Upon loading a .OBJ file into away 3D, it will only use the last mentioned texture in an object, defined by "o" and "usemtl"
this happens because each object can only have 1 texture, but the OBJ file attempted to load multiple textures onto 1 obj. I fixed this by instead of creating a new object on every use of the O keyword, it ignores the O keyword and will then create a new object under usemtl, then applies the texture.
Upon loading a .OBJ file into away 3D, it will only use the last mentioned texture in an object, defined by "o" and "usemtl"
this happens because each object can only have 1 texture, but the OBJ file attempted to load multiple textures onto 1 obj. I fixed this by instead of creating a new object on every use of the O keyword, it ignores the O keyword and will then create a new object under usemtl, then applies the texture.