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Is the search query as minimized and as fast-looking as we can ? #832

Closed teolemon closed 2 years ago

teolemon commented 2 years ago



Part of

monsieurtanuki commented 2 years ago

Part of the problem is that we retrieve 10Kb by product, because we also get all the verbose comments:

just one salmon (welcome to the matrix) ``` {code: 3019081236267, product_name: Rillettes de saumon, brands: Petit Navire, lang: en, quantity: 1 25 g, image_small_url: 0.200.jpg, image_front_url: fr.110.400.jpg, image_front_small_url: 6267/front_fr.110.200.jpg, image_ingredients_url: 01/908/123/6267/ingredients_fr.40.400.jpg, image_nutrition_url: ges/products/301/908/123/6267/nutrition_fr.113.400.jpg, product_quantity: 125.0, selected_images: {f ront: {thumb: {fr: 0.jpg}, small: {fr: 00.jpg}, display: {fr: 0.400.jpg}, original: {}, unknown: {}}, ingredients: {thumb: {fr: mages/products/301/908/123/6267/ingredients_fr.40.100.jpg}, small: {fr: https://images.openfoodfacts .org/images/products/301/908/123/6267/ingredients_fr.40.200.jpg}, display: {fr: https://images.openf}, original: {}, unknown: {}} , nutrition: {thumb: {fr: n_fr.113.100.jpg}, small: {fr: rition_fr.113.200.jpg}, display: {fr: 267/nutrition_fr.113.400.jpg}, original: {}, unknown: {}}, packaging: {thumb: {}, small: {}, display : {}, original: {}, unknown: {}}, other: {thumb: {}, small: {}, display: {}, original: {}, unknown: {}}}, images: {}, imagesFreshnessInLanguages: null, ingredients_analysis_tags: [en:non-vegan, en:non -vegetarian, en:palm-oil-content-unknown], nutriments: {salt_100g: 1.1, fiber_100g: 2.6, sugars_100g : 0.0, fat_100g: 22.0, saturated-fat_100g: 2.5, proteins_100g: 14.0, nova-group_100g: 4, energy_100g : 1092.0, energy-kcal: 261.0, energy-kcal_100g: 261.0, carbohydrates_100g: 0.0, fat_unit: g, protein s_unit: g, nova-group_serving: 4, carbohydrates_unit: g, energy_unit: KCAL, energy-kcal_unit: KCAL, sodium_100g: 0.44, sodium_unit: G, omega-3-fat_100g: 1.9, omega-3-fat_unit: G}, additives_tags: [en: e160c], environment_impact_level_tags: [en:low], allergens_tags: [], nutrient_levels: {sugars: low, fat: high, saturated-fat: moderate, salt: moderate}, nutrition_grade_fr: b, labels_tags: [en:produce d-in-brittany], states_tags: [en:to-be-completed, en:nutrition-facts-completed, en:ingredients-compl eted, en:expiration-date-completed, en:packaging-code-completed, en:characteristics-to-be-completed, en:origins-to-be-completed, en:categories-completed, en:brands-completed, en:packaging-completed, e n:quantity-completed, en:product-name-completed, en:photos-to-be-validated, en:packaging-photo-to-be -selected, en:nutrition-photo-selected, en:ingredients-photo-selected, en:front-photo-selected, en:p hotos-uploaded], attribute_groups: [{id: nutritional_quality, name: QualitĂ© nutritionnelle, attribut es: [{id: nutriscore, name: Nutri-Score, title: Nutri-Score B, icon_url: https://static.openfoodfact, description: , description_short: Bonne qualitĂ© nutritionn elle, match: 61.0, status: known}, {id: low_salt, name: Sel, title: Sel en quantitĂ© modĂ©rĂ©e, icon_ur l:, description_sh ort: 1.1 g / 100 g, match: 40.0, status: known}, {id: low_fat, name: MatiĂšres grasses, title: MatiĂšr es grasses en quantitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e, icon_url: -level-fat-high.svg, description_short: 22 g / 100 g, match: 18.0, status: known}, {id: low_sugars, name: Sucres, title: Sucres en faible quantitĂ©, icon_url: tributes/nutrient-level-sugars-low.svg, description_short: 0 g / 100 g, match: 100.0, status: known} , {id: low_saturated_fat, name: Acides gras saturĂ©s, title: Acides gras saturĂ©s en quantitĂ© modĂ©rĂ©e, icon_url: g, description_short: 2.5 g / 100 g, match: 62.8571428571429, status: known}]}, {id: allergens, name : AllergĂšnes, warning: Il est toujours possible que les donnĂ©es sur les allergĂšnes soient manquantes , incomplĂštes, incorrectes ou que la composition du produit ait changĂ©. Si vous ĂȘtes allergique, vĂ©r ifiez toujours les informations sur l'emballage rĂ©el du produit., attributes: [{id: allergens_no_glu ten, name: Gluten, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Gluten, icon_url: ges/attributes/gluten-content-unknown.svg, status: unknown}, {id: allergens_no_milk, name: Lait, tit le: Contient : Lait, icon_url:, match: 0.0, status: known}, {id: allergens_no_eggs, name: ƒufs, title: Contient : ƒufs, icon_url: h ttps://, match: 0.0, status: known}, {id : allergens_no_nuts, name: Fruits Ă  coque, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Fruits Ă  