openfoodfoundation / wishlist

This repository welcomes ideas and suggestions to improve the OFN software.
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Allow customers to sort items in their cart alphabetically #148

Open adele-ofn opened 2 years ago

adele-ofn commented 2 years ago

What is the need / problem?

For wholesale customers with very long shopping lists, it can be hard to cross-check a prepared list (e.g. created in excel and sorted alphabetically) against their OFN cart, to ensure they've made the correct order before checking out. At present, the items appear in the order they were selected in the shopfront. The customer can try and shop in the order of their list, but if they make a mistake it will mess up this order and making the cross-checking process confusing.

A customer in the Australian instance asked if it would be possible to have a button in the cart which sorts the item alphabetically, to allow the customer to easily check the items they've ordered against their list.

Which type of users does this problem affect (and how many, if known)?

RachL commented 2 years ago

Papercut if we actually turn this alphabetically by default for everyone.

What are the consequences of this decision: to review for next meeting.

RachL commented 2 years ago

@lin-d-hop I've checked several website and turns out the best practice seems to sort per time items where put in the cart (what we have currently). So I'm thinking of moving this to feature / request. Thoughts?

RonellaG commented 2 years ago

Hi @RachL when you were checking the other ecommerce websites, were you doing it considering shoppers or wholesale buyers? Our wholesaler buyer customers have requested this where they have very long procurement lists.

RachL commented 2 years ago

Hi @RonellaG sorry for the late answer, I've missed your comment here. Indeed I've checked websites where you can do large orders / wholesale one, and the default is always order of purchase. You can do additional ordering though.

As it's not a papercut to do both, maybe this is material for a funded feature? I'm moving this to a dedicated column.