openforcefield / amber-ff-porting

Scratch space for porting amber FFs into SMIRNOFF format
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Add CYM #44

Closed j-wags closed 8 months ago

j-wags commented 9 months ago

Continues from #42, but with access to an OE license since it's on a branch.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Okay so something else I need to kick this off to generate some files, how were files like this:



While we added CYM to the list of residues, it looks like we also need to generate some input files: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'MainChain/CYM/CYM.mol2'

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

It looks like and are used to create some files, ~so I will probally have to add CYM here as well

EDIT: Was looking at the wrong branch, this PR does that.

I'll now piviot to setting up CI, but if there is some low hanging fruit for me to run locally, I can do that as well.

j-wags commented 9 months ago

That's right - IIRC GenerateDi/Tripeptides makes the structures that are needed. In earlier versions there was one step where @dscerutti used a development branch of mdgx to make some structures but I think that's been replaced by calls to tools in stable releases. Also, I think we have to switch the pmemd calls in that file to sander.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Hmmm, getting /home/runner/work/_temp/ line 1: ${OE_LICENSE}: ambiguous redirect but I've copied exactly...

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Forgot to set OE_LICENSE: ${{ github.workspace }}/oe_license.txt oops

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Cool, now we are seeing the same error in CI that I have locally. It looks like the next step is to figure out either how to generate MainChain/CYM/CYM.mol2 or where to find it.

EDIT: I will see if GenerateDi/Tripeptides creates it.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Okay new error:

  Error opening unit   30: File "CYM.inpcrd" is missing or unreadable                
mv: cannot stat 'mincrd': No such file or directory line 91: CYM.inpcrd: No such file or directory
/home/mmh/micromamba/envs/amber-ff-porting/bin/wrapped_progs/antechamber: Fatal Error!
Cannot open file (CYM.mol2) with mode (r).
No such file or directory

It looks like it exists:

$ ll MainChain/CYM/ 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  457 Sep 28 12:21 ac.out
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 2.5K Sep 28 12:21 ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 2.5K Sep 28 12:21 ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 2.5K Sep 28 12:21 ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 2.5K Sep 28 12:21 ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 4.3K Sep 28 12:21 ATOMTYPE.INF
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  887 Sep 28 12:21 CYM.inpcrd
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 2.5K Sep 28 12:21 CYM.mol2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 1.9K Sep 28 12:21 CYM.pdb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  20K Sep 28 12:21 CYM.prmtop
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  12K Sep 28 12:21 leap.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  384 Sep 28 12:21 mdinfo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  15K Sep 28 12:21 min.out
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  107 Sep 28 12:21
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 1.4K Sep 28 12:21 tleap2.out
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh  130 Sep 28 12:21
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmh mmh 1.9K Sep 28 12:21 tleap.out

Will keep investigating

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

That error went away locally when I added set -euo pipefail which makes no sense and also didn't show up on CI, so, so far so good!

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Quick question for @mattwthompson RE:

Where did the ff14sb_0.0.2.offxml and ff14sb_off_impropers_0.0.2.offxml come from?

Running this pipeline, I get reduced.offxml and reduced_off_impropers.offxml as outputs, those are the files I should remove the stero from, right? (as well as fix the bond headers)

j-wags commented 9 months ago

Where did the ff14sb_0.0.2.offxml and ff14sb_off_impropers_0.0.2.offxml come from?

Just renamed versions of reduced.offxml

Running this pipeline, I get reduced.offxml and reduced_off_impropers.offxml as outputs, those are the files I should remove the stero from, right? (as well as fix the bond headers)


mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

@j-wags for and the output looks like

HarmonicBondForce 6.133906364440918 kJ/mol
HarmonicAngleForce 177.40892028808594 kJ/mol
PeriodicTorsionForce 96.68742370605469 kJ/mol
NonbondedForce -47.276123046875 kJ/mol
232.9541015625 kJ/mol
PeriodicTorsionForce 96.68801879882812 kJ/mol
NonbondedForce -47.2762451171875 kJ/mol
HarmonicBondForce 6.133906364440918 kJ/mol
HarmonicAngleForce 177.40921020507812 kJ/mol
232.954833984375 kJ/mol
187 amber dihedrals (15 impropers) and 187 off dihedrals

I skimmed through the code and while it does a lot of comparisons between the system, I wasn't sure if the output of these files has to be carefully inspected or there was some tool to plot things. Basically (to some degree of confidence) if the script runs without error, does that mean it is good? Or do we need to use another tool to make sure that the FF passes the benchmark.

j-wags commented 9 months ago

As I recall, I had to check for energy discrepancies in the output using a script that I don't appear to have included here, and I can't find on my old computer. Sorry - That one probably needs to be rewritten.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

No worries! What does that analysis look like?

