opengeek / getResources

A MODx Snippet for iterating a collection of MODx Resources
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'IN' operator for tvFilters #64

Open jeffwhitfield opened 12 years ago

jeffwhitfield commented 12 years ago

Added an 'IN' operator to tvFilters. This uses the MySQL FIND_IN_SET function and will allow for filtering a comma delimited field value explicitly with a given value. Will also be adding a pull request for an update to tagLister that accommodates these changes.

opengeek commented 12 years ago

I assume this REQUIRES that a TV has a value list separated by commas instead of the default || separator normally used by the TV's?

jeffwhitfield commented 12 years ago

I believe so. Basically uses the value from an autotag TV which I think uses a comma separated list last time I checked.

Jeff Whitfield 214-233-4329

• Sent from my iPhone •

On Jun 15, 2012, at 1:56 PM, Jason wrote:

I assume this REQUIRES that a TV has a value list separated by commas instead of the default || separator normally used by the TV's?

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jeffwhitfield commented 12 years ago

Verified and, yeah, requires comma separated list. Reason is due to the FIND_IN_SET function requires a comma separated list when searching an array.

valentinnreca commented 12 years ago

It seems to be the right "operator" FIND_IN_SET that i need it, but, somehow it doesn't work to me. i have a TV like 23,24,25,26 and my getResources call: [[!getResources? &parents=1,2,3,4,5 &includeTVs=1 &processTVs=1 &tvPrefix=`&tpl=tpl&tvFilters=myTV(IN)[[*id]]` ]] am i using right this operator? p.s. I'm using 2.2.1-pl

sorry for my english :(

christianseel commented 11 years ago

Why is the IN operator still not included? Tried it and it works perfect! Makes life easier...

opengeek commented 11 years ago

@christianseel I hesitated to include this because it uses a MySQL-specific solution and I wanted to maintain compat with SQLSRV (at least at the time I did). I also simply have not tried it and saw the report of it not working above.

I'll look into it today.

christianseel commented 11 years ago

That makes sense. But I think it's ok if the documentation highlights that this operator is mysql-only, since it's really usefull.

valentinnreca commented 11 years ago

here is my "snippet.getresources.php" script. i have made same changes for long time ago, sorry i forgot to post it.

@opengeek i'm not sure if it is the best way, but it works to me.

usage: &tvFilters=tv-ids-with-commas-separated(IN)[[*id]]

<?php /**

/* set default properties */ $tpl = !empty($tpl) ? $tpl : ''; $includeContent = !empty($includeContent) ? true : false; $includeTVs = !empty($includeTVs) ? true : false; $includeTVList = !empty($includeTVList) ? explode(',', $includeTVList) : array(); $processTVs = !empty($processTVs) ? true : false; $processTVList = !empty($processTVList) ? explode(',', $processTVList) : array(); $tvPrefix = isset($tvPrefix) ? $tvPrefix : 'tv.'; $parents = (!empty($parents) || $parents === '0') ? explode(',', $parents) : array($modx->resource->get('id')); array_walk($parents, 'trim'); $parents = array_unique($parents); $depth = isset($depth) ? (integer) $depth : 10;

$tvFilters = !empty($tvFilters) ? explode('||', $tvFilters) : array();

$where = !empty($where) ? $modx->fromJSON($where) : array(); $showUnpublished = !empty($showUnpublished) ? true : false; $showDeleted = !empty($showDeleted) ? true : false;

$sortby = isset($sortby) ? $sortby : 'publishedon'; $sortbyTV = isset($sortbyTV) ? $sortbyTV : ''; $sortbyAlias = isset($sortbyAlias) ? $sortbyAlias : 'modResource'; $sortbyEscaped = !empty($sortbyEscaped) ? true : false; $sortdir = isset($sortdir) ? $sortdir : 'DESC'; $sortdirTV = isset($sortdirTV) ? $sortdirTV : 'DESC'; $limit = isset($limit) ? (integer) $limit : 5; $offset = isset($offset) ? (integer) $offset : 0; $totalVar = !empty($totalVar) ? $totalVar : 'total';

$dbCacheFlag = !isset($dbCacheFlag) ? false : $dbCacheFlag; if (is_string($dbCacheFlag) || is_numeric($dbCacheFlag)) { if ($dbCacheFlag == '0') { $dbCacheFlag = false; } elseif ($dbCacheFlag == '1') { $dbCacheFlag = true; } else { $dbCacheFlag = (integer) $dbCacheFlag; } }

/* multiple context support */ $contextArray = array(); $contextSpecified = false; if (!empty($context)) { $contextArray = explode(',',$context); array_walk($contextArray, 'trim'); $contexts = array(); foreach ($contextArray as $ctx) { $contexts[] = $modx->quote($ctx); } $context = implode(',',$contexts); $contextSpecified = true; unset($contexts,$ctx); } else { $context = $modx->quote($modx->context->get('key')); }

