openfga / python-sdk

OpenFGA SDK for Python 3 -
Apache License 2.0
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OpenTelemetry instrumentation #91

Open dacevedo12 opened 3 weeks ago

dacevedo12 commented 3 weeks ago


Describe the problem you'd like to have solved

Given how important is to keep authorization performant, it'd be great if the sdk was instrumented so one could see traces of authorization calls, checks, writes, etc.

Describe the ideal solution

Instrument the sdk with OpenTelemetry

Alternatives and current workarounds

Write a custom instrumentation relying on monkey-patching techniques or instrument at the application level.


Additional context

No response

aaguiarz commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @dacevedo12 !

This is already in our roadmap, we'll start working on it in the next couple of weeks. We'll start with the Python SDK.