openforcefield / openff-toolkit

The Open Forcefield Toolkit provides implementations of the SMIRNOFF format, parameterization engine, and other tools. Documentation available at
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Example for putting a ligand into a box of water and equilibrating it #844

Open j-wags opened 3 years ago

j-wags commented 3 years ago

@slochower shared the following script with me, which seems to touch on some very useful areas.

We should polish in into a full-fledged example!

Some complications toward making this into an example are:

from openff.evaluator.protocols import coordinates
from openff.evaluator.utils import packmol

from openforcefield.topology import Molecule, Topology
from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from simtk import openmm
from simtk.openmm import app
from openff.evaluator import unit

mol = Molecule.from_smiles("CCO")
water = Molecule.from_smiles("O")

molecules = [mol, water]
n_molecules = [1, 1000]
trajectory, residue_names = packmol.pack_box(
    mass_density=0.95 * unit.grams / unit.milliliters,

from import PDBFile
pdb = PDBFile("packmol/packmol_output.pdb")

openmm_topology = trajectory.topology.to_openmm()
openff_topology = Topology.from_openmm(openmm_topology, unique_molecules=[mol, water])

from simtk import unit
trajectory.unitcell_vectors * unit.nanometer
vectors = [trajectory.unitcell_vectors[0][0], trajectory.unitcell_vectors[0][1], trajectory.unitcell_vectors[0][2]] * unit.nanometer
openff_topology.box_vectors = vectors

forcefield = ForceField("openff-1.2.0.offxml", 'test_forcefields/tip3p.offxml')
system = forcefield.create_openmm_system(openff_topology)

barostat = openmm.MonteCarloBarostat(1.00*, 293.15*unit.kelvin, 25)


from simtk import openmm, unit

time_step = 2*unit.femtoseconds
temperature = 300*unit.kelvin
friction = 1/unit.picosecond
integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, friction, time_step)

num_steps = 10000

trj_freq = 50
data_freq = 10

simulation =, system, integrator)


pdb_reporter ='trajectory.pdb', trj_freq)
state_data_reporter ='data.csv', data_freq, step=True,
                                                   potentialEnergy=True, temperature=True,

import time

print("Starting simulation")
start = time.process_time()

for i in range(num_steps):
    if i%200 == 0:

end = time.process_time()
print("Elapsed time %.2f seconds" % (end-start))
mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

I'd love to see the PACKMOL wrapper moved somewhere else (maybe split off into its own tiny package) if it's going to be used outside of evaluator long-term (I think it will be).

716 is at least one blocker for moving test_forcefields/tip3p.offxml into some pseudo-approved state (which is a topic that should be spun out into another issue if we want to do that).

slochower commented 3 years ago

I'd say putting TIP3P parameters somewhere "official" (or, you know, just providing a little more polished way of accessing them) ought to be a high priority. It would make rolling out this sort of script in industry a lot more frictionless (avoiding a lot of 🤔🙄 and associated thinking that things "aren't ready yet"...)

slochower commented 3 years ago

Pain points were:

  1. Running packmol on its own and reading the PDB output was not handled directly by the toolkit, leading to using Simon's really nice solvation wrapper that returns an mdtraj.trajectory.
  2. Having the OpenFF topology complain either about the first ligand atom "C is an unusual molecule..." or the first atom in the first water molecule "O is an unusual molecule..."
  3. Inadvertently running with SMIRNOFF water the first time around.
  4. Determining the right way to implement box vectors.
  5. Forgetting to apply a barostat (this became apparent quickly and is more of an OpenMM thing than anything, but most people probably want to be running NPT).
  6. (Soon to be irrelevant) Having to step back to an earlier version of the toolkit to use openff-evaluator.
slochower commented 3 years ago
  1. Trying to do some downstream analysis after having atom names automatically assigned. It would be super handy to be able to select atoms in an OpenFF Molecule or Topology by SMARTS pattern and then get those atom names or indices. If I go through this workflow and then, for example, want to monitor hydrogen bonds made by a particular atom, I'm not sure if there is a programmatic way of finding/selecting it by atom name or index (e.g., "what are the assigned atom names for the atoms matching hydroxyl SMARTS [OX2H]?")
iwatobipen commented 3 years ago

Hi @slochower, thanks for sharing the code. BTW, when I tried to reproduce the code, I couldn't import evaluator.packmol. I'm using openff0.9.0. Which version of openff do you use? Thanks,

slochower commented 3 years ago

Hi @iwatobipen and thanks for sharing your code, which I've benefited from multiple times. Exactly right, this won't (yet) work with the latest OpenFF toolkit. The next version of openff-evaluator will support the latest version of openff-toolkit, but for this, I had to step back to toolkit version 0.7.0. I think @SimonBoothroyd is going to post a new release of openff-evaluator in the next few days.

j-wags commented 3 years ago

Hi @iwatobipen -- You should be able to make an environment that can run this by calling

conda create -n evaluator -c conda-forge -c omnia openff-evaluator
conda activate evaluator

Apologies for the rough edges -- We'll clear up the dependencies and versioning once this gets packaged as a full example notebook!

iwatobipen commented 3 years ago

Hi @j-wags, Thanks for your suggestion! I could reproduce the code on my PC after installing openff-evaluator and cmiles!!!! It's cool. Looking forward to update example notebook ;) Thanks

mattwthompson commented 2 years ago

I have yoinked this into an example in Interchange:

I think this issue should be closed unless there are plans to duplicate that effort into an example that lives here as well.