openfaas / faas-cli

Official CLI for OpenFaaS
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Design review: "I want a copy of folder X in every function" #322

Closed alexellis closed 4 years ago

alexellis commented 6 years ago

Some users have asked for a common folder "X" to be copied into every one of their functions at build time.


 + /fn1/
 + /fn2/
 + /fn3/
 + /common_folder/

In the scenario above - the user wants "common_folder" to be copied into or to be accessible within fn1, fn2 and fn3 and also expects the CLI to do that.

My take - this is something which is not possible with Docker due to files outside the build context being inaccessible. It doesn't feel like the responsibility of the faas-cli templating system to get involved in additional user files.

Possible workaround: have user make use of a Makefile or batch file to copy functions into a temporary folder and build out the structure the way they want.

@stefanprodan suggested using "grunt" or a JavaScript task runner just like when you build a react website from a "src" folder into a "dest" folder.

rgee0 commented 6 years ago

Initial thought is that faas-cli build could look for a standardised location ../common/ and pull the assets into the temporary build folder before heading into the bread and butter of build.

LucasRoesler commented 6 years ago

I think this is a great idea. A standard folder at the project root would be simple and still pretty flexible.

Alternatively, we could promise to build the function from the project root so that the docker context is the entire project and they can then use the COPY commands in the dockerfile to control what is copied.

burtonr commented 6 years ago

I agree with @rgee0 that a "pre-build" step could be used to copy a desired directory's files into the requested function's directory

Just throwing out some thoughts...

The tricky part might be what to do with the function's Dockerfile. If it's a user-built function, they could expect those files to be there and add the COPY command, but I'd assume this should also work for templates.

There could be an empty directory with the template so that the template could put files in a function/fn1/common directory and the Dockerfile would then just COPY ./common ./ to include the files if they're there, but wouldn't break if they weren't

Would the cli just always copy the common files from a /common/ directory? I'd think you'd want to control that to avoid sharing common files that shouldn't be shared in all the functions. Perhaps a flag on the build command?

faas-cli build -f fn1.yml --include-common

Or, maybe a property in the function's yml?

  name: faas
  gateway: http://localhost:8080

    lang: node
    handler: ./tester
    image: tester:0.1
    common_files: true
rgee0 commented 6 years ago

Yes, the provision of a flag is a must.

On the Dockerfile question, I like the empty folder idea. We could also add a Dockerfile.common to the templates and switch which to copy based on the flag provision.

LucasRoesler commented 6 years ago

I would be against a flag. It is far simpler to implement and use if there is a single strong default (i.e. always include common files in the build context). It is easier for developers (of templates and functions) to predict and debug what is going to happen and therefore more likely to be a successful build.

The dockerfile author can easily choose to copy or ignore files from the context, we are not forcing them to copy the files in to the resulting image, so it is somewhat harmless to always include the common files in all build contexts.

The biggest downside to always including files in the context is that the context is bigger and the build slower. But I don't think we can control this.

trusch commented 6 years ago

I would say that this should be an opt-in feature, so that no backward incompatible changes are introduced. Lets say users are already having a common folder and managing copy operations by themselfes, their build artifacts would change if this would become the default behaviour.

itscaro commented 6 years ago

Opt-in feature is greate to maintain compatibility as you said, but to have many posibilities make it hard to maintain and provide support from maintainers' side. I would prefer the suggestion of @LucasRoesler

LucasRoesler commented 6 years ago

I guess there could possibly be a naming conflict when copying a folder into the build context, but I am not sure I see another incompatibility with the current build process. Maybe we can allow them to provide an alternative name?

If we are creating the build context in a tmp folder and use that tmp folder as the Docker build context with the function folder as a subfolder, this would avoid naming collisions because the folder starts empty. Of course, this would not be compatible with the current process. Roughly it would look like

|-- awesomefunc
|   |-- Dockerfile
|   `-- handler
`-- common

Where build_context is a tmp folder that we create and copy awesomefunc and common into. The build process would basically be docker build -f ./build_context/awesomefunc/Dockerfile ./build_context. Doing this, we own the build context going forward and can avoid conflicts.

On the other hand, if we are going to build in a context that is not the function folder, then the simplest thing is to just build from the project root and let the developer manage their own files without needing to worry about files being moved or named certain things by faas-cli.

Perhaps the most flexible thing would be to allow the developer to just specify the build context for docker? provide a path relative to the project root or null, if null then we use the function folder. This is very flexible but incredibly hard to predict for templates.

