openfaas / faas-cli

Official CLI for OpenFaaS
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Support for OpenID based authentication #629

Open itsmurugappan opened 5 years ago

itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago

Support for OpenID based authentication

why open id ?

  1. enterprise standard to support variety of user flows.
  2. connect various to various identity broker like github, ldap
  3. All major languages have open id packages

Openfaas currently supports basic authentication. If it has to support openid based auth either

  1. gateway has to be changed
  2. proxy in front of gateway

To get started we can just have proxy like keycloak gatekeeper in front of openfaas gateway and proxy all requests through it. (No change needed on the gateway)

So what are the changes needed ?

3 ways to connect to openfaas gateway

  1. ui
  2. api
  3. cli

ui - we can use redirect flow, which will redirect to openid providers ui and can login from there api - bearer token in header cli - cli is the one which needs change. Need a way to pass bearer token

my proposal

add functionality to the login, similar to openshift login (oc login)

For example

faas login -u -p --gateway=https://openfaasgateway --well-know-url=openidurl client=openidclient

alexellis commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in the project.

Here are some thoughts/questions:

Adding OAuth2 is not a trivial feature and will be expensive for the community to develop and maintain.

What OAuth flows are you hoping to support and implement?

Once you have authentication, how are you going to implement authorization re: claims and permissions?

To get started we can just have proxy like keycloak gatekeeper in front of openfaas gateway and proxy all requests through it. (No change needed on the gateway)

You mentioned gatekeeper. Have you taken a look at OAuth2Proxy? Does it do what you need?

You may also want to look at OpenFaaS Cloud which includes OAuth2 and integration with GitLab self-hosted and

itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the reply. OAuth2Proxy does what I need. If the OAuth2Proxy protects the openfaas create, delete, list api's, I will need a way to pass the access token in the header to get authorized. That's the reason I am proposing a change in CLI, which I can contribute to.

alexellis commented 5 years ago

When you have time please can you answer my other questions?

itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago

What OAuth flows are you hoping to support and implement?

I had Password grant in mind.

Once you have authentication, how are you going to implement authorization re: claims and permissions?

This can be handled in the gatekeeper or oauth2_proxy. I was planning to authorize based on issuer, audience and role claims (member of an email group)

alexellis commented 5 years ago

How are you planning to relate those roles/claims to the various parts of the OpenFaaS API?

alexellis commented 5 years ago

For me to entertain this suggestion further, I'd like to see a lot more from your side about how you expect it to work for both authentication and more importantly authorisation. The current API model does not map to claims or roles other than one user being the a service-account with full permissions to all APIs.

Here are some more details on what is expected from a proposal:

I'm looking forward to hearing more.

itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago

Sure. I will give details of the proposal soon.

itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago


About the Solution

Proxy requests to Openfaas gateway through a reverse proxy (key cloak gatekeeper or oauth proxy) which integrates with an open id provider

Authentication: The user will authenticate with open id provider to get the access token. Below I have described how each flow will work.

UI: Redirect flow of the reverse proxy API: Request the access token through api call to open id provider Example: curl -X POST https://keycloak/auth/realms/realmname/protocol/openid-connect/token -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'username=uname&password=pass&grant_type=password&client_id=openfaas'

There are also packages available in each programming language to achieve the same

CLI: Similar to API flow, login functionality has to be added to cli to accept user credentials, hit the open id provider and store the access token in the config file.


Changes required in the Openfaas-cli

Login Command:

Mock cli change: faas-cli login -u user -p password --gateway --auth-url=https://oidcprovider/auth/realms/realmname/protocol/openid-connect/token --client=oidcclientname

Deploy/Delete/Describe/List/Invoke Command:


Effort Required:

Changed are required only in Faas-CLI. In FaaS-CLI following changes are needed

  1. Login command
  2. Deploy/Delete/Describe/List/Invoke commands

Migration Strategy/Backwards Compatibility:

The reverse proxy is optional component. If the user opts to use basic auth this component is not needed. From the cli perspective, additional parameters will be added to the login flow only. Since these parameters are optional it will not affect the compatibility with Open FaaS gateway without a proxy in front.

alexellis commented 5 years ago

Once the user is authorized the user will have access to all openfaas gateway api’s.

I'm not sure what the benefits are of using a password-grant which means any user with a single role is a complete admin? How is that enterprise-grade security? It seems pretty much the same as basic-auth.

What I would envision for enterprise-grade OAuth2 is more like:

itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the comments. I made the following changes.

  1. Authorization at API level

The proxy with open id integration like gatekeeper gives the flexibility of authorizing at api level. For example, if we want to restrict the function deployment to developers_write role. Following would be configuration for the gatekeeper.

- uri: /system/function
  - GET
  - developers_read
- uri: /system/function
  - POST
  - developers_write

Can enforce authorization for all api's listed here .

  1. Use the authorization code grant flow for the cli access instead of password grant.


CrystalMethod commented 5 years ago

I would be more than happy to test such feature.

alexellis commented 5 years ago

Hi @CrystalMethod @itsmurugappan I would like your input on the new OIDC flow implemented for OpenFaaS.

It's being tracked by the openfaas/faas issue and the CLI issue I raised.

cc @prahaladdarkin


itsmurugappan commented 5 years ago

sure @alexellis . Will check out this weekend. Got some great updates from you regarding tls and oidc.