openforcefield / openff-toolkit

The Open Forcefield Toolkit provides implementations of the SMIRNOFF format, parameterization engine, and other tools. Documentation available at
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Infer bond orders and formal charges #1828

Open peastman opened 7 months ago

peastman commented 7 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Creating a Topology requires you to provide bond orders and formal charges. Sometimes that information is not available, like when reading a PDB file or converting an OpenMM Topology. In that case, you need to provide SMILES strings for each molecule. That itself may be hard to determine, such as if all you have is the PDB file, or if it contains a protein.

Describe the solution you'd like As long as all hydrogens are present, you can determine the bond orders and formal charges from the elements and bonds. That would make some workflows much easier. This article describes an algorithm for doing it. This routine in MDAnalysis implements it. We can't copy the code directly since it's GPL, but it's fine to use it as a reference for how the algorithm works.

Describe alternatives you've considered RDKit has a routine called determineBondOrders() that does something similar. However, it starts by throwing out all the existing bonds and determining new ones based on coordinates. That isn't a reliable thing to do.

j-wags commented 7 months ago

This seems like a solid idea. My major concerns are:

Anyway, the biggest thing I'd like to see to approve this moving forward in our ecosystem is a benchmark that it actually works. So the first step toward either of these outcomes is running the InChI benchmark.

Assorted notes:

peastman commented 7 months ago

That's a great idea for the test. I'll try writing something along those lines and see how MDAnalysis does.

peastman commented 7 months ago

The following test goes through all the monomers from the DES370K dataset (just under 400 of them). For each one it performs the series of transformations SDF->OpenFF Molecule->PDB->MDAnalysis Unverse->RDKit Molecule->OpenFF Molecule. It doesn't find any errors.

from openff.toolkit import Molecule
import MDAnalysis as mda
import os

dir = '/Users/peastman/workspace/spice-dataset/des370k/SDFS'
errors = 0
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
    mol = Molecule(os.path.join(dir, filename), allow_undefined_stereo=True)
    mol.to_file('temp.pdb', 'PDB')
    u = mda.Universe('temp.pdb')
    mol2 = Molecule(u.atoms.convert_to('RDKit', force=True), allow_undefined_stereo=True)
    if mol.to_inchi() != mol2.to_inchi():
        print(filename, mol.to_inchi(), mol2.to_inchi())
        errors += 1
print(errors, 'errors')

That's the biggest set of SDF files I happened to have sitting around. I have SMILES strings for about 400,000 PubChem molecules that can make a much bigger test.

peastman commented 7 months ago

I haven't read a lot into license compatibility

Here is how the Free Software Foundation interprets it according to their FAQ. When you load a GPL library into memory, you link it to all the other code running in that process. All that code together becomes a derived product and must be licensed under the GPL. Therefore, any code that you load into the same process as a GPL library must be available under a GPL-compatible license (one that allows relicensing it as GPL). That isn't a problem for OpenFF Toolkit itself because the MIT license is GPL-compatible. But the OpenEye toolkit is not. If you load both the OpenEye toolkit and MDAnalysis into the same process, you're violating the license.

lilyminium commented 7 months ago

I'm also not incredibly familiar with licenses, but very simplistically the way I understand it is code that runs import MDAnalysis should also currently be GPL-licensed. So as @peastman says you could load the OpenFF toolkit and MDAnalysis into the same GPL code, but I'm not sure what the implications would be of actually including MDAnalysis code in the Toolkit itself, even if it's an optional dependency and isolated in a toolkitwrapper. We're trying to re-license at the moment to LGPL but it's a slow process. The RDKit converter implementation, however, has relatively few authors -- it could be easier to ask them if they would relicense the implementation to be MIT-compatible and possibly just copy that.

mattwthompson commented 7 months ago

I'm in favor of not depending on GPL code at runtime, certainly not adding new GPL dependencies now that I am aware of this argument that side-by-side imports are a license violation. (I previously thought Python's import library got around GPL via magic I didn't understand, but now I'm not sure.)