coque, icon_url: http s://, status: unknown}, {id: alle rgens_no_peanuts, name: Arachides, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Arachides, icon_url: https://static.op, status: unknown}, {id: allergens_no_s esame_seeds, name: Graines de sĂ©same, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Graines de sĂ©same, icon_url: https: //, status: unknown}, {id : allergens_no_soybeans, name: Soja, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Soja, icon_url: https://static.openf, status: unknown}, {id: allergens_no_cel ery, name: CĂ©leri, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : CĂ©leri, icon_url: ges/attributes/celery-content-unknown.svg, status: unknown}, {id: allergens_no_mustard, name: Moutar de, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Moutarde, icon_url: s/mustard-content-unknown.svg, status: unknown}, {id: allergens_no_lupin, name: Lupin, title: PrĂ©sen ce inconnue : Lupin, icon_url: own.svg, status: unknown}, {id: allergens_no_fish, name: Poisson, title: Contient : Poisson, icon_ur l:, match: 0.0, status: known}, {id: allergens_no_crustaceans, name: CrustacĂ©s, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : CrustacĂ©s, icon_url: htt ps://, status: unknown}, { id: allergens_no_molluscs, name: Mollusques, title: PrĂ©sence inconnue : Mollusques, icon_url: https: //, status: unknown}, {id: al lergens_no_sulphur_dioxide_and_sulphites, name: Anhydride sulfureux et sulfites, title: PrĂ©sence inc onnue : Anhydride sulfureux et sulfites, icon_url: s/sulphur-dioxide-and-sulphites-content-unknown.svg, status: unknown}]}, {id: ingredients_analysis, name: IngrĂ©dients, attributes: [{id: vegan, name: VĂ©gĂ©talien, title: Non vĂ©gĂ©talien, icon_url: https ://, match: 0.0, status: known}, {id: vegeta rian, name: VĂ©gĂ©tarien, title: Non vĂ©gĂ©tarien, icon_url: ributes/non-vegetarian.svg, match: 0.0, status: known}, {id: palm_oil_free, name: Sans huile de palm e, title: PrĂ©sence d'huile de palme inconnue, icon_url: ibutes/palm-oil-content-unknown.svg, status: unknown}]}, {id: processing, name: Transformation des a liments, attributes: [{id: nova, name: Groupe NOVA, title: NOVA 4, icon_url: https://static.openfood, description: , description_short: Aliments ultra-trans formĂ©s, match: 0.0, status: known}, {id: additives, name: Additifs, title: 1 additif, icon_url: http s://, match: 80.0, status: known}]}, {id: environment, name: Environnement, attributes: [{id: ecoscore, name: Éco-Score, title: Éco-Score C, i con_url:, description: , descripti on_short: Impact modĂ©rĂ© sur l'environnement, match: 42.0, status: known}, {id: forest_footprint, nam e: Empreinte forĂȘt, title: Empreinte forĂȘt non calculĂ©e, icon_url: images/attributes/forest-footprint-not-computed.svg, description: , description_short: Pour l'instan t seulement pour les produits avec du poulet ou des oeufs, match: 0.0, status: known}]}, {id: labels , name: Labels, attributes: [{id: labels_organic, name: Agriculture biologique, title: Pas un produi t bio, icon_url:, description: L' agriculture biologique vise Ă  protĂ©ger l'environnement et Ă  conserver la biodiversitĂ© en prohibant o u limitant l'utilisation d'engrais synthĂ©tiques, de pesticides et d'additifs alimentaires., descript ion_short: Les produits bios encouragent la durabilitĂ© Ă©cologique et la biodiversitĂ©., match: 0.0, s tatus: known}, {id: labels_fair_trade, name: Commerce Ă©quitable, title: Ne provient pas du commerce Ă©quitable, icon_url:, descript ion: Quand vous achetez des produits du commerce Ă©quitable, les producteurs dans les pays en dĂ©velop pement sont payĂ©s un prix plus haut et plus Ă©quitable, ce qui les aide Ă  atteindre des plus hauts st andards sociaux et environnementaux et Ă  les conserver., description_short: Les produits du commerce Ă©quitable aident les producteurs des pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement., match: 0.0, status: known}]}], ecoscore_grade: c, ecoscore_score: 43.0, ecoscore_data: {grade: c, score: 43.0, status: known, agri balyse: {score: 51.0}, adjustments: {packaging: {value: -3.0, score: 68.1}, origins_of_ingredients: {epi_score: 0.0, epi_value: -5.0, transportation_score: 0.0, transportation_value: 0.0}}, missing_da ta_warning: true}, categories_tags_fr: [Viandes, Produits de la mer, Produits Ă  tartiner, Poissons, Plats prĂ©parĂ©s, Charcuteries, Produits Ă  tartiner salĂ©s, Rillettes, Thons, PrĂ©parations de poisson, Plats prĂ©parĂ©s au poisson, Rillettes de poissons, Rillettes de saumon, Rillettes de thon, en:prepara tions-made-from-fish-meat], labels_tags_fr: [Produit en Bretagne]} ```