It seems to be that the trade-off is flexibility versus predictability. For a build process, I think I would prefer to see consistent and predictable builds.

itscaro commented 6 years ago

We can also introduce a folder common when a new function is created, in which we put a file to tell user how this folder works, this folder will be filled with content of common folder at root dir of yaml file, if there is one.

During build process, if we see a common directory with in func dir and there is a common at root, we then copy common files

For current functions having this common dir without the MD file, nothing changes for them

Or we also just keep the actual process and just check if there is already a common directory inside the function dir, if there is, we skip copying and show a warning to user, this is much simpler, but user need to read carefully outputs of build process

|-- fn1
|   |-- common
|   |   `--
|   `-- handler
|-- fn2
|   |-- common
|   |   `--
|   `-- handler
|-- common
|   |--
|   `--
`-- stack.yml

In addition, I think it would be better to have a configuration field in yaml, to choose which sub dir in common to be copied:

  name: faas
  gateway: http://localhost:8080

    lang: python3
    copy: #common dir which is at the same level as yaml file
      - debug
    lang: python3
    copy: #common dir which is at the same level as yaml file
      - . # all common dir
    lang: python3
    copy: #no copy
rgee0 commented 6 years ago

Heading back to the flag/default discussion. The issue I have with including common by default and without a flag is that the user is not fully in control of their actions. There is an assumption on the part of the CLI that anything in the chosen standard location is intended for inclusion in the function image. This to me doesn't feel right.

ericstoekl commented 6 years ago

Is the only objection to this being that existing users would be surprised by seeing a common folder suddenly show up in functions created with faas-cli new? I think more people might be happy to see a new feature.

ericstoekl commented 6 years ago

Derek add label: discussion

LucasRoesler commented 6 years ago

One other crazy idea I just had, we can utilize multi-stage builds to allow people to copy from a "faas-common" image. I got this from

Basically, the cli can build an image "faas-commons" that is just SCRATCH plus a COPY of the common folder, then in the function image they can

COPY --from=faas-commons /common/foo.txt /foo.txt

We could use build args to make the image name dynamic. This would look like

COPY --from=$FAAS_COMMONS_IMAGE /common/foo.txt /foo.txt

One interesting thing about this, we could even allow the developer to specify a Dockerfile to use for the faas-commons image. This gives them a lot of control.

The benefits I see from this:

  1. we aren't copying files all over the users filesystem
  2. we aren't modifying the build context
  3. the user needs to explicitly opt in via changes to the Dockerfile. All existing functions and templates would work without any changes.

A couple of negatives from this:

  1. I think this is less transparent to the user that we are doing this, we will need good documentation. One way to make it more clear is that, if we allow custom Dockerfiles for the commons image, to create a Dockerfile in the project base. This would help make it clearer what is happening in the commons image and it also makes it clear how to customize the behavior.
  2. We need to worry about possible name conflicts with image names or we need to deal with variables. (this reserved name/naming conflict concern exists for a "common" folder too.)
  3. It is not clear to me how this would be integrated into templates.
s8sg commented 6 years ago

I Really like the idea of @LucasRoesler.

For concern 2:

we can build the common image from fass-cli with tag <function-image-name>-common and pass it as FAAS_COMMONS_IMAGE.

So as I understand the idea propose to add the below part in their Dockerfile to copy the common context:

# in the base image
# in the end stage 
COPY --from=common /common /common

faas-common can be a fixed image with blank /common dir; so that the build doesn't fail in case FAAS_COMMONS_IMAGE isn't provided. In case user doesn't want to include the common FAAS_COMMONS_IMAGE wont be provided and /common will be copied from default

Considering @rgee0 points, I personally like the idea of providing --include-common flag as it can allow user to quickly include/exclude common items without changing the Dockerfile. but user need to be aware of the fact that /common dir can be empty based on the flag.

We can add above part in templates as well, considering the above part goes into all the template file before the last stage, i.e. for go:

FROM golang:1.8.3-alpine3.6 as builder

RUN apk --no-cache add curl \
    && echo "Pulling watchdog binary from Github." \
    && curl -sSL > /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
    && chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
    && apk del curl --no-cache

WORKDIR /go/src/handler
COPY . .

# Run a gofmt and exclude all vendored code.
RUN test -z "$(gofmt -l $(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*" -not -path "./function/vendor/*"))" || { echo "Run \"gofmt -s -w\" on your Golang code"; exit 1; }

    go build --ldflags "-s -w" -a -installsuffix cgo -o handler . && \
    go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) -cover

## *****************************************

FROM alpine:3.6
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates

## *****************************************
COPY --from=common /common /common
## *****************************************

# Add non root user
RUN addgroup -S app && adduser -S -g app app
RUN mkdir -p /home/app
RUN chown app /home/app

WORKDIR /home/app

COPY --from=builder /go/src/handler/handler    .
COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/fwatchdog         .