The toolkit tries to load oechem in most practical code paths:

In [1]: from openff.toolkit import Molecule

In [2]: import os, sys

In [3]: os.path.isfile("/Users/mattthompson/.oe_license.txt")
Out[3]: True

In [4]: "openeye"in sys.modules
Out[4]: True

so I'm already needing to go back and see if some tests I wrote in the past are infected (presumably this is why OpenFE has mixed licenses in its ecosystem?).

peastman commented 7 months ago

This version of the test runs through the PubChem molecules.

from openff.toolkit import Molecule
import MDAnalysis as mda
import os

errors = 0
for line in open('/Users/peastman/workspace/spice-dataset/pubchem/sorted.txt'):
    id, smiles = line.split()
    mol = Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
    mol.to_file('temp.pdb', 'PDB')
    u = mda.Universe('temp.pdb')
    mol2 = Molecule(u.atoms.convert_to('RDKit', force=True), allow_undefined_stereo=True)
    if mol.to_inchi() != mol2.to_inchi():
        print('Error:', smiles)
        errors += 1
print(errors, 'errors')

It does report some errors. Here are a few examples.

Error: N#P(Br)Br

Error: [O-][I+3]([O-])([O-])[O-]

Error: I[I-]I

Error: Cl[C+](Cl)Cl

Error: O=S=NSN=S=O

Error: [O-][n+]1cc2c3c[n+]([O-])c4ccccc4c3[n+]([O-])nc2c2ccccc21

It looks to me like these are mostly cases where it's getting the total charge wrong. Unlike the MDAnalysis routine, the determineBondOrders() function in RDKit does take the total charge as an argument. I'll try it next and see if it does better.

peastman commented 7 months ago

This version uses RDKit to read the PDB file and fill in missing information.

from openff.toolkit import Molecule
from rdkit import Chem

errors = 0
for line in open('/Users/peastman/workspace/spice-dataset/pubchem/sorted.txt'):
    id, smiles = line.split()
    mol = Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
    mol.to_file('temp.pdb', 'PDB')
    rdmol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile('temp.pdb', removeHs=False)
    mol2 = Molecule(rdmol, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
    if mol.to_inchi() != mol2.to_inchi():
        print('Error:', smiles)
        errors += 1
print(errors, 'errors')

When it fails, it generally knows something has gone wrong and prints an error message.

[13:35:37] UFFTYPER: Warning: hybridization set to SP3 for atom 1
[13:35:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized charge state for atom: 1
[13:35:37] Explicit valence for atom # 0 F, 2, is greater than permitted
[13:35:37] ERROR: Empty structure

Error: F[P-](F)(F)(F)(F)F
[13:35:37] ERROR: Empty structure
peastman commented 7 months ago

I ran 10,000 PubChem molecules through the above code. Here's how it did.

9862 succeeded. It made it through all the transformations, and the final molecule was identical to the initial one.

122 reported errors in reading the PDB file and MolFromPDBFile() returned None. These ones failed, but RDKit knew they had failed.

16 made it through, but the final molecule was different from the initial one.

Here are some of the molecules in that last category.

Error: CC1=CC2=S(SC=C2)S1

Error: O=S(=O)(/N=S1/N=S=NS1)C(F)(F)F

Error: CN1P(F)(F)(F)N(C)P1(F)(F)F

Error: ClC1(Cl)SC(Cl)(Cl)S1

Error: S=C1Cc2[nH]c(=S)sc(=S)c2C(=S)N1

Error: N#Cc1cc(S(=O)(=O)Nc2ncns2)ccc1Oc1ccc(Cl)cc1-c1ccnc(N)c1
Yoshanuikabundi commented 7 months ago

I think this would be a great feature - but it does add ambiguity when hydrogens are missing. If I pass in a PDB with graph N-C-C-N, at the moment we can say "I don't know what that is" and raise an exception. With this change, we'd say it was SMILES N#CC#N (the dinitrile). But what if the user has made a mistake and intended the diamine [NH2][CH2][CH2][NH2] but didn't include hydrogens? With this change, we lose the ability to ask the user to disambiguate their input.

