openforcefield / cmiles

Generate canonical molecule identifiers for quantum chemistry database
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Problem when loading TorsionDrive qcmol from QCA #55

Open wutobias opened 3 years ago

wutobias commented 3 years ago

Hi folks,

please have a look at the following code:

import qcportal as ptl
import cmiles


qc_client  = ptl.FractalClient("")
ds         = qc_client.get_collection('TorsionDriveDataset', "OpenFF Substituted Phenyl Set 1")
qcrecord   = ds.get_record("CCC(=O)Nc1[cH:1][c:2](ccn1)[NH:3][CH2:4]C", 
qcmols     = qcrecord.get_final_molecules()

for torsion_crd, qcmol in qcmols.items():
    oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcmol, toolkit="openeye")

Fails with the following error:

(29, 3)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-f79a5682ac30> in <module>
     16 qcmols     = qcrecord.get_final_molecules()
     17 for torsion_crd, qcmol in qcmols.items():
---> 18     oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcmol, toolkit="openeye")

~/progs/anaconda3/envs/atomtyping/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cmiles/ in load_molecule(inp_molecule, toolkit, **kwargs)
     65     if isinstance(inp_molecule, dict):
     66         # This is a JSON molecule.
---> 67         molecule = mol_from_json(inp_molecule, toolkit=toolkit, **kwargs)
     69     elif isinstance(inp_molecule, str):

~/progs/anaconda3/envs/atomtyping/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cmiles/ in mol_from_json(inp_molecule, toolkit, **kwargs)
    126     geometry = np.asarray(inp_molecule['geometry'], dtype=float)*BOHR_2_ANGSTROM
    127     if len(symbols) != geometry.shape[0]/3:
--> 128         raise ValueError("Number of atoms in molecule does not match length of position array")
    130     if toolkit == 'openeye' and has_openeye:

ValueError: Number of atoms in molecule does not match length of position array

The test qcmol in the example should be fine and the number of symbols matches the number of coordinates. I think the offending line must be changed to something like:

if symbols.shape[0] != geometry.shape[0]:
    raise ValueError("Number of atoms in molecule does not match length of position array")

Thanks, Tobias

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce this with a few modifications. I think your suggested fix is good (it's actually somewhat confusing how this was working before).

Could you post the output of conda list? I'm mostly curious what version of Pydantic you have installed.

wutobias commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking into this. I think this only broke recently, since the geometry in the qcmols seems now to be parsed as (natoms, 3) np.ndarray. I found at least two more lines that may suffer from the same issue (current master branch):


mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Could you look at the changes in #59 and see if those will fix your issues? I think I found the same changes you did 👍

wutobias commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this fixes #55. The fix also works with qcmols from OptimizationDatasets. For instance:

import qcportal as ptl
import cmiles

qc_client  = ptl.FractalClient("")
ds         = qc_client.get_collection('OptimizationDataset', "FDA Optimization Dataset 1")
qcrecord   = ds.get_record("C[NH2+]C[C@@H](c1ccc(c(c1)O)O)O-0", 
qcmol      = qcrecord.get_final_molecule()
oemol      = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcmol.dict(), toolkit="openeye")
rdmol      = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcmol.dict(), toolkit="rdkit")

The oemol is returned successfully, however the rdmol fails due to another reason not related to this issue I think RuntimeError: Could not sanitize molecule. I'll open another issue for this.