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:bar_chart: Grafana dashboards suite for learning analytics
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Identify datasources dependencies in dashboard provisioning #64

Closed quitterie-lcs closed 9 months ago

quitterie-lcs commented 1 year ago


Grafana dashboarding architecture allows to cross mutliple datasources. That was at first an asset for our solution is now a drawback as we want for the same dahsboard templates, connect several identical datasources on the same input.


The solution is to connect a single datasource, the lrs one, that contains all necessary data for dashboarding. What is computed with Grafana with the multiple datasources will be computed for the single datasources. In the existing dahsboards, we need to identify all the data dependencies to datasources other than LRS.



wilbrdt commented 1 year ago

Associated queries :


EdX Course Key:

SELECT DISTINCT %(course_id)s FROM student_courseaccessrole WHERE (%(user_id)s = (%(query_user_id)s) AND %(role)s IN ("staff", "instructor"))' % { course_id: 'student_courseaccessrole.course_id', user_id: 'student_courseaccessrole.user_id', query_user_id: 'SELECT id from auth_user WHERE email=${}', role: 'student_courseaccessrole.role', }


edX Course Key + regex


edX Course Key + regex


edX Course Key + regex

Course title:

SELECT title FROM courses_course WHERE key="${EDX_COURSE_KEY}"

Course start date:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(start_date, "%d/%m/%Y") FROM courses_course WHERE key="${EDX_COURSE_KEY}"

Course end date:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(end_date, "%d/%m/%Y") FROM courses_course WHERE key="${EDX_COURSE_KEY}"

Number of course enrollments:

SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(user_id) FROM student_courseenrollment WHERE (is_active=1 AND course_id="${EDX_COURSE_KEY}")


Video title, Video UUID:

SELECT 'uuid://' || id AS \"\",title FROM video where id IN (${COURSE_VIDEOS_IDS:sqlstring})