openfl / lime

A foundational Haxe framework for cross-platform development
MIT License
754 stars 369 forks source link

linux target: DefaultAssetLibrary should be lime.AssetLibrary #563

Closed raould closed 8 years ago

raould commented 9 years ago

Ubuntu 14.04 x86

$ cat project.xml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <meta title="noname" package="com.example.noname" version="0.0.1" company="Example" />
    <app main="com.example.noname.LimeLoop" file="Main" path="bin" />
    <window background="0x000000" />
    <window width="300" height="512" resizable="false" />
    <window fullscreen="true" if="mobile" />
    <window orientation="portrait" vsync="true" antialiasing="0" if="cpp" />
    <source path="src" />
    <assets path="assets/graphics" rename="graphics" include="*.png|*.jpg" />
    <assets path="assets/audio" rename="audio" include="*.mp3" if="flash" />
    <assets path="assets/audio" rename="audio" include="*.wav|*.ogg" unless="flash" />
    <assets path="assets/font" rename="font" include="*.ttf" />
    <icon path="assets/HaxePunk.svg" />
    <android target-sdk-version="16" />
$ haxelib list
actuate: [1.8.6]
away3d-examples: [1.1.0]
away3d: [1.1.0]
flow: 0.0.0 git [dev:/usr/lib/haxe/lib/flow/git]
format: 3.1.2 [3.2.0]
hamcrest: [2.0.0]
HaxePunk: [2.5.6]
hxcpp: [3.2.102]
jQueryExtern: [2.0.4]
lime-samples: 2.3.0 2.5.1 [2.6.0] 2.4.0
lime: [2.6.2]
luxe: 0.0.0 git [dev:/usr/lib/haxe/lib/luxe/git]
mconsole: [1.6.0]
mcover: [2.1.1]
mlib: [2.0.2]
munit: [2.1.0]
nme: [5.4.2]
openfl-ouya: [1.0.2]
openfl: 3.1.2 3.2.0 3.1.3 [3.3.3] 2.2.4
poly2trihx: [0.1.4]
promhx: [1.0.21] 1.0.20
snow: 0.0.0 git [dev:/usr/lib/haxe/lib/snow/git]
thx.core: [0.33.1] 0.31.0
thx.unit: [0.4.1]
tink_core: [1.0.0-rc.11]
tink_lang: 0.3.1 [0.4.0]
tink_macro: [0.6.4]
tink_priority: [0.1.2]
tink_syntaxhub: [0.3.3]
haxelib run lime build -verbose linux
/\_ \    __                       
\//\ \  /\_\    ___ ___      __   
  \ \ \ \/\ \ /' __` __`\  /'__`\ 
   \_\ \_\ \ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\  __/ 
   /\____\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\
   \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/

Lime Command-Line Tools (2.6.2)

Initializing project...
Using project file: /home/superman/Dev/f1r3/project.xml
Reading HXCPP config: /home/superman/.hxcpp_config.xml
Using target platform: LINUX

Running command: UPDATE
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/3,3,3/templates/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/3,3,3/templates/haxe/NMEPreloader.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/NMEPreloader.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/legacy/templates/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/legacy/templates/haxe/lime/AssetData.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/lime/AssetData.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/3,3,3/templates/legacy/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/3,3,3/templates/legacy/haxe/NMEPreloader.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/NMEPreloader.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/3,3,3/templates/legacy/haxe/DefaultAssetLibrary.hx -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/DefaultAssetLibrary.hx
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/legacy/templates/cpp/hxml/final.hxml -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/final.hxml
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/legacy/templates/cpp/hxml/debug.hxml -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/debug.hxml
 - Copying template file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/legacy/templates/cpp/hxml/release.hxml -> bin/linux/cpp/haxe/release.hxml

Running command: BUILD
 - Copying library file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/hxcpp/3,2,102/bin/Linux/std.dso -> bin/linux/cpp/bin/std.dso
 - Copying library file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/hxcpp/3,2,102/bin/Linux/regexp.dso -> bin/linux/cpp/bin/regexp.dso
 - Copying library file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/hxcpp/3,2,102/bin/Linux/zlib.dso -> bin/linux/cpp/bin/zlib.dso
 - Copying library file: /usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/legacy/ndll/Linux/lime-legacy.ndll -> bin/linux/cpp/bin/lime-legacy.ndll
 - Running command: haxe bin/linux/cpp/haxe/release.hxml
/usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/lime/Assets.hx:435: characters 31-57 : DefaultAssetLibrary should be lime.AssetLibrary
/usr/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,6,2/lime/Assets.hx:435: characters 31-57 : For function argument 'library'
make: *** [buildlime] Error 1
raould commented 9 years ago

So the only thing that apparently even defines DefaultAssetLibrary are templates/haxe/DefaultAssetLibrary.hx templates/compatibility/DefaultAssetLibrary.hx I dunno why they aren't getting seen when building.

Note that e.g. html5 builds ok.

raould commented 9 years ago

correction: html5 is failing with "Could not find template file: html5/template". i did "haxelib run lime setup" and that did not fix it. and fwiw:

3$ haxelib path lime
-L lime/2,6,2/ndll/
-D lime=2.6.2
raould commented 9 years ago

Looks like the answer was I failed to add "<haxelib name="lime" />" to my project.xml. I sure wish there were some way that the errors that could happen would more guide people to the thing they did wrong. :-)