opengamedata / opengamedata-core

Python framework for extracting features from OpenGameData event datasets.
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JoWilder: InteractionTextBoxesPerSecond #24

Closed LswaN58 closed 1 year ago

LswaN58 commented 1 year ago

A feature to calculate text-boxes-per-second in various interactions. It will include a subfeature for the first time the interaction was encountered.

The sub-features are: (base) - The overall text boxes per second across all encounters (previously called ifirst_enc_avg_tbps, which was misleading since it had nothing to do with first encounter alone) FirstEncounter - the text boxes per second in the first encounter only (technically not a feature before) Variance - the variance in text boxes per second across encounter (previously called ifirst_enc_var_tbps)

This should be configured as a per_count feature, with prefix = int and count = 189, as before.

LswaN58 commented 1 year ago

JoWilder: InteractionTextBoxesPerSecond