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gstreamer 1.20.0 breaks video on Linux #6871

Closed kflak closed 2 years ago

kflak commented 2 years ago


I just updated my system, and it seems gstreamer breaks any video playback. Getting this when running the videoPlayer example:

[notice ] ofGstUtils: Got context from element 'vaapipostproc0':,"\(GstGLDisplayX11\)\ gldisplayx11-0";

[notice ] ofGstUtils: Got context from element 'vaapipostproc0': gst.vaapi.Display=context, gst.vaapi.Display=(GstVaapiDisplay)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx0", gst.vaapi.Display.GObject=(GstObject)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx0";

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.970: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.970: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.971: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.971: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.971: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.971: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(videoPlayerExample:12633): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:43:43.972: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink
[ error ] ofGstUtils: startPipeline(): unable to pause pipeline after 5s[ error ]
ofGstUtils: gstHandleMessage(): embedded video playback halted for plugin, module qtdemux0  reported: Internal data stream error.[warning] ofGstVideoUtils: update(): ofGstVideoUtils not loaded

Needless to say, this is a HUGE bug. Please, please, please wait with upgrading gstreamer until this is fixed.

Running this on Arch Linux, oF version 0.11.2. Tested on xorg (bspwm) and wayland (sway).

EDIT: tested now with the latest nightly build, of_v20220210_linux64gcc6_nightly, and getting the same result.

kflak commented 2 years ago

Additional information: My computer runs an AMD iGPU and an NVIDIA eGPU. My second computer, which only has an intel iGPU, shows the same behavior: works perfectly fine before upgrade, no joy after.

kflak commented 2 years ago

I downgraded now to 1.18, and all is well. Of course, this is not good still, as it effectively locks my computer to a specific point in time, excluding any updates until this works. I am very inexperienced with c++ in general, but if somebody could point me in the right direction I might take a stab at working on a fix?

kflak commented 2 years ago

Starting to look into this a bit more now... How can I set the path to the gstreamer binary that oF looks for? I am thinking of keeping a separate build of gstreamer 0.18 on my system, so that I can use this for my oF projects. Processing has released a new version of the video library that bundles the old version, and this works on my system.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

I can confirm this problem.

It works on Debian 11 Stable with GStreamer 1.18 but not on Debian 11 Testing with GStreamer 1.20.

I get the following error in case 2:

[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: initGrabber(): selected device: SHUNCCM2MP: SHUNCCM2MP
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: initGrabber(): selected format: 640x480 video/x-raw YUY2 framerate: 30/1
[notice ] ofGstUtils: setPipelineWithSink(): gstreamer pipeline: v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1  ! videoconvert   ! appsink name=ofappsink enable-last-sample=0 caps="video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=640, height=480"
Segmentation fault

I will try to get more information on the error.

kflak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for confirming! I was starting to wonder if I am the only one with a 1.20 problem :-) For what it's worth, I wrote a guide on how to revert to 1.18 on Arch Linux. Not exactly recommended practices, though...

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the link @kflak! I will check it out.

I tried to debug the issue, using the videoGrabberExample program.

ofApp.cpp: vidGrabber.initGrabber(camWidth, camHeight);

which calls

bool ofGstVideoUtils::setPipeline(string pipeline, ofPixelFormat pixelFormat, bool isStream, int w, int h)

(in ofGstutils.c line1076)

This function seems to work, but when it returns (line 1164)

my program seg faults.

kflak commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I am not able to do a debug anymore, since I am back on 1.18, however I never got a segfault. In my case the plugin was simply disabled, and I got a gray screen instead of video. The program kept running, which makes me a bit suspicious if we are dealing with the same bug...?

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Good question, @kflak!