USER app

ENV fprocess="./handler"

CMD ["./fwatchdog"]

or for dockerfile:

## *****************************************

FROM alpine:3.6
# 1. Use any image as your base image, or "scratch"
# 2. Add fwatchdog binary via
# 3. Then set fprocess to the process you want to invoke per request - i.e. "cat" or "my_binary"

#ADD /usr/bin
#RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog

## *****************************************
COPY --from=common /common /common
## *****************************************

RUN apk --no-cache add curl \
    && echo "Pulling watchdog binary from Github." \
    && curl -sSL > /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
    && chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
    && apk del curl --no-cache

# Populate example here - i.e. "cat", "sha512sum" or "node index.js"
ENV fprocess="cat"
# Set to true to see request in function logs
ENV write_debug="false"

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s CMD [ -e /tmp/.lock ] || exit 1
CMD [ "fwatchdog" ]

Personally I would like to work on this implementation if it is fixed :)

rgee0 commented 6 years ago

We've actually hit this issue ourselves. The chosen solution was to write a shell wrapper to copy common into the function directory before calling build & push and then deleting common from the function directory in order to keep things clean.

kobynet commented 6 years ago

@rgee0 when you copy common directory into the function directory it requires changing the relative path in the handler, for example from (../common) to (./common) which creates problems when you want to locally debug the function.

How do you handle that?

rgee0 commented 6 years ago

@kobynet it depends how you perform the separation of the common parts. We kept the handler within each function, extracted the common code into common then had the handler code expect to find a common directory from which to import. This means that during development / debugging the common directory exists within the function dir and be moved out when you're happy.

lapwat commented 6 years ago

A possible solution would be to have a structure like this one:

    lang: python
    context: ./hello-python
    image: hello-python

The handlers list would be optional and be set to [ ] by default. Generated docker images would be hello-python_function1 and hello-python_function2.

The drawback is that you would have multiple functions in the same folder which may not be the vision of OpenFaaS.


Or maybe,

    lang: python
    context: ./hello-python
    image: fn1
    lang: python
    context: ./hello-python
    image: fn2

There would always be 2 handlers in the same folder, but functions would be treated separately in .yml file.

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

I am going to poke at this design again because this is something one of our teams really want.

My proposal is to add a new property/flag to the build copy_additional_paths. This is a list of strings that are relative paths within the project that will be copied into the top level of the functions docker build context, which then allows the function/template author to decide how to copy them into the final docker image.

It is important to note that:

  1. The goal is that this will allow multiple functions to share common code without the author/team needing to learn/implement full private package management. This is especially nice in dynamic language like Python where publishing packages can still be a pain. It is also nice if you have code that is common to your functions but not a good candidate for the overhead of being an external package. Or if you don't want to pay for a private package repo system for a tiny bit of shared code.
  2. How files are included into the final function is completely left up to the Dockerfile, so the template/function author.
  3. This feature would be 100% opt-in and backwards compatible.
  4. Only files within the project are allowed to be copied, any files outside the project tree will be skipped, specifically, the paths can not start with / or with ../. This protects the build process from copying system files

I have created a prototype implementation here

An example of how this would work

Start with a function project with this layout

├── Gopkg.lock
├── Gopkg.toml
├── common
│   └── foo.txt
├── go-echo
│   └── handler.go
├── one_more_thing.txt
├── stack.yml
└── vendor
    └── ....

The initial stack.yml file would look like

    lang: golang-http
    handler: ./go-echo
    image: alexellis2/go-echo
      write_debug: true

But if I want to include the common folder and the one_more_thing.txt in the build context for the go-echo function, I would update it to look like

    lang: golang-http
    handler: ./go-echo
    image: alexellis2/go-echo
      write_debug: true
      - "common"
      - "one_more_thing.txt"

Then when I run faas-cli build, the resulting build folder will look like

└── go-echo
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── Gopkg.lock
    ├── Gopkg.toml
    ├── common
    │   └── foo.txt
    ├── function
    │   └── handler.go
    ├── main.go
    ├── one_more_thing.txt
    ├── template.yml
    └── vendor
        └── ...
alexellis commented 5 years ago

I am still to be convinced that this is a good idea, copying in files from a sub-directory is leaky and could lead to undefined behaviour.

@stefanprodan rightly said that this job can be achieved with a shell script wrapper, or a basic task runner like grunt or whatever the JavaScript world is using now.

If at all, I think any configuration like this belongs in the function/build_options segment of YAML.

