You need 2,327 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
You need 1,827 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
You need 1,327 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
You need 2,827 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
You need 3,327 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.
Diet restrictions and allergies:
A list consisting of gluten-free, dairy-free, diabetics, vegan and religious practices.
For example, if Vegan is chosen in diet restrictions, all the animal products, including meat, eggs and dairy will be eliminated for the search, showing specific results from the category: plant based foods and plant based foods and beverages.
Preferences: Organic, no GMOs, no palm oil.
The basic data that will be taken from the User will be locally saved on the device itself, and will not be sent to Open Food Facts or any 3rd parties.
The User will have an option to edit this data in the future.
The entire database will be searched according to the preferences provided by the User, eliminating the products which do not match the criteria.
Technical Details
It will lead to a UITableView with cells to checkmark the diet restrictions and allergies, leading to final UITableView consisting of the preferences.
As Realm database is already being used, storing search history, it will also be used for storing these preferences locally on a device.
Realm SearchViewController can be used for this purpose.
The categories and labels will be assigned according the preferences. For example: Selecting Vegan as the preference, it will show specifically results from the category: Plant based foods and Plant based foods and beverages.
A personalized interface that will take care of the dietary needs to hugely boost the User experience.
Technical Details