In the OF forums there is a similar report (to mine, with the seg fault):

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Last try: I am now on GStreamer 1.20.1, and using the OF nightly build from 4th of April. Still a seg fault, unfortunately. Going forwards with debugging and fixing is beyond my abilities. But I will gladly help making more tests, providing info etc! :)

dimitre commented 2 years ago

Not sure if it is related but I've seen an issue on GStreamer itself posted here And it seems some videos, not all trigger the segfault. Maybe this is related to the difficulty to reproduce in different systems.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @dimitre, this could be related. I see the person with the bug was running 1.18.5 of GStreamer, I have 1.18.3/4 on my Debian 11 Stable (which works).

@kflak, exactly which version did you revert to?

kflak commented 2 years ago

I reverted to the newest possible version of 1.18, which is 1.18.5.

kflak commented 2 years ago

Not sure if it is related but I've seen an issue on GStreamer itself posted here And it seems some videos, not all trigger the segfault. Maybe this is related to the difficulty to reproduce in different systems.

A bit silly of me not to raise an issue on gstreamer immediately, but I wasn't sure if this was just an idiosyncratic quirk of my system or not. I will soon install arch on a new computer, and will take the opportunity to test 1.20 then on a fresh install.

PS: the work on your website looks great, @dimitre!

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

I don't really know how to move further with this. I get a seg fault even when trying to do video capture...

cherio commented 2 years ago

I confirm I have the same issue in GStreamer Core Library version 1.20.1 when playing the well-known 4K demo video from SONY "Sony Swordsmith HDR UHD 4K Demo" in parole. The error I get is

(parole:4094): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 13:27:30.761: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

It is reliably reproducible with that video on a freshly updated ArchLinux with packages from the standard Arch repositories. This looks like something of a pretty high priority to me

dimitre commented 2 years ago

great @cherio I think you should add this info to the gstreamer gitlab so they have more info to reproduce the issue (hopefully fix) with a reproducible case somebody can use "git-bisect" to identify exactly when the issue was introduced.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

I have posted a link to this thread on the Gitlab thread for the issue (the similar one) for GStreamer. I hope this can be of some help. I hope I did the right thing! :)

kflak commented 2 years ago

Great! Hope this will find a resolution soon...

arturoc commented 2 years ago

This error and the one in the gstreamer gitlab don't seem related. This is not a segfault and is likely related to the latest gstreamer using hardware accelerated components to decode video for which we don't have very good support yet since we recover the pixels of each frame to be able to access them from the cpu. There is a similar fix for a previous version to avoid using the hardware accelerated path but it seems that doesn't work anymore. The support for that is also probably much better now and it might be easier to integrate rather than completely avoid it, which would also make playback of big videos way less cpu consuming

kflak commented 2 years ago

Sounds really good if this could be integrated. A lot of my use-cases are simple video playback + processing, and getting hardware acceleration going would be very good... I'd be happy to guineapig any solutions on my arch linux laptop.

cyphunk commented 2 years ago

To add some salt, I get same issue using a Magewell Capture SDI USB3 (and also when trying to capture from laptop webcam). Arch linux also, gstreamer 1.20.1. Segfault at same point

However, if I attempt to run gstreamer directly, using the pipeline that ofVideoGrabber example prints on init, it works:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video2 ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=320,height=240,framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! appsink name=ofappsink enable-last-sample=0 caps="video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=320, height=240"

Above test will not show a image but will show that the pipeline is running. To see an image I used this:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video2 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! queue ! videoconvert ! ximagesink name=img_origin

For what it is worth running under valgrind seems to imply an invalid dereference:

    ==553247== 1 errors in context 1 of 1:
    ==553247== Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line
    ==553247==    at 0xA: ???
    ==553247==    by 0x48896F4: ??? (in /usr/lib/
StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Here is another report on the issue from the oF forum: [Va-api ofVideoPlayer error intel and nvidia Linux](

kflak commented 2 years ago

This is becoming more than a bit of a problem, not just in terms of openFrameworks, but also in terms of other pieces of software that depend on it and no longer work after update... Is there any way to specify which binaries openFrameworks will look for when linking to gstreamer? I would prefer to keep a separate gstreamer 1.18 + plugins around for oF until the issue has been resolved, but I have no idea how to go around pointing oF in the right direction... Any help is MUCH appreciated!

dimitre commented 2 years ago

@kflak I've seen some serious regressions introduced in Fontforge project, (which is large and complex) and I remember they used the bisect git command to identify exactly where the regression was introduced first to re-evaluate the portion of code which was causing the issue in the first place.

