openexchangerates / accounting.js

A lightweight JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting - fully localisable, zero dependencies.
MIT License
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added bower file. #106

Closed wbotelhos closed 9 years ago

dotnetCarpenter commented 9 years ago

Your PR is invalid. You need to have valid json in the bower.json.

wbotelhos commented 9 years ago

Sorry! Check it out.

dotnetCarpenter commented 9 years ago

@wbotelhos looks good. Unfortunately it seems that @openexchangerates doesn't update this project anymore. See #107. Perhaps @josscrowcroft should get involved again.

wjcrowcroft commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the PR @wbotelhos and corrections/heads up @dotnetCarpenter. Looks good!

dotnetCarpenter commented 9 years ago

@josscrowcroft Nice! We need you to create a tag for the release before it takes effect with bower.

git checkout master
git tag v0.4.1 -am "version 0.4.1"
git push origin master --tags

Can you write here when you do? Then I can point to this repo instead of Thanks

wjcrowcroft commented 9 years ago

Have added the tag. Cheers!

dotnetCarpenter commented 9 years ago

@josscrowcroft thanks for the release. unfortunately you didn't release the commit with the bower.json file, so my build system is still not working.

Release 0.4.1 without bower.json:

You need to tag the current master and probably bump the minor version.

wjcrowcroft commented 9 years ago

My mistake. Tagged new minor version with bower.json.

dotnetCarpenter commented 9 years ago

@josscrowcroft Sorry for bothering you again but you need to tag the commit with bower.json.

bower update
bower accountingjs#^0.4.2   not-cached git://^0.4.2
bower accountingjs#^0.4.2      resolve git://^0.4.2
bower typed.js#~1.1.1           cached
bower typed.js#~1.1.1         validate 1.1.1 against
bower jquery#^2.1.4             cached git://
bower jquery#^2.1.4           validate 2.1.4 against git://^2.1.4
bower accountingjs#^0.4.2 ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy ^0.4.2

Additional error details:
Available versions: 0.4.1, 0.3.2, 0.3.0, 0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1

The way bower works is by looking at your github tags. You don't need and probably shouldn't have any version in your bower.json but only use git tag v0.4.2 -am "release info". A git tag always point to a commit in a branch. By default the current commit in the branch you have checked out. Bower also only recognize semver version numbers. That is: every version has a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH number format. Hope this explains..

dotnetCarpenter commented 9 years ago

Actually I can update accounting.js via bower sorely on your git tag. In fact I start to wonder why you'll ever want a bower.json when you have a package.json.... Haven't thought about this before.

wjcrowcroft commented 9 years ago

Cool. So this is resolved for you?

And I wonder about the repo, whether we need the bower.json file - not doing any harm, as long as it works. I'll leave the discussion to somebody with more bower experience though.

DanielVF commented 9 years ago

@josscrowcroft Stil isn't resolved. I'm still seeing 0.4.1 as the latest version on npm.

(Thanks for your time on this project. Accounting.js makes my javascript life so much better!)