openfoodfoundation / ofn-UserGuide

Keeping the OFN User Guide up to date in all languages
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Improvement: warning of implications of reopening one OC rather than opening new order cycles #31

Open gracejam opened 2 years ago

gracejam commented 2 years ago

Admin Only: Language Checklist for when this Update is Complete

Tell us what you would like to see

Which language version of the User Guide are you viewing? English

Description Features > Shopfront > Order Cycles > Order Cycles (For shops) > 'Open the shopfront'

URL of the page/section which you would like improved/updated

In which instance(s) do you know that users are adversely affected by this section of the User Guide in its current form? Australia

How would you rate the impact of the current version of the User Guide on your instance?

How could the current text be improved? Delete any of the following which do not apply and feel free to add extras

Suggested New Draft

Click Create to save this order cycle.

{% hint style="warning" %} If the opening date of your order cycle has already lapsed then your shop front will be live immediately! If you are not quite ready to open the shop, set the 'Opens At' date to a time in the future. {% endhint %}

For periodic, repetitive order cycles, you can copy an existing order cycle and change the dates, to make the process quicker. Select the icon with two sheets of paper to the right of the table as highlighted below:

occpy (1)

Order cycles will display as green when they are active, yellow when scheduled for a future date, and grey when they have closed. If an order cycle closed over one month ago, it will no longer display on this list. To view all of your past order cycles click show 30 more days or show 90 more days at the bottom of the list.

{% hint style="warning" %} Re opening an order cycle to re open a shopfront can cause confusion at customer checkout, see the warning shown below. For periodically opening shopfronts, duplicate or create new order cycles each time you open the shop rather than editing the open and close dates of one order cycle. {% endhint %}

Customers will be advised when they have already ordered in an order cycle, even if the order cycle was closed for some time before being reopened: pop up in checkout

I would like to be part of a larger User Guide group who re-write this section

Additional Context This could also be added to the 'Open the shopfront' section of Order Cycles (for hubs):