I think GStreamer project could use this strategy to identify exactly where things stopped working

kflak commented 2 years ago

My hunch is that it's probably a bunch of breaking changes on the gstreamer side, and that the oF side of things needs to be updated to catch up, unfortunately. Would be happy to lean into it, but I don't know nearly enough about these things to contribute much, except for testing the results...

kflak commented 2 years ago

Now things are a bit different, though, from when I first reported the bug. Using all the latest updates on everything (including oF nightly 20220528), I simply get a segfault and a coredump that looks like this:

           PID: 28966 (videoPlayerExam)
           UID: 1000 (kf)
           GID: 1000 (kf)
        Signal: 11 (SEGV)
     Timestamp: Sat 2022-05-28 21:23:21 EEST (28s ago)
  Command Line: bin/videoPlayerExample
    Executable: /home/kf/of_v20220528_linux64gcc6_release/examples/video/videoPlayerExample/bin/videoPlayerExample
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-1.scope
          Unit: session-1.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
       Session: 1
     Owner UID: 1000 (kf)
       Boot ID: 28ed1c28eedd490987638def96460232
    Machine ID: c06afc9c267144ec9253e59c7c767a00
      Hostname: t480s
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.videoPlayerExam.1000.28ed1c28eedd490987638def96460232.28966.1653762201000000.zst (present)
     Disk Size: 4.4M
       Message: Process 28966 (videoPlayerExam) of user 1000 dumped core.

