Closed dustming closed 2 years ago
Got it, Just saw the comment and it works~!!! This is amazing work!!!
I tried to use leafmap to plot a huge polygon dataset in google colab. it ended without error but nothing plotted.
Are you interested in test this large polygon dataset?
Here is the link for the large dataset.
I got an unknown problem when I tried to plot "finalcat_info.shp"
The same code works for a small watershed as shown in the following:
Thanks for all your amazing work!!!
ipyleaflet can only handle relatively small datasets. For large datasets, you might need to host it on a server and access it through web services.
ipyleaflet can only handle relatively small datasets. For large datasets, you might need to host it on a server and access it through web services.
Hi Prof Wu, I notice that using a for loop to plot each polygon can solve this problem.
Yes, you can certainly use a for-loop, but the map will eventually become non-responsive when adding too much data to the map.
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