I.e. something like this:

Data-scientist who should probably put his model in an S3 bucket or similar storage.

Here he keeps it in a common folder, one level up. The copy happens during the shrinkwrap stage (preparation of the build folder).

    handler: ./model_reader
        - from: ../model/training.dat
          to: ./

    handler: ./model_analysis
        - from: ../model/training.dat
          to: ./

Or for JavaScript programmers who should really be using an npm module:

    handler: ./checkout
        - from: ../common/data-access
          to: ./

    handler: ./cart
        - from: ../common/data-access
          to: ./

They should publish an npm package named data-access and then add it to package.json.

alexellis commented 5 years ago

I would like to see an alternative from @LucasRoesler for the above, who asked for this feature recently to compare the approaches:

1) Makefile 2) bash 3) grunt or similar task runner

So that we can compare the pros/cons.

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

I will create an example using make and one for bash, but i will not use grunt, it is not a tool I would recommend adding to a project just to copy some folders around. But bash and make tend to be very common on developer system.

Can you explain leaky?

With respect to build_options. Unfortunately, build_options can't be extended like this very easily , it is already defined a string slice and the current implementations in the CLI and templates are strictly for defining groups of extra packages to install. even the doc string on the stack schema hints at this limited use, // BuildOptions to determine native packages, which when you follow the implementation and how it is used, ultimately is only used to populated the ADDITIONAL_PACKAGE docker build arg

if len(buildOptionPackages) > 0 {
    buildOptionPackages = deDuplicate(buildOptionPackages)
    spaceSafeBuildFlags = append(spaceSafeBuildFlags, "--build-arg", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", AdditionalPackageBuildArg, strings.Join(buildOptionPackages, " ")))

If we decide to implement this feature, it will either require a breaking change on build_options or a new option like I am proposing.

One immediate con I can see to using an external tool for this step would then mean that users that need this functionality could not use the faas-cli up command, for example. It would need to be re-implemented in the scripting for those projects.

It also means that any one that wanted to build templates around this kind of functionality would not be able to easily share those templates. There would be no way to for the community at large to extend this concept and build on it. It would remain isolated to particular implementations on each team and whatever tool and flow they decided to implement.

This is why I am not convinced that "this can be done with another tool" is necessarily a great argument. faas-cli deploy could be faas-cli build && faas-cli deploy but it was made because the developer experience is simply better when faas-cli up exists. If copying/sharing a folder between functions is common, then directly supporting that experience will make it much better. If we don't think that this is a common use case, then adding it might not be worth it.

I also feel that your example with javascript and npm ignores my statement about packaging being an overhead that can be (1) complex in some languages (python) or (2) significant for small utility helper packages that might not make sense as a proper package or used by other projects. For example, you might not want to split the common folder into a separate package for the same reasons you would not want split out each go sub-package defined in faas-cli into separate repos.

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

@alexellis here are some alternative methods using make and bash



.PHONY: build
    faas-cli build --shrinkwrap
    # maybe i can try to parse the stack file for the name of the functions and iterate here?
    cp -R ./common ./build/<function_name>/
    docker build  -t <prefix>/<function_name> ./build/<function_name>

Biggest downsides:

  1. we need to hard code the copy commands to each function or try to parse a yaml file in make
  2. passing variables to makefiles is not easy, it can be done, but is very ugly
  3. it is difficult to expose the various other flags in faas-cli
  4. The author needs to re-implement the tagging and cannot easily reuse the information from the stack.yml

.PHONY: build
    faas-cli build --shrinkwrap --filter="${.FUNCTION_FILTER}
    # maybe i can try to parse the stack file for the name of the functions, then apply the filter, and iterate?
    cp -R ./common ./build/<function_name>
    docker build  -t <prefix>/<function_name> ./build/<function_name>

usage would look like

➜  echo-fn git:(master) ✗ make build
faas-cli build --shrinkwrap --filter=""""
[0] > Building go-echo.
Clearing temporary build folder: ./build/go-echo/
Preparing ./go-echo/ ./build/go-echo//function
Building: alexellis2/go-echo:latest with golang-http template. Please wait..
go-echo shrink-wrapped to ./build/go-echo/
[0] < Building go-echo done.
[0] worker done.
cp -R ./common ./build/go-echo

➜  echo-fn git:(master) ✗ make build .FUNCTION_FILTER=foo
faas-cli build --shrinkwrap --filter="foo"
No functions matching --filter/--regex were found in the YAML file
make: *** [build] Error 1