And you can note that even when we only retrieve the data from the local database, it takes time. We are too fat!

And that's only one part of the problem.

teolemon commented 2 years ago
monsieurtanuki commented 2 years ago

You ask for 25 products max in your query, and we ask for 500 (!) products: KeywordsProductQuery(keywords: value, size: 500) And you ask for 7 fields (more or less given the translated fields and so), and following are the 30 fields we ask for (cf. ProductQuery.fields:

static List<ProductField> get fields => <ProductField>[
  ProductField.FRONT_IMAGE, // is in your query
  ProductField.QUANTITY, // is in your query

The first step would be to lower the number of requested products from 500 to 25, wouldn't it?

teolemon commented 2 years ago
monsieurtanuki commented 2 years ago

Things would make more sense if we could send the food preferences at query time, and let the server filter / reorder the data before replying it. The end-user would get immediately the best products first.

For the moment we are not able to store paged results: the id of the list is just the keyword. If we want paged results, we need to write some code.

Running both 25 and 500 queries in parallel can be tricky.

I don't know what the personae want, but I know that downloading 500 products for one query would sound crazy. A bit like going to page 50 in google.

teolemon commented 2 years ago

Bumping to P0. This is annoying as hell.

monsieurtanuki commented 2 years ago

So what do you have in mind @teolemon?

  1. running in parallel first 25 products (possibly minified) and all products?
  2. running first 25 products (full) and if wanted page 2, 3, ...

In both cases the first 25 products don't mean that much, as they have nothing to do with one's personal ranking parameters. I guess it's the same problem on the website. We'd definitely be better off with the personal parameters being passed to the URL and returning the best 25 products. I don't know how feasible it would be but that would be awesome.

Another solution would be get the first 25 products, which will be good enough to know the total number of products. And say to the user: "we found 25 products that match your search, but there are 653 matches: would you like to get them all?"

teolemon commented 2 years ago

@stephanegigandet what do you think ?

VaiTon commented 2 years ago

I would load the full product on click, and not before.

This has a huge impact IMHO. Let's do this before thinking about the others

M123-dev commented 2 years ago

Another minimization idea which just came to my mind, we currently request all the fields we show on the product page but it's unlikely everyone needs all of them for ranking.

I for example don't have any big food allergies so for my ranking they can be left out completely.

This of course leads to more complexity but if there is no other way then to query around 500 products for personal search this could make a difference.

monsieurtanuki commented 2 years ago

@teolemon After several days playing with the new "next 25 products" button, how do you feel? I guess the results are much faster and the UX is acceptable, right?