                Module /home/kf/of_v20220528_linux64gcc6_release/examples/video/videoPlayerExample/bin/videoPlayerExample with build-id 52fab3acc9b30a87dc2738e513182e22f5678a9e
                Module with build-id 6342ef35896f0698c8f766d26f0dba7d3c720bc0
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                Module with build-id 17beadf1cb40d41ab36629db3b4eed74110678a7
                Module with build-id 13d677412a71468381b11092915d231f664d18d3
                Module with build-id 02bd4ac6acc4da9288c543ea1a0cdaa70c5e151a
                Module with build-id de981c020bd9dbdc159b11f4a2a541310cc3b8d5
                Module with build-id 3bccb8fe08e48d5ea135b1d0f99de0d771dd752f
                Module with build-id 1813217c8baf82a1078772eed0d868310cd59f8b
                Module with build-id d54a7ee1e288aeae436d073277ff986e03994b15
                Module with build-id 25a55106cb13dec5d495c34ca1caf2c2f3114f11
                Module with build-id 0229a201aaf5652186c9fdc192ebe52baf19d7f1
                Module with build-id a4adfe44cc7ebd295b3b783361acc3dcfcea1d50
                Module with build-id 1ce2b50ad9f9821c2c629b521cf5a3c99593d332
                Module with build-id f2738fead8e6593084b4fb8756f460aa8cf5535a
                Module with build-id fc93487393eea02b5bc6e76e48976fc325294c24
                Module with build-id ca0cae30a809f10db1f16e54a23b4e5ff7b2c54c
                Module with build-id f4e086347f6c1a66eb73cfe13974a29bd39aabca
                Module with build-id 35fafc4024675e9cfe57c7d50c3965eac6bac358
                Module with build-id d3c01b1bab8e878ff3928ba64a5817506bad1aa6
                Module with build-id 2b1ce7fcdcc925bc663ebe2c1c008c0dd96e5bd0
                Module with build-id 66c54e9301f7e102ecc1d88547e5f0e8a056fe22
                Module with build-id c58fe082cbde02fc176e3c3663a6d81386eb5027
                Module with build-id 2dc0bce07f199bf983c07a05fb95a6f4af83a9b3
                Module with build-id 919597c477c9b2cb9cdbb7745ed6494ac0e6da60
                Module with build-id fefe3219a96d682ec98fcfb78866b8594298b5a2
                Module with build-id 113bb5a3e9ad856801bfcfc029102c9bdc13d67e
                Module with build-id 0b01e42545607f3bf9f564f38e24664b6ca8051b
                Module with build-id e7f3b22127b00d8b14b2560df707cbbeb0134861
                Module with build-id c6df28882f153ee03d0fb33bb8aac2b219ebaacc
                Module with build-id a95fb07ab70adc17bb91684e07695723aac3a4b8
                Module with build-id 388993b6ef62f964bc7bf473c069fbfe957b9e44
                Module with build-id 0e3de903950e35ae59a5de8c00b1817a4a71ca01
                Module with build-id 210ec9905e41825671210f8f7d0b24d6c371196a
                Module with build-id b3eaebcb5369487562e52dd8d016c9cd77f80c54
                Module with build-id d361ae41e1efe517bbdfb8f158a0eb1cc9f8a8b4
                Module with build-id 2358653c6a3cba9e15c8074f043e2bd9a90a310a
                Module with build-id 10c27395f4c5b56e99eec209708f782b92243100
                Module with build-id e268e80e668ce871312cf50e9969f88b086e33f2
                Module with build-id 4337ec84b2f33ec39a95863d47bfca0a28afd488
                Module with build-id a222d042e56108d2786ece7bf291b56ba2069591
                Module with build-id d8e0be8e0323aa421366f19065ecd1c76405c130
                Module with build-id b915a2e48be6c9fd3cc6f9f4c7aab1f7aeed8a4c
                Module with build-id 1b7e477ea0eccd1622a983c8589930e043700545
                Module with build-id f6e0794d1a70b45f1d03eac55b47ad4b7c4cc755
                Module with build-id 8ab1352b26fc2bb50933b8caa480e032b0b7d6b3
                Module with build-id 84afd51dd3f7ff484bce2d675078edb40bc1a7de
                Module with build-id 407b2376cac1726631e3f7360a9337901be04ec0
                Module with build-id f89dd5502e75aca28fb5c3ccd0dbd26fe822bfef
                Module with build-id 36be6951b8c1e42a7dd05684a37400fc8ef9147c
                Module with build-id 76909eb7d52bf4f1dbdc5c024b6e40d7acdc8866
                Module with build-id 8bb544daffa02b07770b07cd332dec383b4f6a9c
                Module with build-id 1ec76acd797515b691547164b53205305f8417b4
                Module with build-id c4c5bec188619a8cc7e3f33db181c9dbfacac784
                Stack trace of thread 28987:
                #0  0x000000000000000a n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #1  0x0000000000000021 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
kflak commented 2 years ago

I managed to get the videoPlayerExample program to compile and run with gstreamer 0.10, which is helpfully packaged in the Arch Linux AUR repository. I installed gstreamer0.10 and gstreamer0.10-{bad,base,base-plugins,good}, and changed $OF_ROOT/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/makefileCommon/ like this:

#check gstreamer version
# ifndef GST_VERSION
#   ifeq ($(CROSS_COMPILING),1)
#       ifeq ($(shell export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$(PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR);pkg-config gstreamer-1.0 --exists; echo $$?),0)
#           GST_VERSION = 1.0
#           ifdef MAKEFILE_DEBUG
#                 $(info GSTVERSION=$(GST_VERSION))
#           endif
#       else
#           GST_VERSION = 0.10
#           ifdef MAKEFILE_DEBUG
#                 $(info GSTVERSION=$(GST_VERSION))
#                 $(info $(shell export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$(PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR);pkg-config gstreamer-1.0 --exists; echo $$?))
#           endif
#       endif
#   else
#       ifeq ($(shell pkg-config gstreamer-1.0 --exists; echo $$?),0)
#           GST_VERSION = 1.0
#       else
#           GST_VERSION = 0.10
#       endif
#   endif
# endif

lines 42-63.

