openfga / sdk-generator

OpenFGA Client SDK Generator
Apache License 2.0
16 stars 43 forks source link

For each SDK, add a minimal example application #198

Closed rhamzeh closed 9 months ago

rhamzeh commented 1 year ago

The example application would be minimal, just enough to show how one might use the SDK.

It would be sort of a cross between the README and the tests.

It would:

  1. Create a store
  2. Create another store
  3. List Stores (page size 1, paginating)
  4. Delete one of the stores
  5. Write two example authorization models
  6. Read the models, with page size 1, and paginating between them
  7. Read the latest model
  8. Write some tuples
  9. Run some checks
  10. Run ListObjects and ListRelations
  11. Delete some tuples
  12. Run ReadChanges

An added benefit is that it can act as a sort of manual integration test that we can run before releasing the SDK to ensure that nothing broke.