Since PDB files in particular usually do not include hydrogens, we should be very careful doing this by default. Even a check that fails if there are no hydrogens would not be sufficient to make this safe, as PDB files commonly include non-polar hydrogens. I would be in favour of a false-by-default, well documented infer_bond_orders argument though!

IAlibay commented 6 months ago

Just chiming in on a couple of thoughts with my MDA & OpenFE hats on:

so I'm already needing to go back and see if some tests I wrote in the past are infected (presumably this is why OpenFE has mixed licenses in its ecosystem?).

To clarify, the strategy here is that the core openfe toolkit isn't importing openfe_analysis but rather calling it via subprocess. This a reasonably common approach that gets around licensing concerns about dynamic linking.

We're trying to re-license at the moment to LGPL but it's a slow process. The RDKit converter implementation, however, has relatively few authors -- it could be easier to ask them if they would relicense the implementation to be MIT-compatible and possibly just copy that.

Couple of thoughts here: 1) Although we still have some distance to go, MDAnalysis relicensing is probably on the order of months rather than years. We still have to talk to our lawyer about the current status of things, but assuming we can get a couple of universities to agree, I am optimistic that we're likely to be close to done by summer - or at least a point where a package of a portion of the library that is LGPLv2.1+ licensed could be made. P.S. Part of the blocker here is FTE time - if you want to go this direction there's definitely things that could be done to accelerate the process. 2) A direct converter package itself would still be GPLv3+ licensed for now even if only the relevant authors agreed to the license change. You would need to remove the MDAnalysis dependency itself, and even then you might still be in "is this derivative work by design" ambiguity.

peastman commented 6 months ago

It looks like most of those errors aren't reproducible. They happen when RDKit incorrectly infers the bonds based on coordinates. Since the script calls generate_conformers() to generate a random conformation, the set of failures can be different each time.

That does suggest a workaround. It's easy to check whether it inferred the correct set of bonds. If it didn't, generate a new random conformation and try again. Of course, it would be even better if RDKit would use the actual bonds specified in the PDB file, not insist on ignoring them and selecting new bonds based on coordinates.

peastman commented 5 months ago

I have a bit of an update on this. I realized the tests above were kind of cheating. I had OpenFF generate a conformer, wrote it to a PDB file, and had RDKit read the file and try to infer bond orders from it. But here's the problem: OpenFF already knew the bond orders at the start, and made use of them in generating the conformer. Without that information, it couldn't generate realistic coordinates, and without realistic coordinates, RDKit couldn't determine the bond orders. Oops!

Instead I tried to get RDKit to infer bond orders just from the topology without needing a conformation. In the process I discovered a couple of bugs. A new RDKit version with fixes for those bugs was just released today, allowing me to get back to it. Here is the new code to create an RDKit molecule from an OpenFF molecule and determine bond orders.

rdmol = Chem.EditableMol(Chem.Mol())
for atom in mol.atoms:
    a = Chem.Atom(atom.atomic_number)
for bond in mol.bonds:
    rdmol.AddBond(bond.atom1_index, bond.atom2_index, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
rdmol = rdmol.GetMol()
rdDetermineBonds.DetermineBondOrders(rdmol, int(mol.total_charge.m), embedChiral=False)

DetermineBondOrders() throws an exception if for any reason it can't determine them. I ran 10,000 PubChem molecules through this code with the following results.

