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lots of indent errors #7869

Open hiroMTB opened 7 months ago

hiroMTB commented 7 months ago

I found quite lots of indent errors like below. Those are only part of it. Is there a way to auto-formating code before PR or each commit?

artificiel commented 7 months ago

hello @hiroMTB!

since last year there is a .clang-format file in the repository. it follows pretty well the previous formatting, with a little bit more spaces around some markers.

about auto-formatting, there was sort of a "soft decision" made not to blanket the git history with a "clang-format" white-space commits, but to reformat when a file needs a change (the commits being squashed, it can be performed as a separate commit in for the PR review, but it will no show up in the final history/blame (and the whitespace exclusion in git works relatively well to not register as "changes")).

also sometimes macros and "nicely indented data tables" are better to exclude from clang-format, which means a manual review is always preferable after a reformat.

there are different ways to apply the formatting; the git clang-format is one, and I use this automator approach on Xcode.

hiroMTB commented 7 months ago

Wow! Thank you for your detailed explanation. I will try clang-format and automator.

if we rely on manual review, probably we will keep seeing indent errors for future. But I can understand your point too. Maybe we can arrange "format party" every monthšŸ¤£

dimitre commented 7 months ago

it would be great to format the entire core in one PR, but this has the potential to break a lot of PRs. I think it is ok if it is right before the next release

hiroMTB commented 7 months ago

oh! I see, good point! Btw, how do the other big C++ projects manage this issue? Maintainers do it manually?

artificiel commented 7 months ago

well when I looked last year nothing clear was found, and I subscribed here thinking that when @ericniebler figures it out we can evaluate their choices...

danoli3 commented 6 months ago

clang-format is definitely the way.

However it does not explicitly support A Style. We can override this by adding a .clang-format file in root directory with some custom settings to make it more A Style:

Language:        Cpp
# Based on Google style as a starting point
BasedOnStyle:  Google

# Indentation width
IndentWidth:     4

# Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
UseTab:          Never

# Brace wrapping
  AfterClass:      true
  AfterControlStatement: true
  AfterEnum:       true
  AfterFunction:   true
  AfterNamespace:  true
  AfterStruct:     true
  AfterUnion:      true
  BeforeCatch:     true
  BeforeElse:      true
  IndentBraces:    false

# Column limit
ColumnLimit:     80

# Pointer and reference alignment
PointerAlignment: Left

# Includes sorting
  - Regex:           '^<ext/.*\.h>'
    Priority:        2
  - Regex:           '^<.*\.h>'
    Priority:        1
  - Regex:           '^".*'
    Priority:        0
IncludeBlocks:   Regroup

# Control the alignment of assignments
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true

# Control the alignment of declarations
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true