$pcMap = array(); $pcQuery = $modx->newQuery('modResource', array('id:IN' => $parents), $dbCacheFlag); $pcQuery->select(array('id', 'context_key')); if ($pcQuery->prepare() && $pcQuery->stmt->execute()) { foreach ($pcQuery->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $pcRow) { $pcMap[(integer) $pcRow['id']] = $pcRow['context_key']; } }

$children = array(); $parentArray = array(); foreach ($parents as $parent) { $parent = (integer) $parent; if ($parent === 0) { $pchildren = array(); if ($contextSpecified) { foreach ($contextArray as $pCtx) { if (!in_array($pCtx, $contextArray)) { continue; } $options = $pCtx !== $modx->context->get('key') ? array('context' => $pCtx) : array(); $pcchildren = $modx->getChildIds($parent, $depth, $options); if (!empty($pcchildren)) $pchildren = array_merge($pchildren, $pcchildren); } } else { $cQuery = $modx->newQuery('modContext', array('key:!=' => 'mgr')); $cQuery->select(array('key')); if ($cQuery->prepare() && $cQuery->stmt->execute()) { foreach ($cQuery->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $pCtx) { $options = $pCtx !== $modx->context->get('key') ? array('context' => $pCtx) : array(); $pcchildren = $modx->getChildIds($parent, $depth, $options); if (!empty($pcchildren)) $pchildren = array_merge($pchildren, $pcchildren); } } } $parentArray[] = $parent; } else { $pContext = array_key_exists($parent, $pcMap) ? $pcMap[$parent] : false; if ($debug) $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "context for {$parent} is {$pContext}"); if ($pContext && $contextSpecified && !in_array($pContext, $contextArray, true)) { $parent = next($parents); continue; } $parentArray[] = $parent; $options = !empty($pContext) && $pContext !== $modx->context->get('key') ? array('context' => $pContext) : array(); $pchildren = $modx->getChildIds($parent, $depth, $options); } if (!empty($pchildren)) $children = array_merge($children, $pchildren); $parent = next($parents); } $parents = array_merge($parentArray, $children);

/* build query */ $criteria = array("modResource.parent IN (" . implode(',', $parents) . ")"); if ($contextSpecified) { $contextResourceTbl = $modx->getTableName('modContextResource'); $criteria[] = "(modResource.context_key IN ({$context}) OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM {$contextResourceTbl} ctx WHERE ctx.resource = AND ctx.context_key IN ({$context})))"; } if (empty($showDeleted)) { $criteria['deleted'] = '0'; } if (empty($showUnpublished)) { $criteria['published'] = '1'; } if (empty($showHidden)) { $criteria['hidemenu'] = '0'; } if (!empty($hideContainers)) { $criteria['isfolder'] = '0'; } $criteria = $modx->newQuery('modResource', $criteria); if (!empty($tvFilters)) { $tmplVarTbl = $modx->getTableName('modTemplateVar'); $tmplVarResourceTbl = $modx->getTableName('modTemplateVarResource'); $conditions = array(); $operators = array( '<=>' => '<=>', '===' => '=', '!==' => '!=', '<>' => '<>', '==' => 'LIKE', '!=' => 'NOT LIKE', '<<' => '<', '<=' => '<=', '=<' => '=<', '>>' => '>', '>=' => '>=', '=>' => '=>', '(IN)' => 'FIND_IN_SET' ); foreach ($tvFilters as $fGroup => $tvFilter) { $filterGroup = array(); $filters = explode(',', $tvFilter); $multiple = count($filters) > 0; foreach ($filters as $filter) { $operator = '=='; $sqlOperator = 'LIKE'; foreach ($operators as $op => $opSymbol) { if (strpos($filter, $op, 1) !== false) { $operator = $op; $sqlOperator = $opSymbol; break; } } $tvValueField = 'tvr.value'; $tvDefaultField = 'tv.default_text'; $f = explode($operator, $filter); if (count($f) == 2) { $tvName = $modx->quote($f[0]); if (is_numeric($f[1]) && !in_array($sqlOperator, array('LIKE', 'NOT LIKE'))) { $tvValue = $f[1]; if ($f[1] == (integer)$f[1]) { $tvValueField = "CAST({$tvValueField} AS SIGNED INTEGER)"; $tvDefaultField = "CAST({$tvDefaultField} AS SIGNED INTEGER)"; } else { $tvValueField = "CAST({$tvValueField} AS DECIMAL)"; $tvDefaultField = "CAST({$tvDefaultField} AS DECIMAL)"; } } else { $tvValue = $modx->quote($f[1]); }

if($sqlOperator == 'FIND_IN_SET'){

 $tvValueField = 'tvr.value';
 $tvDefaultField = 'tv.default_text';

