openfoodfacts / smooth-app

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Add a system to refresh all cached products for Nutri-Score v2 #4545

Open teolemon opened 1 year ago

teolemon commented 1 year ago


### Tasks
- [ ] We need to make it possible for the app to switch to the new value
- [ ]
- [ ] We should then display an onboarding about the change, in phase with the official Nutri-Score messaging (not yet available)

Part of

monsieurtanuki commented 1 year ago

About the refresh of local products:

  1. that could be a specific but reusable background task ("refresh all local products")
  2. it would be triggered at app init time, with a flag in the preferences so that we call it only once
  3. in a best world scenario the server would provide a URL that returns the current version of the score algorithms, which we would compare to a locally stored value
  4. in a best world scenario the server would also provide some html text, to be displayed on the specific "onboarding" page
  5. with all that in place we could manage additional nutriscore changes without any impact on the Smoothie code.

Beyond that is the problem of using 2 nutriscores for the same product. If the "new" nutriscore has the same tag as now, that's ok, and there could be an additional nutriscore_previous field for whoever wants to see the evolution.

monsieurtanuki commented 1 year ago

The good thing is that we already have a background task that refreshes all the local products: BackgroundTaskFullRefresh. Currently we use it only in dev mode, when the user specifically asks us to refresh all the local products.

@teolemon @stephanegigandet Would the server be ready to provide us with a URL like, returning

stephanegigandet commented 1 year ago

We should probably weight how much complexity we add versus the benefits we get. Having an old Nutri-Score in the local cache may not be a big problem, especially if we refresh those items when they actually get displayed to the user.

We could just consider that the local cache is just a cache, that it can be outdated (it's already the case for any other edit to the product page), and that it's ok.

Under what conditions / actions do we use the local cache? If I have network connectivity, do we just always get fresh content anyway?

monsieurtanuki commented 1 year ago

@stephanegigandet Actually we use the local cache (local SQLite database) as the main source. Instant results. We don't refresh automatically. The user needs to explicitly refresh (e.g. swipe down gesture), or after a successful local edit the product will be automatically refreshed with the latest server data.

What we could do do implement a lazy refresh, is to async'ly download the product each time we go to the product page - while still displaying the local cache version. After the product is successfully re-downloaded, the displayed data will be refreshed. How often should we do it? In which pages? Those are just details.

teolemon commented 1 year ago

I think whenever we reopen the product page, we should attempt to refresh, and flash the content whenever that happens (possibly with an animated transition)

monsieurtanuki commented 1 year ago

That wouldn't be a problem: we already have a BackgroundTaskRefreshLater that downloads the product 10 minutes later (cf. Robotoff). We can reuse it and set a 0 second delay instead of 10 minutes.

I'm a bit worried about how to prevent cluttering, as we use a single queue for our background tasks. And about low connectivity context.

Perhaps we could add this in dev mode only first, in order to monitor it.

M123-dev commented 1 year ago

Keep in mind I am not up to date with the current background manager implementation, but we could add a kind of priority system, so that things like this are always executed first.

+ Other use: when a query fails (image too small) we could downgrade its importance so that other working queries are not blocked forever

monsieurtanuki commented 1 year ago

Keep in mind I am not up to date with the current background manager implementation, but we could add a kind of priority system, so that things like this are always executed first.

Given how the background manager works and the pain in the neck it would be to amend it (assuming that the concept of priority would be helpful), a moderately easy way to implement a priority could be to use 2 managers, one for fast queries (like product refresh) and one for slower queries (like image upload). Or to just play it lazy with a simple async refresh called without await in initState. But anyway, with slow connection we're doomed.

Other use: when a query fails (image too small) we could downgrade its importance so that other working queries are not blocked forever

monsieurtanuki commented 6 months ago


For refresh, the target is refresh everything to Nutriscore v2, with the ability to test it for privileged users before going public.

We can easily have all the products refreshed: we would just need to clear all local products "download language" field, and start a fake "app language change background task". @teolemon Would you like me to add a dev mode action about it?

Regarding "normal" users, the trick would be to check a one-shot preference value at init time (e.g. "if 0 then set to 1 and refresh all products"). Possibly with a date check "only if date is after April 1st 2024".

M123-dev commented 3 months ago

It has been a while, I guess the nutriscore v2 was rolled out already. Is this still a concern @teolemon