The problem remains, however, that the video still doesn't play back, and I get the error

[ error ] ofPixels: format doesn't support channels
[warning] ofGstUtils: getDurationNanos(): couldn't query time duration
[warning] ofGstUtils: getDurationNanos(): couldn't query time duration

The videoGrabberExample compiles as well, but segfaults immediately with:

[warning] ofGstVideoGrabber: listDevices(): only supported for gstreamer 1.0
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Probing devices with udev...
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Found device 04f2:b604, getting capabilities...
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: detected v4l2 device: Integrated Camera: Integrated C
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: driver: uvcvideo, version: 331560
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Capabilities: 0x84A00001
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Found device 04f2:b604, getting capabilities...
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: detected v4l2 device: Integrated Camera: Integrated C
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: driver: uvcvideo, version: 331560
[notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Capabilities: 0x84A00001
[notice ] device /dev/video1 seems to not have the capture capability, (radio tuner/metadata device?)
[notice ] removing it from device list
[ error ] ofGstUtils: error getting device data: no element "v4l2src"
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ../videoGrabberExample/bin/videoGrabberExample

Which is clear enough... no support for fancy video grabbing in 0.10.

So, that's the state of play right now. Will keep looking if it's possible to point the makefile to 0.18 instead.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your efforts @kflak! I would like to contribute, but this is beyond me at this point. It is annoying because for the next step of my project ( I would really like to integrate video.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Spending some more time with the debugger, I find that "my" Segmentation Fault happens in



bool ofGstUtils::startPipeline(){

in the call

auto ret = gst_element_set_state(GST_ELEMENT(gstPipeline), GST_STATE_PAUSED);

gstPipeline exists, but seems to be mostly 0s.

ErikNatanael commented 2 years ago

I also just got a segfault when trying to use the ofVideoGrabber after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 (21.10 reaches EOL soon) which ships with gstreamer 1.20. The segfault occurs when calling ofVideoGrabber::initGrabber().

Is there a workaround other than installing a dedicated system for OF at this time? E.g. linking to a custom version of gstreamer or using something other than gstreamer to read the webcam data? I tried the ofxV4L2 addon as an alternative, but it's broken unfortunately.

cyphunk commented 2 years ago

Spending some more time with the debugger, I find that "my" Segmentation Fault happens in ofGstUtils.cpp

function bool ofGstUtils::startPipeline(){

in the call

auto ret = gst_element_set_state(GST_ELEMENT(gstPipeline), GST_STATE_PAUSED);

gstPipeline exists, but seems to be mostly 0s.

Could you please try to check if the pipeline works directly (outside of openframeworks) as mentioned in comment above:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video2 ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=320,height=240,framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! appsink name=ofappsink enable-last-sample=0 caps="video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=320, height=240"

or, to see image also then:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video2 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! queue ! videoconvert ! ximagesink name=img_origin
ErikNatanael commented 2 years ago

Yes, both of those work (with a video device that exists on my system i.e. /dev/video0 of course)

kflak commented 2 years ago

Both of these commands also work on my system (arch running Swaywm - wayland)

arturoc commented 2 years ago

The problem with this is related to some change in gstreamer using vaapi (gpu accelerated decoding) by default which OF doesn't have support for. This is usually just a matter of adding some flag to avoid vaapi being selected or optionally although more involved adding support for hardware accelarated decoding to the OF gstreamer classes

kflak commented 2 years ago

Oh, that’s really interesting and sounds like something that could be implemented immediately! How would I set gstreamer flags in of? Where exactly does this happen?