That last case doesn't necessarily mean it was wrong. Someone more knowledgeable about this than me would have to look at them and decide. In some cases I suspect the problem may be in the original specification. Like this one:

Original: [H][O+]=[C]1[N-][c]2[c]([H])[c]([C]([F])([F])[F])[c]([H])[n+]([O-])[c]2[N-][C]1=[O+][H] Final: [H][O][C]1=[N][C]2=[C]([H])[C]([C]([F])([F])[F])=[C]([H])[N]([O-])[C]2=[N+]=[C]1[O][H]

I'm not a chemist, but that just looks really strange to me. Positive charges on the oxygens??? The one produced by RDKit looks a lot more plausible.

j-wags commented 2 months ago

I haven't had enough time to make a coherent writeup or mental model of this area, but I have been poking at this from a few angles. Instead of remaining silent for another few months until I have a grand plan, I'll post two notable things that I've found so far

The MDAnalysis guesser works for a sizeable protein and correctly figures out total charge

import MDAnalysis as mda
from openff.toolkit import Topology, Molecule
from rdkit.Chem import rdmolops
u = mda.Universe('../../examples/toolkit_showcase/5tbm_prepared.pdb', guess_bonds=True)
rdmol = u.atoms.convert_to('RDKit', force=True)
mol_frags = rdmolops.GetMolFrags(rdmol, asMols = True)
largest_rdmol = max(mol_frags, key=lambda m: m.GetNumAtoms())

prot_from_mda = Molecule(largest_rdmol, allow_undefined_stereo=True)

Runs in 10-20 secs

And the MDAnalysis output is "correct" (that is, it is isomorphic to the Topology.from_pdb output):

prot_from_off = Topology.from_pdb("../../examples/toolkit_showcase/5tbm_prepared.pdb").molecule(0)


The RDKit guesser is too slow for proteins, and needs to know total charge

import openmm
pdb ="../../examples/toolkit_showcase/5tbm_prepared.pdb")
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdDetermineBonds
rdmol = Chem.EditableMol(Chem.Mol())
for atom in pdb.topology.atoms():
a = Chem.Atom(atom.element.atomic_number)
for bond in pdb.topology.bonds():
rdmol.AddBond(bond.atom1.index, bond.atom2.index, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
rdmol = rdmol.GetMol()
rdDetermineBonds.DetermineBondOrders(rdmol, -5, embedChiral=False)

(I've waited the better part of an hour and nothing's coming out)

Next steps

I'm unsure about concrete future steps. The simplest and safest option is to say "it seems like maybe the MDAnalysis guesser works, the code is above in this post, use at your own risk." We can basically make that statement now, but from past experiences with users, statements about capabilities that include the word "maybe" have zero to negative value.

Given the high value to users, I would like to see if this can go further though. This aligns with our ongoing "See how much of the PDB we can model" effort, so I'm asking @Yoshanuikabundi to include the MDA guesser in the pipelines he's evaluating. I'm also seeing this benefiting from my in-progress work to support loading additional substructures like nucleic acids and user-specified residues in Topology.from_pdb, as that will provide "ground truth" lewis structures for comparison of faster inference methods. This might partially overlap with the ongoing work to update PDBFixer to handle custom residues, but it's not clear whether formal charges and bond orders will end up being in scope there (I'd like to prove that this is possible, but making a strong case for it requires me to make more progress on my last item).

j-wags commented 2 months ago

Anecdotally, a user in industry reached out to me directly about the MDA guesser:

We use it all the time and it seems to be fine. Admittedly things runs doesn't mean the bond order is always correct but we haven't seen any catastrophic failure so far.

peastman commented 2 months ago

Take a look at the errors I listed above in Those were all cases where it got the total charge wrong. Are they cause for concern?

j-wags commented 2 months ago

Glancing through those, there are a few pathologies. Many of the molecules are weird, but not out of scope (some of these species make me think "ionic liquids", which I know some of our users are studying).

Likely cause for concern

The molecule is only made of HCNO and no Hs are added or removed, but it disagrees on the total charge. This is a silent error that will affect parameter assignment for a molecule that's well within OpenFF's current domain of applicability.

