Google Cloud Build fails because of lack of permission for the existing non-root user in the faas-cli docker image
This issue is also the root cause for issue #804
Upon resolution, this would allow for successful CI/CD on Cloud Build
Expected Behaviour
The CI/CD steps using faas-cli's official container image should work out of the box for simple steps like pulling in templates, logging-in and deploying to OpenFaas.
Current Behaviour
The CI/CD steps fail while pulling in templates or logging in to OpenFaas with faas-cli.
Possible Solution
A possible solution can be to create a new Dockerfile named Dockerfile-root that uses a root user to invoke the faas-cli commands, and to make changes to the travis.yml so new root images can be published with the non-root faas-cli images.
I've been trying to build and deploy OpenFaas functions with Google Cloud Platform's CI/CD solution named Cloud Build to a GKE Cluster running faas-netes.
Your Environment
FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from: faas-cli version ):
Are you using Docker Swarm (FaaS-swarm ) or Kubernetes (FaaS-netes)?
Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue:
Issue #804 is a good point of reference
Google Cloud Build fails because of lack of permission for the existing non-root user in the faas-cli docker image This issue is also the root cause for issue #804 Upon resolution, this would allow for successful CI/CD on Cloud Build
Expected Behaviour
The CI/CD steps using faas-cli's official container image should work out of the box for simple steps like pulling in templates, logging-in and deploying to OpenFaas.
Current Behaviour
The CI/CD steps fail while pulling in templates or logging in to OpenFaas with faas-cli.
Possible Solution
A possible solution can be to create a new Dockerfile named
that uses a root user to invoke the faas-cli commands, and to make changes to the travis.yml so new root images can be published with the non-root faas-cli images.Context
I've been trying to build and deploy OpenFaas functions with Google Cloud Platform's CI/CD solution named Cloud Build to a GKE Cluster running faas-netes.
Your Environment
FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from:
faas-cli version
): 0.12.4Are you using Docker Swarm (FaaS-swarm ) or Kubernetes (FaaS-netes)? faas-netes
Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue: Issue #804 is a good point of reference