Closed blaargh closed 2 months ago
Hi @blaargh
I don't recognise your profile and I can't see your company in your profile, do you work for a company that is a customer?
If like you say, the Ingress definition is working, why do you need to edit it to include the additional http section?
I took a look into your question. Have you already read the docs for OpenFaaS?
The http
section needs to be inputted via values.yaml, it's all explained above.
Am I missing something else?
Hi @alexellis
I am using openfaas for private projects.
The ingress definition is working in the sense that it is syntactically correct, so Kubernetes doesn't decline it. But without the missing http section, it will never map to any service. I didn't see the documentation you mentioned, I just pulled the chart from artifacthub.
I would expect a mention of that within the chart directly, instead of putting that in the documentation. Because in the chart it is misleading/wrong what you would have to put for a correct ingress definition:
The values.yaml you see is what's required for the previous versions of Kubernetes, you need to refer to the docs for the newer format as I explained in my previous comment.
There is no problem with the Helm chart, it has a minimal configuration, and those wishing to use Ingress and TLS need to follow the documentation:
It generates the "complete" YAML definition you are requesting.
enabled: true
- host: gateway.openfaas.local # Replace with if public-facing
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: gateway
number: 8080
helm repo update && helm upgrade openfaas --install ./chart/openfaas --namespace openfaas -f ./chart/openfaas/values.yaml -f ./chart/openfaas/values-pro.yaml -f ./chart/openfaas/values-custom-ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
annotations: openfaas openfaas
creationTimestamp: "2024-08-19T11:34:56Z"
generation: 1
app: openfaas Helm
chart: openfaas-14.2.65
heritage: Helm
release: openfaas
name: openfaas-ingress
namespace: openfaas
resourceVersion: "1352"
uid: 3ed2e7fb-c42d-4987-9277-5ee53faaeb97
- host: gateway.openfaas.local
- backend:
name: gateway
number: 8080
path: /
pathType: Prefix
loadBalancer: {}
Bear in mind that OpenFaaS CE is only licensed for non-commercial personal use. OpenFaaS Standard is available on a monthly basis and faasd can be used on a single host for commercial purposes if needed.
If it's less confusing for you, we can migrate the empty/default example in values.yaml to follow the newer pattern for K8s ingress, but customers will still need to follow the docs.
@alexellis , I think the change made in broke arkade install openfaas
, which is the installation method recommended by docs.
arkade install openfaas
on a fresh cluster now results in the following error:
VALUES values.yaml
Command: /Users/bobbiec/.arkade/bin/helm [upgrade --install openfaas openfaas/openfaas --namespace openfaas --values /var/folders/89/qswnsxyn10z9kzwy6f2fj87h0000gn/T/charts/openfaas/values.yaml --set autoscaler.enabled=false --set dashboard.publicURL= --set serviceType=LoadBalancer --set openfaasImagePullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set basicAuthPlugin.replicas=1 --set gateway.replicas=1 --set queueWorker.replicas=1 --set queueWorker.maxInflight=1 --set ingressOperator.create=true --set clusterRole=false --set operator.create=false --set faasnetes.imagePullPolicy=Always --set dashboard.enabled=false --set basic_auth=true --set gateway.directFunctions=false]
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: resource mapping not found for name: "openfaas-ingress" namespace: "openfaas" from "": no matches for kind "Ingress" in version "extensions/v1beta1"
ensure CRDs are installed first
Error: exit code 1, stderr: Error: UPGRADE FAILED: resource mapping not found for name: "openfaas-ingress" namespace: "openfaas" from "": no matches for kind "Ingress" in version "extensions/v1beta1"
ensure CRDs are installed first
And, reverting the values.yaml
change to the old version (.ingress.enabled = false
and related) fixed the issue.
Hi thanks for your interest in OpenFaaS CE.
OpenFaaS CE is for personal use. I was curious to learn more about your use-case if you don't mind sharing?
The error no matches for kind "Ingress" in version "extensions/v1beta1"
implies that you may be on an old K8s version? What does kubectl version
give you?
was not meant to be commited, but gave no error for me when I ran arkade install openfaas
with the below version:
Client Version: v1.30.1
Server Version: v1.30.0
That said, I'll disable it and you should be unaffected going forward. You can also use --set ingress.enabled=false
as an argument to arkade install openfaas
Setting up the ingress values leads to an incomplete (yet not broken) ingress definition. It is completely missing the http path options, rendering the current implementation useless, as every update of the upstream chart requires manual edit of the resulting ingress resource.
Expected Behaviour
The ingress definition should be complete, given the values required.
Current Behaviour
The ingress definition is incomplete.
toYaml of the .hosts path in values.yaml is not enough to have a proper ingress definition:
it is missing:
Why is this needed?
So the ingress definition doesn't need to be updated manually after each install
Who is this for?
Everyone using the chart and wanting to receive the latest updates.
List All Possible Solutions and Workarounds
Proposed solution of the ingress.yaml template (specifying everything after the spec key):
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Your Environment
FaaS-CLI version ( Full output from:
faas-cli version
):Docker version
docker version
(e.g. Docker 17.0.05 ):What version and distriubtion of Kubernetes are you using?
kubectl version
Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):
Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue:
What network driver are you using and what CIDR? i.e. Weave net / Flannel