HarmonicBondForce 3.907933235168457 kJ/mol
HarmonicAngleForce 12.979035377502441 kJ/mol
PeriodicTorsionForce 74.42961883544922 kJ/mol
NonbondedForce -325.94696044921875 kJ/mol
-234.63037109375 kJ/mol
PeriodicTorsionForce 74.43064880371094 kJ/mol
NonbondedForce -325.9497375488281 kJ/mol
HarmonicBondForce 3.907932758331299 kJ/mol
HarmonicAngleForce 12.97904109954834 kJ/mol
-234.63214111328125 kJ/mol
169 amber dihedrals (12 impropers) and 169 off dihedrals

For a given block, do we just need to make sure the per energy term is within 1 kJ/mol? I am thinking ahead here and say I've got a magic wand and everything works when we add CYM, and now we have this big file, what metric do we use to say "good enough"?

j-wags commented 9 months ago

I think that flagging differences over 0.1 kJ/mol would be handy - And actually, we DID add a script that does that - There's a previous issue showing examples of its output here:

It looks like we should expect it to highlight a few structures - mostly ASN and GLN. So that can be a control for our current outputs as well.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Awesome, I will add it to the pipeline. Looks like it takes ~5h30min to run on CI, that will likely go up since I noticed that the benchmark script is missing CYM so it will take longer because of combinatorics.

Does CYM belong in the MainChain resname list? or in the else: block? Or both? image

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Okay so for reasons errors get a bit obfuscated. I do want to fix that since that will make CI more functional, but while I work on it, the current real issue we have with adding CYM is generating the N-Terminal and C-Terminal:

==> NTerminal/CYM/leap.log
> x = sequence { NCYM NME }

/home/mmh/micromamba/envs/amber-ff-porting/bin/teLeap: Fatal Error!
sequence: Illegal UNIT at position #1.

Exiting LEaP: Errors = 1; Warnings = 0; Notes = 0. 

==> CTerminal/CYM/leap.log

> x = sequence { ACE CCYM }
Sequence: ACE

/home/mmh/micromamba/envs/amber-ff-porting/bin/teLeap: Fatal Error!
sequence: Illegal UNIT named: CCYM

Exiting LEaP: Errors = 1; Warnings = 0; Notes = 0.

So unless there is some special way to handle CYM (like we do with CYX), I suspect that CYM doesn't belong in the TRMRES list.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Okay I will add some | tee tleap.out instead of > tleap.out, it will make the output more verbose when running Generate{Tr,Di} but when we just adding a residue, I am not sure how else to do it.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

@pbuslaev the tl;dr here is we can't build CYM with an N terminal.

To reproduce the error on CI: Make a file called containing:

source leaprc.protein.ff14SB
x = sequence { NCYM NME }
set x box { 48.0 48.0 48.0 }
saveAmberParm x CYM.prmtop CYM.inpcrd

Then run tleap -f

Let me know if you have any questions.

pbuslaev commented 9 months ago

@mikemhenry Thanks for setting up the CI. I checked amino acids in terminal groups in amber .lib files and indeed CYM is not part of those. So we should not add CYM to TRMRES

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Awesome! The CI can take awhile depending where it fails. I've got this all running locally as well so ping me if you hit an error that isn't easy to troubleshoot on the CI

pbuslaev commented 9 months ago

I am getting this output for ARG_HIE. Should I add this tripeptide to the list of malformed?