On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 12:36, arturo @.***> wrote:

The problem with this is related to some change in gstreamer using vaapi (gpu accelerated decoding) by default which OF doesn't have support for. This is usually just a matter of adding some flag to avoid vaapi being selected or optionally although more involved adding support for hardware accelarated decoding to the OF gstreamer classes

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

edovino commented 2 years ago

Not quite that simple, it seems: you can disable VAAPI by setting de environment variable LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME to something impossible, i.e. when using the default oF videoPlayerExample


will start the oF app, but not show any video image, with these messages in the console:

[notice ] ofGstUtils: Got context from element 'vaapipostproc0':,"\(GstGLDisplayX11\)\ gldisplayx11-0";
[notice ] ofGstUtils: Got context from element 'vaapipostproc0': gst.vaapi.Display=context, gst.vaapi.Display=(GstVaapiDisplay)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx0", gst.vaapi.Display.GObject=(GstObject)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx0";
(videoPlayerExample:309447): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 16:46:07.743: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink
[ error ] ofGstUtils: startPipeline(): unable to pause pipeline after 5s[
 error ] ofGstUtils: gstHandleMessage(): embedded video playback halted for plugin, module qtdemux0  reported: Internal data stream error.
[warning] ofGstVideoUtils: update(): ofGstVideoUtils not loaded
[ error ] ofPixels: format doesn't support channels

If you run the same program with vaapi disabled: LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=plok ./bin/videoPlayerExample you immediately get a segmentation fault.

(I'm on Fedora 36, btw)

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

@cyphunk, yes, works fine outside of oF for me too.

The pipeline that the oF videoGrabber example produces (when crashing) works fine outside of oF:

v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! appsink name=ofappsink enable-last-sample=0 caps="video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=640, height=480"

ErikNatanael commented 2 years ago

More things that don't work:

ranjithshegde commented 2 years ago

The problem with this is related to some change in gstreamer using vaapi (gpu accelerated decoding) by default which OF doesn't have support for. This is usually just a matter of adding some flag to avoid vaapi being selected or optionally although more involved adding support for hardware accelarated decoding to the OF gstreamer classes

If there are no volunteers, I will take a poke at supporting acceleration for OF gstreamer. Just a heads up, I will be slow

kflak commented 2 years ago

If there are no volunteers, I will take a poke at supporting acceleration for OF gstreamer. Just a heads up, I will be slow

That would be so, so awesome! Let me know if you need any help testing. This kind of programming is way above my paygrade, but I'd be happy to be a guinea-pig.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

If there are no volunteers, I will take a poke at supporting acceleration for OF gstreamer. Just a heads up, I will be slow

Great! :) I can contribute with testing too.

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

@ranjithshegde @kflak @StaffanMelin could you give this a try?

Insert at: Line 34 of ofGSTUtils.cpp ( )

static void enable_factory (const gchar *name, gboolean enable) {
    GstRegistry *registry = NULL;
    GstElementFactory *factory = NULL;

    registry = gst_registry_get_default();
    registry = gst_registry_get();

    if (!registry) return;

    factory = gst_element_factory_find (name);
    if (!factory) return;

    if (enable) {
        gst_plugin_feature_set_rank (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory), GST_RANK_PRIMARY + 1);
    else {
        gst_plugin_feature_set_rank (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory), GST_RANK_NONE);

    gst_registry_add_feature (registry, GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory));

Then add these lines to startGSTMainLoop()

        enable_factory("vp8dec", true);
        enable_factory("vaapidecode", false);

So it looks like:

void ofGstUtils::startGstMainLoop(){
    static bool initialized = false;
        enable_factory("vp8dec", true);
        enable_factory("vaapidecode", false);

        mainLoop = new ofGstMainLoopThread;

This should make cpu decoding the priority.

I agree gpu decoding should be a priority, but it might be good to get a simple fix in the nightly builds until we do.

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the code @ofTheo!

Unfortunately this still crashes oF when trying out the videograbber example (seg fault).

Versions; of_v20220722_linux64gcc6_nightly.tar.gz Debian 11.4 Testing gstreamer 1.20.3

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for testing this @StaffanMelin ! - one more test based on this code for disabling hardware decoding.

void ofGstUtils::startGstMainLoop(){
    static bool initialized = false;
        enable_factory("vp8dec", true);

        enable_factory("vaapidecodebin", false);
        enable_factory("vaapipostproc", false);
        enable_factory("vaapisink", false);

        mainLoop = new ofGstMainLoopThread;

Also could you try the examples/computer_vision/opencvExample too? Curious if the code fixes video playback.

edovino commented 2 years ago

@ranjithshegde @kflak @StaffanMelin could you give this a try?

