openfoodfoundation / wishlist

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Invoices include 'how to pay' information - including Stripe link #22

Open kirstenalarsen opened 4 years ago

kirstenalarsen commented 4 years ago


After openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork#5208 invoices sent after changes to orders will have the correct information about balances due.

A standard feature on a normal invoice is to include information on how the Customer can pay that invoice. This should be relatively easy to add to our invoices, so that Hubs can just send them out and Customers can pay any balance owing

Shops could add payment information to be printed on their invoices in the Business Details settings page


[on hold as I pursue whether it is actually possible to just put a custom stripe link in there .. ] [of course would be even better if it could open a payment session to take the payment and reconcile it against the order, but i reckon that's getting well out of papercut land - @luisramos0 stripe guru open to your thoughts]

Acceptance Criteria & Tests

  1. Hub / Shop can send an updated invoice with correct balance (#5208)
  2. Customer can easily pay their balance due

NB. This proposed solution still leaves the payment unreconciled i.e. not matched against the amount owing in OFN - that will need to be done manually.

luisramos0 commented 4 years ago

I think that adding a text field to be added to all invoices is papercut size :+1:

The hubs would have to create the text and link to stripe themselves (we could write a guide for that).

But I am not sure exactly what URL would that be: a stripe page outside OFN that allows a customer to pay the hub. There must be such a page on stripe. We have to find out.

Building a page in OFN to do that would be a page similar to "Topup my account on this hub" :heart: that is not papercut :-( but it would be awesome and not difficult M+

luisramos0 commented 4 years ago


kirstenalarsen commented 4 years ago

OK ace - I will spend some time today investigating Stripe - both for this and if we could manipulate it to handle split payments

kirstenalarsen commented 4 years ago



kirstenalarsen commented 4 years ago


Erioldoesdesign commented 3 years ago

Love this idea by the way! Would love to monitor if enterprise-users hack it for other purposes ;)

I would have assumed stripe would have the equivalent of a link... nope looks like you have to create a new link for each invoice via stripe.

andrewpbrett commented 3 years ago

Agree with the consensus in the comments so far here... adding a text field is papercut sized. The mechanism for letting a customer pay for a changed invoice with a balance due by credit card seems really important (!) but definitely outside papercut territory.

jaycmb commented 3 years ago

Would just adding the field and the hub managers having to create a new link for each invoice via stripe still be wanted?

jaycmb commented 3 years ago

Confirmed in Papercut meeting: more than a papercut. Agreed that this is a great feature request but needs some more inception.