openfoodsource / OFS_federation

A repository and management framework for the Federation
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Design website structure and content #18

Closed ayoungethan closed 9 years ago

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

We need to map out the website. I typically separate things out into "dynamic" (blog) vs "static" (page)

For example:

  1. we'll have a history page w/blog link to development announcements (WP uses "categories" or "tags" for this purpose), and
  2. a page with software pictures and explanations (@guising already created that in an email).
  3. We'll need a static mailing list registration (the list should link to an online, searchable issue archive) page as a gateway for downloading the latest stable version.
  4. Placeholder page for the demo and the hosted service, with a blog link to updates on those products and services as well
  5. Placeholder page for other current/planned products and services (we can expand them out as necessary) w/links
  6. We'll need a page showing who's involved (individuals and organizations; a few sentences describing what they do/roles in organization, why they're involved, how long)
ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

What do we want on the front page? We want to show that the project is active. We want people to determine very quickly whether OFS software and Federation are relevant/useful/interesting to them. We want to direct them very quickly and easily to next steps: contact / download / more info / (anything else?).

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

People coming to/using the website

  1. current/prospective developers
    • value proposition (earn money doing something that fits their ethical/value system?)
    • next steps: how to become an OFS developer
  2. prospective users / federation members
    • value propostion (looking for a solution to help make operating a local food hub easier, more cost-effective, user-friendly, etc? also the solution mirrors the ethics of the local food movement)
    • next steps: more info on products/services (pictures / descriptions / testimonials, demo), download/register, contact us
  3. current users / prospective federation members
    • value proposition (what do they gain by becoming members?)
    • next steps: how to become a federation member
  4. current OFS Federation members: these people will come to the website for support, use it to refer to others (word of mouth advertising), download the latest version, read the latest news/announcements
  5. hosted service users will want a quick / easy way to login and work with their corner of shared hosted services
ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

I'm developing a site map based on this discussion

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

Beginning spec on the wiki here, need comment before proceeding:

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

BuddyPress with: BuddyPress-Docs: Some sort of realtime chat (although any WP plugin will work for this purpose!) See how the creators use it at -- it interacts with other WP plugins, such as bbPress:

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

made updates to the wiki file above -- need to create a draft sitemap for review

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago

I think the last thing we need here are links from static pages to appropriate blog categories!

ayoungethan commented 9 years ago
