The learner dashboard will be soon replaced. To un.subscribe to a course's mailing list, the user can do that only from the dashboard course list view. As this view will be hidden, we need to find a workaround. So the workaround is to create a public route to un .subscribe a user to a course's mailing list. In this way, we will be able to put a unsubcribe link into course's emails.
Create mailing_list views to allow a user to un.subscribe to course through its email.
Serve the views on courses/<course_key>/mailing-list/(subscribe|unsubscribe)
The learner dashboard will be soon replaced. To un.subscribe to a course's mailing list, the user can do that only from the dashboard course list view. As this view will be hidden, we need to find a workaround. So the workaround is to create a public route to un .subscribe a user to a course's mailing list. In this way, we will be able to put a unsubcribe link into course's emails.