 ['CTerminal', 'ARG_HIE', 'ARG_HIE']
['HarmonicBondForce', '15.277278379009807', 'kJ/mol']
['HarmonicAngleForce', '116.9349552029777', 'kJ/mol']
['PeriodicTorsionForce', '103.24938218984182', 'kJ/mol']
['NonbondedForce', '-1167.615240217328', 'kJ/mol']
['-932.1536244454986', 'kJ/mol']
['Partial', 'charge', 'sum', '(-1.6463341800942999e-09', 'e)', 'for', 'molecule', "'default_name'", '(SMILES', '[H]C1=C(N=C([N+]1[H])[H])C([H])([H])[C@@]([H])(C(=O)[O-])N([H])C(=O)[C@]([H])(C([H])([H])C([H])([H])C([H])([H])[N+](=C(N([H])[H])N([H])[H])[H])N([H])C(=O)C([H])([H])[H]', 'does', 'not', 'equal', 'formal', 'charge', 'sum', '(1.0', 'e).', 'To', 'override', 'this', 'error,', 'provide', 'the', "'allow_nonintegral_charges=True'", 'keyword', 'to', 'ForceField.create_openmm_system']
mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

@j-wags who is the right person to ping for questions like this? :point_up:

j-wags commented 9 months ago

I'm the right person to ask.

That's a tiny charge difference and can be ignored - This should be the case for anything under about 1e-6 elementary charge. Feel free to downgrade that from an error to a warning - maybe wrap it in a try/except, and if it gets the NonIntegralChargeError, have it rerun create_openmm_system with allow_nonintegral_charges = True

j-wags commented 9 months ago

That is, don't add that to the malformed list.

pbuslaev commented 9 months ago

Ok, I made the condition for creating a system a bit softer, so now all the tests pass. Now I move back to the full testing.

BTW, do we really need to run all validation? Is not it enough to run validation only for new added residues? This approach can significantly speed up the workflow.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

BTW, do we really need to run all validation? Is not it enough to run validation only for new added residues? This approach can significantly speed up the workflow.

I am not sure the right way to detect just the newly added ones since there are some bash loops that generate everything but skip over the ones that already exist. While it is annoying to wait that long, I think it would be better to waste the validation time and be extra sure.

Once CI passes for this all check, I will download the artifacts and then do the parameter dedupe. Thank you so much for the help @pbuslaev

pbuslaev commented 9 months ago

@mikemhenry @j-wags, I wonder if you had time to progress with generation new version of amber porting? Would be great to test it!

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

@pbuslaev Sorry I just forgot about this, it looks like it passed so what I will do now is download the artifacts and then do the dedupe and post the results. I'll ping Jeff at that point to take a look at the FF and if it all looks good then we should be good to ship it.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Once quick thing I noticed is under the benchmark results, we only have main chain with CYM, no C or N terminal, and no CYM_other_residue. If that is expected then that is fine, but I am wondering if we are missing benchmarking CYM_other_residue. This is all we have under Main Chain:

2023-10-05T21:46:07.1420489Z CYM
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1421315Z   Bond:     2.5134    2.5134   -0.0000       
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1422153Z   Angl:     9.6107    9.6106    0.0000    
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1423014Z   Dihe:    39.6740   39.6741   -0.0001    
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1423889Z   Nonb:  -147.3224 -147.3225    0.0000
pbuslaev commented 9 months ago

Once quick thing I noticed is under the benchmark results, we only have main chain with CYM, no C or N terminal, and no CYM_other_residue. If that is expected then that is fine, but I am wondering if we are missing benchmarking CYM_other_residue. This is all we have under Main Chain:

2023-10-05T21:46:07.1420489Z CYM
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1421315Z   Bond:     2.5134    2.5134   -0.0000       
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1422153Z   Angl:     9.6107    9.6106    0.0000    
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1423014Z   Dihe:    39.6740   39.6741   -0.0001    
2023-10-05T21:46:07.1423889Z   Nonb:  -147.3224 -147.3225    0.0000

If I understand correctly CYM_other_residue entries should appear after call. In the original version, neither CYS nor CYX were included into the list of residues to test, so I did not add CYM as well. We can add those, if you think it is needed. As for C- and N-terminals, tleap for some reason can not generate NCYM and NCYX, thus, we can not add those.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

I am running the dedupe and we will soon have the FF with CYM.

I am not sure how to test CYM since we couldn't add C- and N- terminals with tleap and it doesn't look like we test/compare CYM in a dimer or trimer, so I am just concerned that we don't have a great way to test the FF.

I will post the "production" version of the FF once dedupe finishes (and I edit the bond header)

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

Just wanted to give a quick update: Tripeptide tests are still running locally for me, so far so good.

