opengeek / getCache

A general purpose caching Snippet for MODx Revolution
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Clear partition button problem #7

Open davidpede opened 8 years ago

davidpede commented 8 years ago

Great extra, I use it a lot!

Have an anoying issue with the clear partition menu button though.

  1. First time you click the custom button, MODX console opens and partition clears as expected.
  2. Second click, the MODX console doesn't open, partition doesn't clear and there's a js error 'TypeError: b.dom is undefined' in ext-all.js
  3. All further times you click the button nothing happens and this js error is thrown 'TypeError: this.manager is undefined'

To get the button working again you have to force refresh the manager page.

My menu button code as the docs:

var topic = '/getcache/cache/partition/refresh/navMenu/';
if (this.console == null || this.console == undefined) {
    this.console = MODx.load({
       xtype: 'modx-console'
       ,register: 'mgr'
       ,topic: topic
       ,show_filename: 0
} else {
    this.console.setRegister('mgr', topic);

    url: MODx.config.assets_url+'components/getcache/connector.php'
    ,params: { action: 'cache/partition/refresh', partitions: 'navMenu', register: 'mgr' , topic: topic }
    ,listeners: {
        'success':{fn:function() {
return false;
davidpede commented 8 years ago

I tried removing the 'if' check and it seemed to solve it:

var topic = '/getcache/cache/partition/refresh/navMenu/';

this.console = MODx.load({
  xtype: 'modx-console'
  ,register: 'mgr'
  ,topic: topic
  ,show_filename: 0

  url: MODx.config.assets_url+'components/getcache/connector.php'
  ,params: { action: 'cache/partition/refresh', partitions: 'navMenu', register: 'mgr' , topic: topic }
  ,listeners: {
    'success':{fn:function() {
return false;

Are these changes likely to cause problems or is there a better way of doing the 'if' check?

opengeek commented 8 years ago

To be honest, I'm not sure why the if check is breaking this. But I have updated the wiki with a version that works, without said conditional. See Refresh Custom Cache Partitions.

jenswittmann commented 4 years ago

I had the some problem today. Adding the Script without the if statement also does'nt work in MODX 2.7.3.

My solution is now this and it also get reopened:

var topic = '/getcache/cache/partition/refresh/global_cache/';

this.console = MODx.load({
    xtype: 'modx-console'
    ,register: 'mgr'
    ,topic: topic
    ,show_filename: 0
    url: MODx.config.assets_url+'components/getcache/connector.php'
    ,params: { action: 'cache/partition/refresh', partitions: 'global_cache', register: 'mgr' , topic: topic }
    ,listeners: { }

return false;