openfoodfoundation / wishlist

This repository welcomes ideas and suggestions to improve the OFN software.
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Legally compliant invoices: Include date of service (payment or delivery/shipping/pickup date) #58

Closed jaycmb closed 9 months ago

jaycmb commented 3 years ago

What is the need / problem ?

As a OFN user I want to create legally compliant invoices. This currently is not possible using the OFN invoices in Germany because they must contain the date of service - which in this case is the payment date or the delivery/shipping/pickup date (whatever is earlier).

What is the current impact of the problem ?

German users might get trouble with their tax declaration when using the standard OFN invoices. To avoid this they have to use third-party software, which increases the amount of work and time needed a lot. Providing invoices which are legally not compliant might cause an unprofessional impression of the OFN.

Which type of users does this problem affect (and how many, if known) ?


- Hub Managers (MCFEs) - Producers

All German OFN users creating invoices.

Potential solutions that will solve the problem ?

On the invoice, include the date of service which is

Optional: Enable an option to postpone the date of service up to a few days, in case the invoices are prepared a few days before delivery/pickup/shipping.

Connected wishlist and discovery discussions* [list precedent discussions]

Also linked with work on invoices:

[Github: History of Invoice Changes #11](
[Github: Invoice numbering system #12](Github: Invoice numbering system #12)
[Discourse: Trace order amendments through invoice lines and generate legally compliant invoices](Discourse: Trace order amendments through invoice lines and generate legally compliant invoices)

[ Discourse: Invoices tax compatible](Discourse: Invoices tax compatible)

Additional context

Migrated from Discourse:

Originally opened By: konrad When: Feb '21

Is Papercut or feature candidate?

Feature Candidate

RachL commented 9 months ago


For reference also