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Quality facet - Ingredients - Consistency check between ingredients and meat used claims #3097

Open teolemon opened 4 years ago

teolemon commented 4 years ago

What Eau, ravioli 27% (semoule complète de blé dur 13%, eau, viande bovine 4%, chapelure (dont gluten), semoule de blé dur 0.6%, carotte, sel, oignon 0.1%, basilic, arôme naturel, huile de tournesol), purée de tomate mi-réduite, tomates pelées 17.5%, carotte, viande bovine 3.5%, oignon 1.5%, arômes naturels (dont céleri), amidon de maïs, huile de tournesol, sel, ail en poudre Beef = 4% + 3,5% Viande bovine mise en œuvre: 7,5% du poids net total Which matches the claim on the packaging.

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stephanegigandet commented 4 years ago

I looked into it, it's probably going to affect 30 products. So I'm in favor of not doing it, and instead to just ignore those phrases.

teolemon commented 10 months ago

Now affecting 455 products, number one unrecognized ingredient in French @stephanegigandet Viande de cheval (65% à la mise en oeuvre)