Here are two solutions : correct the serverside answer to give the elements in a listvalue in the request.
or : adapt the code of the rawdata list to have the Strings be broken down into a list.
Solution 2 is the easiest to do, but will create technical dept.
This issue is blocking Ideally, to present values in a list of elements, the values need to be given to the app in a list.
That is not the case for Ingredients and stores.The list values IngredientsTagsInLanguage and storeTagsInLanguage are null. The list of ingredients and stores are found in a single String This can be found in the nutella page, but also this butter and this juice :
Here are two solutions : correct the serverside answer to give the elements in a listvalue in the request. or : adapt the code of the rawdata list to have the Strings be broken down into a list.
Solution 2 is the easiest to do, but will create technical dept.