#!  /usr/bin/env bash

faas-cli build --shrinkwrap $@
# maybe i can try to parse the stack file for the name of the functions and iterate?
cp -R ./common ./build/<function_name>
docker build  -t <prefix>/<function_name> ./build/<function_name>

This script is simpler than the Makefile because we can blanket pass extra args to faas-cli via the $@. However, it still has the hard coded function name

Biggest Downsides:

  1. we need to hard code the copy commands to each function or try to parse a yaml file in make
  2. The author needs to re-implement the tagging and cannot easily reuse the information from the stack.yml

Custom template

One more option that I came up with is create custom template with the common code. The flow would be to

  1. pull the desired template
  2. create/copy the code into the template
  3. commit the template folder with the repo

Biggest downsides:

  1. discoverability and maintenance of the common code is now harder, I would not expect project code to be in the template dir, so this would have to be documented in the project
  2. related to discoverability, there is almost not chance an editor/IDE is going to be able to index the code in the common folder when it is in the template
  3. if the project has multiple functions that want to use different templates, this would result in copying the code multiple times
  4. The author needs to re-implement the tagging and cannot easily reuse the information from the stack.yml

Bash Alternative

After thinking about the "Custom Template" approach, I came up with this alternative bash approach that copies the common folder into the template prior to being built.
This script is also more dynamic that the others

#!  /usr/bin/env bash

for d in ./template/*; 
    cp -R ./common "$d"

faas-cli build --shrinkwrap $@

for d in ./build/*;
    echo "Building ${d:8}"
    docker build -t <prefix>/${d:8}:latest "$d"

Biggest downsides:

  1. This really only makes sense for files/folders that are shared among all functions of a project, there is not a lot of control in the sense of "functions A and B need to share common while C and D need to share models", for example.
  2. The author needs to re-implement the tagging and cannot easily reuse the information from the stack.yml
  3. requires the project author to be comfortable with bash loops and string manipulation

I am fairly comfortable with Bash, so, I would probably advocate for the final option, if someone was going to pursue this direction. It is the most flexible for being directly copied into a new project

alexellis commented 5 years ago

Thank you for providing this, very helpful 👍

The "Biggest downsides" is interesting, what are the biggest upsides?

The theme appears to be that the "Biggest downside" is that using a Makefile means the various arguments are hard to parse if and when needed beyond what's hard-coded in the Makefile?

alexellis commented 5 years ago

An off the wall idea - I think the pain point your team had was copying a common model into each folder for their functions.

Could that model be published to npm or as a pip in a public or private repository?

alexellis commented 5 years ago

If the strongest case was for a change to the CLI, how far do you want to allow the user to traverse outside of the build context to copy in files?

How do we protect from someone putting /etc/password or ../../ or similar to copy system files in from build machines?

What about protection on OpenFaaS cloud where the assumption is the entire function is within the current folder for git-tar?

I'd welcome your thoughts.

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

In my PoC branch I restrict copying to same folder or below of the stack file. I think it is reasonable that you can only copy files that are part of the project

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

Publishing artifacts to pypi or some other location is especially annoying for python and it means that building requires a push and a pull of something that is essentially local. this makes for a very slow feedback loop in local development and testing. Also, during local development and testing, you will not want to actually publish that model or folder.

If the project is private, it also means that to build the project you will probably need to pass credentials to the build process, which is notoriously problematic and easy to do incorrectly and result in credentials in the final image.

The developer could delay the pull of the external resource until function start, but this makes the deployment and cluster setup more fragile because it could be easy to misconfigure the host or credentials for this external repository of stuff. This also makes local testing on a laptop much hard to setup because the cluster inherently is more complicated to deploy, it now needs access to this external repository of stuff

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

Just to make it easier to find, I have implemented a prototype solution in faas-cli here

alexellis commented 5 years ago

RE: the PoC -

Could the --copy-additional-paths flag be --copy-extra and still be workable? I feel the verbosity is descriptive, but hard to type in.

As for adding this to each function in the YAML file, I think I'd rather see it in the common build/config section we're discussing adding in #668

    - name: node10-express
# no URL means fetch from URL in the store.
    - name: rust
    - ./models/
    - /etc/passwd
    - /users/aellis/.docker/config.json

Why? to stay true to the original ask: I want a copy of X in every folder, and also to decouple the function definition from the build configuration a little further. Does that cover the use-case for your team?

alexellis commented 5 years ago

If it would work for you as above, please feel free to work on the PR, but add the unit test cases to show that we are blocking copying from higher levels of the filesystem and C:/windows/system32 and such like. Your PR blocks ../, but does it block /etc/passwd? We should be able to show that with a test or two.

LucasRoesler commented 5 years ago

/set milestone: 0.9.5