openfoodfacts / openfoodfacts-server

Open Food Facts database, API server and web interface - 🐪🦋 Perl, CSS and JS coders welcome 😊 For helping in Python, see Robotoff or taxonomy-editor
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Quality Facets - Create a quality facet with detected errors #912

Open teolemon opened 7 years ago

teolemon commented 7 years ago


TODO Photo safety

TODO Additives consistency

TODO Various


teolemon commented 7 years ago

By default, They should be sorted by shortest to longest ingredient list. That way, the easier stuff will be done quickly. Courageous people can start with the longest ingredient lists.

stephanegigandet commented 7 years ago

That sounds very good. Ideally, it would be great if we can make the rules reasonnably easy to write and add. (i.e. without needing to change real code). Something like the edit alerts we already have maybe.

teolemon commented 7 years ago

From Stéphane:

  • ce qui serait simple à faire : on pourrait imaginer un script python en batch qui tourne la nuit, va chercher les produits dans mongodb un à un, et ajoute les facettes que tu veux dans mongodb
  • le seul truc c'est que les facettes en plus ne seraient pas conservées si le produit est édité ensuite via product opener, mais bon, elles seraient remises la nuit suivante
  • le gros avantage c'est que c'est complètement indépendant du code perl, tu lis le doc dans ton script python, tu fais ce que tu veux comme tu veux, et tu rajoutes juste un champ quality_tags dans le doc, et si t'as changé qq chose, tu l'écris dans mongo
teolemon commented 7 years ago

Check for nutrition keywords in ingredients

def parse_nutrition(self):
    nutrition_statements = (
        if any(x in self.encode('utf-8') for x in nutrition_statements):
            print "nutrition_statements"
    except IndexError:
        return None

Check for URLs in ingredients

def parse_url(self):
        import re
        urls_results = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', self)
    except IndexError:
        return None

Check for emails in ingredients

def parse_email(self):
        import re
        email_results = re.findall(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+', self)
        return email_results
    except IndexError:
        return None

Check for phone numbers in ingredients

def parse_phonenumber(self):
        phonenumber_results = []
        import re
        phonenumber_results.append(re.findall(r'\d{3}[-\.\s]??\d{3}[-\.\s]??\d{4}|\(\d{3}\)\s*\d{3}[-\.\s]??\d{4}|\d{3}[-\.\s]??\d{4}', self))
        #str =
        #phonerough ='.info-list')[0].li.findNext('li').get_text().strip()
        #phone = phonerough.split(':', 1)[-1].strip()
        #return "Phone Number"
        #return phonenumber_results
        return phonenumber_results
    except IndexError:
        return None
teolemon commented 7 years ago

Taxonomy based solution for checks

en:Pork-based dishes

Product/Image/OCR check


{u'responses': [{u'logoAnnotations': [{u'score': 0.16612875, u'description': u'AB', u'boundingPoly': {u'vertices': [{u'y': 1507, u'x': 1946}, {u'y': 1507, u'x': 2014}, {u'y': 1630, u'x': 2014}, {u'y': 1630, u'x': 1946}]}}], u'textAnnotations': [{u'locale': u'fr', u'description': u"itaquell\nTartine\nCuisine\nsuggestion\nde pr\xe9sentation\nCreme Amandes\nno avec 12% d'huile dolive\nvierge extra\nNon ouvert, Stocker au frais en-dessous de +10\xb0C\nC E R\nconsommer de pr\xe9f\xe9rence avant le: voir dessous de barquette\nFauser Vitaquell DE-22506 Hamburg\\nAGRICULTURE CERTIFIE PAR DE 0K0-013\nDistribution certifi\xe9e par FR-BIO-01\nBIOLOGIQUE AGRICUITUREUEINON UE\ne 125 g\nArt.-Nr: 20335\n4 003247 203353\nVEGAN\n", u'boundingPoly': {u'vertices': [{u'y': 377, u'x': 777}, {u'y': 377, u'x': 2487}, {u'y': 2117, u'x': 2487}, {u'y': 2117, u'x': 777}]}}]}]} 
teolemon commented 7 years ago

Add conservation instructions in ingredient field detection

Instructions keyword list

A conserver dans un endroit frais
Fabriqué dans un atelier
à conserver l'abri de chaleur et de Ihurnidité.
Conditions de conservation :
Conseils de préparation :
À consommer de préférence avant
dont sucres
Matières grasses : 
dont acides gras saturés
dont sucres
Plus d'infos sur
Poids net:
hangy commented 6 years ago

Taxonomy based solution for checks

en:Pork-based dishes

What about a more generic approach? We already see attempts of cross-linking taxonomies. That could be used to denote that a category is incompatible with a label. For example, in the categories taxonomy, we could have

en:Pork-based dishes

to say that a product in that category cannot be labelled as those. At the same time, it would enable us to support cross-label linking ("auto tagging"?) as already suggested in the categories taxonomy:

<en:Olive oils
en:Olive oils from France
fr:Huiles d'olive de France
nl:Franse olijfoliën