Insert at: Line 34 of ofGSTUtils.cpp ( )

With this patch the videoPlayerExample still tries to use the VAAPI gst code (if I read the log msgs correctly). Same with the same with the opencvExample

[notice ] ofGstUtils: Got context from element 'vaapipostproc0':,"\(GstGLDisplayX11\)\ gldisplayx11-0";

[notice ] ofGstUtils: Got context from element 'vaapipostproc0': gst.vaapi.Display=context, gst.vaapi.Display=(GstVaapiDisplay)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx0", gst.vaapi.Display.GObject=(GstObject)"\(GstVaapiDisplayGLX\)\ vaapidisplayglx0";

(videoPlayerExample:47559): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 20:31:12.940: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink

(opencvExample:50218): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 20:37:44.133: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink
[ error ] ofGstUtils: startPipeline(): unable to pause pipeline after 5s
[ error ] ofGstUtils: gstHandleMessage(): embedded video playback halted for plugin, module qtdemux0  reported: Internal data stream error.
edovino commented 2 years ago

Thanks for testing this @StaffanMelin ! - one more test based on this code for disabling hardware decoding.

void ofGstUtils::startGstMainLoop(){
  static bool initialized = false;
      enable_factory("vp8dec", true);

      enable_factory("vaapidecodebin", false);
      enable_factory("vaapipostproc", false);
      enable_factory("vaapisink", false);

      mainLoop = new ofGstMainLoopThread;

Also could you try the examples/computer_vision/opencvExample too? Curious if the code fixes video playback.

This version gives me segmentation faults, both in the videoPlayerExample and the opencvExample

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

@edovino thanks! I am guessing we'll need to find a better approach. One more thing to try with the opencvExample.

void ofGstUtils::startGstMainLoop(){
    static bool initialized = false;
        enable_factory("avdec_h265", true);
        enable_factory("avdec_mpeg4", true);
        enable_factory("avdec_h264", true);

        enable_factory("vaapidecodebin", false);
        enable_factory("vaapipostproc", false);
        enable_factory("vaapisink", false);

        mainLoop = new ofGstMainLoopThread;

Need to figure out how to get GST 1.20 on my setup. Mine maxes out at 1.16

StaffanMelin commented 2 years ago

@ofTheo , thank you for trying!

This still crashes videograbber.

I cannot compile the openCV example from the nightly:

/home/staffan/Documents/projects/tech/audioprogramming/of_v20220722_linux64gcc6_release/addons/ofxOpenCv/src/ofxCvHaarFinder.cpp:56: error: undefined reference to 'ofToDataPath[abi:cxx11](boost::filesystem::path const&, bool)'

but testing the openCV example with oF 0.11.2 and your changes crashes this too.

I appreciate your efforts!

edovino commented 2 years ago

@edovino thanks! I am guessing we'll need to find a better approach. One more thing to try with the opencvExample.

Same result, I'm afraid: opencvExample still gives a segmentation fault... If I comment out the line enable_factory("vaapidecodebin", false); the application does start up, doesn't show any cam images, but still attempts to use vaapipostproc0 (even though it is disabled).

Need to figure out how to get GST 1.20 on my setup. Mine maxes out at 1.16

Don't know it it helps, but I was able to succesfully test the videoPlayer examples on F34 & F35 in a QEMU/KVM vm. (Was trying to figure out if I broke something in my code, in oF, or in Fedora...)

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

Been looking at this on Ubuntu 22.

The crash for the videoPlayerExample is at this line:

You can get a bit more info by doing: export GST_DEBUG=4 before running the compiled example.

Nothing in the dump I get from gstreamer points to an error though and I am guessing as mentioned it is more that the pipeline needs changing to support the more modern decoding approach.