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

I've attached the new FF files with CYM. @pbuslaev please give these a test and let me know if they work. I added .zip to the end of the file names to trick the really annoying issue where github cares about the file name extension (but not the actual file type, go figure).

@j-wags it looks like the like there is only one LibraryCharge with CYM (so no things like CTerminal-CYM_CYM so I think we should be okay. Not sure what else to spot check.

<LibraryCharge smirks="[H:4][C:3]([C:9]=[O:10])([C:5]([H:6])([H:7])[S-:8])[N:1][H:2]" charge1="-0.4157 * elementary_charge" charge2="0.27190000000000003 * elementary_charge" cha     rge3="-0.0351 * elementary_charge" charge4="0.0508 * elementary_charge" charge5="-0.2413 * elementary_charge" charge6="0.1122 * elementary_charge" charge7="0.1122 * elementary_charge" c     harge8="-0.8843999989024437 * elementary_charge" charge9="0.5973000005487781 * elementary_charge" charge10="-0.5679000016463344 * elementary_charge" id="MainChain-CYM_CYM"></LibraryCharge>

Also including some plots from the notebook as well: image


(I added .zip to trick github, it isn't really zipped so just remove the .zip extension from the file name)

Let me know if you need anything else. If everything looks good then we can create a new release.

EDIT: I had a typo in the file names, it is fixed now

mikemhenry commented 9 months ago

@pbuslaev have you had a chance to test the ff to see if it works for you?

pbuslaev commented 8 months ago

Hi @mikemhenry. Sorry, last week was a bit busy. I will try my best to test it next week.

mikemhenry commented 8 months ago

@pbuslaev no worries!

pbuslaev commented 8 months ago

I can confirm that now I can generate system with negatively charged CYS

mikemhenry commented 8 months ago

Awesome! Do you have any way to test if you get sensible results?

pbuslaev commented 8 months ago
As for now, I can confirm that assigned parameters are consistent with amber14sb parameters (I manually checked charges, LJ parameters, and some bonds/angles/torsions). Also, I generated a protein with CYM and amber14 with gromacs. Then I minimized the protein, loaded it into interchange with the new force field and computed energy with get_gromacs_energies. Additionally I computed energies in GROMACS with the original force field. These are the results: Type Bond Angle Torsion Nonbonded
Interchange OpenMM 151.34 755.73 3640.02 -4270.85
GROMACS 151.34 755.73 3637.16 -4270.95
mattwthompson commented 8 months ago

@pbuslaev if you have the time, could you add detailed=True to both get_openmm_energies and get_gromacs_energies and share the results?

To be clear this is for my own curiosities, I'm not trying to get in the way of this PR getting across the finish line. In your last comment, it strikes me that the proper and improper torsions are not split out. I'm not sure if Interchange does a good job of handling these more detailed energy reports, and until now I've mostly been testing them with contrived cases.

pbuslaev commented 8 months ago

@mattwthompson get_gromacs_energies resulted in the error

InvalidEnergyError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[166], line 1
----> 1 a_energies = get_gromacs_energies(i1,mdp = "default", detailed=True)
      2 a_energies

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openff/interchange/drivers/, in get_gromacs_energies(interchange, mdp, round_positions, detailed)
     57 def get_gromacs_energies(
     58     interchange: Interchange,
     59     mdp: str = "auto",
     60     round_positions: int = 8,
     61     detailed: bool = False,
     62 ) -> EnergyReport:
     63     """
     64     Given an OpenFF Interchange object, return single-point energies as computed by GROMACS.
     84     """
---> 85     return _process(
     86         _get_gromacs_energies(
     87             interchange=interchange,
     88             mdp=mdp,
     89             round_positions=round_positions,
     90         ),
     91         detailed=detailed,
     92     )

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openff/interchange/drivers/, in _process(energies, detailed)
    254 """Process energies from GROMACS into a standardized format."""
    255 if detailed:
--> 256     return EnergyReport(energies=energies)
    258 return EnergyReport(
    259     energies={
    260         "Bond": energies.get("Bond", 0.0 * kj_mol),
    266     },
    267 )

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/v1/, in BaseModel.__init__(__pydantic_self__, **data)
    333 """
    334 Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
    336 Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
    337 """
    338 # Uses something other than `self` the first arg to allow "self" as a settable attribute
--> 339 values, fields_set, validation_error = validate_model(__pydantic_self__.__class__, data)
    340 if validation_error:
    341     raise validation_error