if ($multiple) {
$filterGroup[] =
"(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} tvr JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} tv ON FIND_IN_SET({$tvValue}, REPLACE({$tvValueField},'||',',')) AND = {$tvName} AND = tvr.tmplvarid WHERE tvr.contentid = " .
"OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarTbl} tv WHERE = {$tvName} AND FIND_IN_SET({$tvValue}, REPLACE({$tvDefaultField},'||',',')) AND NOT IN (SELECT tmplvarid FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} WHERE contentid = " .
} else {
$filterGroup =
"(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} tvr JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} tv ON FIND_IN_SET({$tvValue}, REPLACE({$tvValueField},'||',',')) AND = {$tvName} AND = tvr.tmplvarid WHERE tvr.contentid = " .
"OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarTbl} tv WHERE = {$tvName} AND FIND_IN_SET({$tvValue}, REPLACE({$tvDefaultField},'||',',')) AND NOT IN (SELECT tmplvarid FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} WHERE contentid = " .

} else { if ($multiple) { $filterGroup[] = "(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} tvr JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} tv ON {$tvValueField} {$sqlOperator} {$tvValue} AND = {$tvName} AND = tvr.tmplvarid WHERE tvr.contentid = " . "OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarTbl} tv WHERE = {$tvName} AND {$tvDefaultField} {$sqlOperator} {$tvValue} AND NOT IN (SELECT tmplvarid FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} WHERE contentid = " . ")"; } else { $filterGroup = "(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} tvr JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} tv ON {$tvValueField} {$sqlOperator} {$tvValue} AND = {$tvName} AND = tvr.tmplvarid WHERE tvr.contentid = " . "OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarTbl} tv WHERE = {$tvName} AND {$tvDefaultField} {$sqlOperator} {$tvValue} AND NOT IN (SELECT tmplvarid FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} WHERE contentid = " . ")"; } } } elseif (count($f) == 1) { $tvValue = $modx->quote($f[0]); if ($multiple) { $filterGroup[] = "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} tvr JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} tv ON {$tvValueField} {$sqlOperator} {$tvValue} AND = tvr.tmplvarid WHERE tvr.contentid ="; } else { $filterGroup = "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} tvr JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} tv ON {$tvValueField} {$sqlOperator} {$tvValue} AND = tvr.tmplvarid WHERE tvr.contentid ="; } } } $conditions[] = $filterGroup; } if (!empty($conditions)) { $firstGroup = true; foreach ($conditions as $cGroup => $c) {

        if (is_array($c)) {
            $first = true;
            foreach ($c as $cond) { 
                if ($first && !$firstGroup) {
                    $criteria->condition($criteria->query['where'][0][1], $cond, xPDOQuery::SQL_OR, null, $cGroup);
                } else {
                    $criteria->condition($criteria->query['where'][0][1], $cond, xPDOQuery::SQL_AND, null, $cGroup);
                $first = false;
        } else {
            $criteria->condition($criteria->query['where'][0][1], $c, $firstGroup ? xPDOQuery::SQL_AND : xPDOQuery::SQL_OR, null, $cGroup);
        $firstGroup = false;

} /* include/exclude resources, via &resources=123,-456 prop */ if (!empty($resources)) { $resourceConditions = array(); $resources = explode(',',$resources); $include = array(); $exclude = array(); foreach ($resources as $resource) { $resource = (int)$resource; if ($resource == 0) continue; if ($resource < 0) { $exclude[] = abs($resource); } else { $include[] = $resource; } } if (!empty($include)) { $criteria->where(array('' => $include), xPDOQuery::SQL_OR); } if (!empty($exclude)) { $criteria->where(array(' IN' => $exclude), xPDOQuery::SQL_AND, null, 1); } } if (!empty($where)) { $criteria->where($where); }

$total = $modx->getCount('modResource', $criteria); $modx->setPlaceholder($totalVar, $total);

