due to so many bugs (in Geth, Parity, BCHABC, IOTA, ElectrumX...) we started to create daily snapshots and snapshots before any update/upgrade. This is sadly all I can recommend :(

edevil commented 5 years ago

I have a private blockchain composed of 3 parity nodes running the AuthorityRound engine in fast mode. While bringing the node versions up do date from 1.10 onwards, the 1.11->2.0 migration caused contract logs to be lost. I've since upgraded all the way to 2.3.5.

Is there anyway to make the nodes re-calculate the bloom filters?

megahz2 commented 4 years ago

Q1. I don't see a resolution here, is there one?

I have been unable to run paity 2.0 and up since this issue. I have deleted database and everything but my keystore and config.toml #in. C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Parity\Ethereum and everything where I store the db G:\folder\Parity\

Q2. I miss the client side GUI, parity UI, Is there a way to use, what are risks if firewalled? Q3. why no parity ui new maintainer still? what is the maintainers responsibilities?

Thank You for your time and efforts!!

jam10o-new commented 4 years ago

q1) no - if information was lost you need to resync unfortunately.

q2) the Wallet UI is not compatible at all with recent versions of parity-ethereum. it is largely unfunctional when connected to a "compatible" version as well. All public chains currently require versions of parity that do not support the UI at all.

3) A maintainer would have to keep libraries and dependencies up to date, change the rpc methods the UI calls to ones supported by modern parity (which will probably mean removing several features), and support users of the UI.