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/v1/, in validate_model(model, input_data, cls)
   1073     if check_extra:
   1074         names_used.add( if using_name else field.alias)
-> 1076 v_, errors_ = field.validate(value, values, loc=field.alias, cls=cls_)
   1077 if isinstance(errors_, ErrorWrapper):
   1078     errors.append(errors_)

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/v1/, in ModelField.validate(self, v, values, loc, cls)
    895     v, errors = self._validate_sequence_like(v, values, loc, cls)
    897 if not errors and self.post_validators:
--> 898     v, errors = self._apply_validators(v, values, loc, cls, self.post_validators)
    899 return v, errors

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/v1/, in ModelField._apply_validators(self, v, values, loc, cls, validators)
   1155 for validator in validators:
   1156     try:
-> 1157         v = validator(cls, v, values, self, self.model_config)
   1158     except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError) as exc:
   1159         return v, ErrorWrapper(exc, loc)

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/v1/, in _generic_validator_cls.<locals>.<lambda>(cls, v, values, field, config)
    302     return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(cls, v, values=values, field=field, config=config)
    303 elif args == set():
--> 304     return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(cls, v)
    305 elif args == {'values'}:
    306     return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(cls, v, values=values)

File /tmp_mnt/filer1/unix/pbuslaev/conda_env/openff_dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openff/interchange/drivers/, in EnergyReport.validate_energies(cls, v)
     49 for key, val in v.items():
     50     if key not in _KNOWN_ENERGY_TERMS:
---> 51         raise InvalidEnergyError(f"Energy type {key} not understood.")
     52     if not isinstance(val, unit.Quantity):
     53         v[key] = FloatQuantity.validate_type(val)

InvalidEnergyError: Energy type Proper Dih. not understood.
mikemhenry commented 8 months ago

@pbuslaev This is looking great! I think will have to wait until @j-wags gets back from vacation to cut an official release (this is wild speculation, someone else may be able to do it but he volunteered). That should give people more time to stress test this FF anyway before it ends up in

mattwthompson commented 8 months ago

I can cut releases in Jeff's absence - in this case I could use a refresher on what the requirements are. I wasn't following the discussion too closely, but I have a vague memory of the energies (save impropers) of earlier ports matching Amber's implementation extremely closely, which also seems to be the case here.

This would be deployed to - the result of this change would be ff14sb_0.0.4.offxml, right?

pbuslaev commented 8 months ago

I can cut releases in Jeff's absence - in this case I could use a refresher on what the requirements are. I wasn't following the discussion too closely, but I have a vague memory of the energies (save impropers) of earlier ports matching Amber's implementation extremely closely, which also seems to be the case here.

This would be deployed to - the result of this change would be ff14sb_0.0.4.offxml, right?

I guess also ff14sb_0.0.4_imporpers.offxml should be added

mattwthompson commented 8 months ago

Right, I should have added a wildcard or something in that filename, I was just trying to get at it being version 0.0.4 of the existing line

mikemhenry commented 8 months ago

Yes and the two FF files I attached in are production ready (just need the file name to indicate it is version 0.0.4 as I removed stereo stuff @ and de-duped params (the only part of the pipeline now that isn't automated).

I did modify the notebooks slightly on my end, but the only change was the name(s) of the inputs and the outputs, so this PR has all the code changes baked in, so it should be

  1. Merge in PR
  2. Create release on github
  3. Upload and re-name files from and attach to release

At least that is all I can think of.

mattwthompson commented 8 months ago

Awesome, I think I can take it over from here. I'll give everything a once-over and then work through that checklist!

j-wags commented 8 months ago

Sorry to leave at the worst possible time for this, and thanks everyone for carrying this forward. I agree with everything done here so far, and agree this is ready for release following Mike's bullet points. Thanks a billion, @pbuslaev @mikemhenry and @mattwthompson!

mattwthompson commented 8 months ago

@mikemhenry are these files ultimately generated in CI or locally? If the latter, could you export your conda environment (like before)? Or, if you have permissions, just upload directly to the 0.0.4 release.

mikemhenry commented 8 months ago

@mattwthompson I will export my conda env since I took them from CI, but then did run them locally for the de-dupe, so that will be nice for people to have. It looks like I have permissions to update the release directly, so I will do that.