$fields = array_keys($modx->getFields('modResource')); if (empty($includeContent)) { $fields = array_diff($fields, array('content')); } $columns = $includeContent ? $modx->getSelectColumns('modResource', 'modResource') : $modx->getSelectColumns('modResource', 'modResource', '', array('content'), true); $criteria->select($columns); if (!empty($sortbyTV)) { $criteria->leftJoin('modTemplateVar', 'tvDefault', array( "" => $sortbyTV )); $criteria->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource', 'tvSort', array( "tvSort.contentid =", "tvSort.tmplvarid =" )); if (empty($sortbyTVType)) $sortbyTVType = 'string'; if ($modx->getOption('dbtype') === 'mysql') { switch ($sortbyTVType) { case 'integer': $criteria->select("CAST(IFNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS SIGNED INTEGER) AS sortTV"); break; case 'decimal': $criteria->select("CAST(IFNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS DECIMAL) AS sortTV"); break; case 'datetime': $criteria->select("CAST(IFNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS DATETIME) AS sortTV"); break; case 'string': default: $criteria->select("IFNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS sortTV"); break; } } elseif ($modx->getOption('dbtype') === 'sqlsrv') { switch ($sortbyTVType) { case 'integer': $criteria->select("CAST(ISNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS BIGINT) AS sortTV"); break; case 'decimal': $criteria->select("CAST(ISNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS DECIMAL) AS sortTV"); break; case 'datetime': $criteria->select("CAST(ISNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS DATETIME) AS sortTV"); break; case 'string': default: $criteria->select("ISNULL(tvSort.value, tvDefault.default_text) AS sortTV"); break; } } $criteria->sortby("sortTV", $sortdirTV); } if (!empty($sortby)) { if (strpos($sortby, '{') === 0) { $sorts = $modx->fromJSON($sortby); } else { $sorts = array($sortby => $sortdir); } if (is_array($sorts)) { while (list($sort, $dir) = each($sorts)) { if ($sortbyEscaped) $sort = $modx->escape($sort); if (!empty($sortbyAlias)) $sort = $modx->escape($sortbyAlias) . ".{$sort}"; $criteria->sortby($sort, $dir); } } } if (!empty($limit)) $criteria->limit($limit, $offset);

if (!empty($debug)) { $criteria->prepare(); $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $criteria->toSQL()); } $collection = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $criteria, $dbCacheFlag);

$idx = !empty($idx) && $idx !== '0' ? (integer) $idx : 1; $first = empty($first) && $first !== '0' ? 1 : (integer) $first; $last = empty($last) ? (count($collection) + $idx - 1) : (integer) $last;

/* include parseTpl */ include_once $modx->getOption('getresources.core_path',null,$modx->getOption('core_path').'components/getresources/').'include.parsetpl.php';

$templateVars = array(); if (!empty($includeTVs) && !empty($includeTVList)) { $templateVars = $modx->getCollection('modTemplateVar', array('name:IN' => $includeTVList)); } foreach ($collection as $resourceId => $resource) { $tvs = array(); if (!empty($includeTVs)) { if (empty($includeTVList)) { $templateVars = $resource->getMany('TemplateVars'); } foreach ($templateVars as $tvId => $templateVar) { if (!empty($includeTVList) && !in_array($templateVar->get('name'), $includeTVList)) continue; if ($processTVs && (empty($processTVList) || in_array($templateVar->get('name'), $processTVList))) { $tvs[$tvPrefix . $templateVar->get('name')] = $templateVar->renderOutput($resource->get('id')); } else { $tvs[$tvPrefix . $templateVar->get('name')] = $templateVar->getValue($resource->get('id')); } } } $odd = ($idx & 1); $properties = arraymerge( $scriptProperties ,array( 'idx' => $idx ,'first' => $first ,'last' => $last ) ,$includeContent ? $resource->toArray() : $resource->get($fields) ,$tvs ); $resourceTpl = ''; $tplidx = 'tpl' . $idx; if (!empty($$tplidx)) { $resourceTpl = parseTpl($$tplidx, $properties); } if ($idx > 1 && empty($resourceTpl)) { $divisors = getDivisors($idx); if (!empty($divisors)) { foreach ($divisors as $divisor) { $tplnth = 'tpl_n' . $divisor; if (!empty($$tplnth)) { $resourceTpl = parseTpl($$tplnth, $properties); if (!empty($resourceTpl)) { break; } } } } } if ($idx == $first && empty($resourceTpl) && !empty($tplFirst)) { $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tplFirst, $properties); } if ($idx == $last && empty($resourceTpl) && !empty($tplLast)) { $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tplLast, $properties); } if ($odd && empty($resourceTpl) && !empty($tplOdd)) { $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tplOdd, $properties); } if (!empty($tpl) && empty($resourceTpl)) { $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tpl, $properties); } if (empty($resourceTpl)) { $chunk = $modx->newObject('modChunk'); $chunk->setCacheable(false); $output[]= $chunk->process(array(), '

' . print_r($properties, true) .'
'); } else { $output[]= $resourceTpl; } $idx++; }

/* output */ $toSeparatePlaceholders = $modx->getOption('toSeparatePlaceholders',$scriptProperties,false); if (!empty($toSeparatePlaceholders)) { $modx->setPlaceholders($output,$toSeparatePlaceholders); return ''; }

$output = implode($outputSeparator, $output); $toPlaceholder = $modx->getOption('toPlaceholder',$scriptProperties,false); if (!empty($toPlaceholder)) { $modx->setPlaceholder($toPlaceholder,$output); return ''; } print $output;

wuuti commented 10 years ago

Hm. Any news on the IN operator? It would be very useful - in the past I always had to make dirty workarounds, changes in data representation or coding own solutions (for already existing functionality of getresources)...