Error: [O-][n+]1cc2c3c[n+]([O-])c4ccccc4c3[n+]([O-])nc2c2ccccc21

Mis-guessing valence state of hypervalent-capable atoms in weird mols

This one mis-guesses either P or N valence states

Error: N#P(Br)Br

Likewise, I+7 vs I+5

Error: [O-][I+3]([O-])([O-])[O-]

Something's also wrong with valence states here but I'm not familiar enough with iodine chemistry to say which specific ones

Error: I[I-]I

Bad inputs?

Intuitively, this molecule doesn't seem stable at all.

Error: Cl[C+](Cl)Cl

Some other bug in the workflow

This one seems unrelated - Something in the process added two Hs

Error: O=S=NSN=S=O
IAlibay commented 2 months ago

I'm going to cc @cbouy here who is still somewhat actively working on improvements (at least he had things I think I promised to review a year ago and I didn't...) to the MDA rdkit parser and might have some views on these failures.

peastman commented 2 months ago

I tried taking the molecule with just HCNO and used OpenFF to translate it from SMILES to InChI and back to SMILES.

from openff.toolkit import Molecule
smiles = '[O-][n+]1cc2c3c[n+]([O-])c4ccccc4c3[n+]([O-])nc2c2ccccc21'
mol1 = Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
inchi = mol1.to_inchi()
mol2 = Molecule.from_inchi(inchi)

Here is the output.


The original SMILES has six charged atoms (three N and three O), while the final molecule has only two of each. Let's compare them. Here is the original molecule.

Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 8 04 40 PM

And here is the final one.

Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 8 04 04 PM

You can see at a glance that something's wrong with the final molecule. There are carbons that form five bonds. For comparison I also used PubChem Sketcher to plot the InChI string. Unlike SMILES, InChI doesn't specify formal charges or bond orders, so anything reading it necessarily has to infer them. Here's what it plotted.

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 1 17 13 PM

This also is obviously wrong. There are neutral nitrogens forming five bonds.

Here's my best attempt at making sense of this. Formal charges and bond orders are, of course, just an abstraction. The real physics involves electrons that can move around freely through the molecule. Formal charges and bond orders are an approximate way of describing where the electrons tend to spend their time. The description is only approximate, and sometimes is arbitrary. But it's still useful. In any case, it's an abstraction based on rules. If we want to use it, we need to follow those rules. There isn't always a single right description, but there definitely are wrong descriptions, and in this case we're getting wrong descriptions. The original SMILES string follows the rules. The final one doesn't.

And this is done purely with OpenFF Toolkit, just starting from a valid SMILES string and transforming between supposedly equivalent representations. If you allow creating a Molecule from an InChI description, it's impossible to avoid inferring formal charges and bond orders. Apparently there's already code in there that does it. And in this case, it does it incorrectly.

cbouy commented 1 month ago

Hi there 👋

I'm going to cc @cbouy here who is still somewhat actively working on improvements (at least he had things I think I promised to review a year ago and I didn't...) to the MDA rdkit parser and might have some views on these failures.

Haha no worries, that PR does not really have improvements to the algorithm itself, although it gives users the ability to provide their own bond-order inferring function, which might be useful given the above.

Regarding failing cases, we have a benchmark of the algorithm on a subset of ChEMBL (2M mols with 2 to 50 heavy atoms) in this repo. Maybe more importantly, I've extracted a scaffold tree of the failing structures to identify some common failing scaffolds, which are available here and can be visualised here.

Note that a compound containing one of these substructures may still be correctly inferred, the algorithm in the MDA inferrer is dependent on the order of atoms so the benchmark tries each molecule with different atom ordering, and marks a molecule as failing if one of ordering failed. Also this was generated for an older version of MDA (2.4.3) and v2.5 introduces some changes that fix some of these cases.

As you've already noticed, hypervalence, especially N+ in conjugated systems, is a bit of a pain for this algorithm. I might have some ideas specifically for nitrogen that I could explore during the MDAnalysis UGM in a few weeks.