opengeos / leafmap

A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
MIT License
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Possibility to display pop up containing a chart within click on a point or instead connect the id with the textbox and print the chart below not in an pop up (with folium it take too much time) #616

Closed Nizar150 closed 11 months ago

Nizar150 commented 11 months ago

It would be realay helepful if someone could help me here . Can i do it with somethong else thana pydeck becaus it has to be compatible with streamlit import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pydeck as pdk import geopandas as gpd import folium import geemap.foliumap as geemap from localtileserver.widgets import get_folium_tile_layer import streamlit as st import folium from streamlit_folium import folium_static from PIL import Image import numpy as np from folium import plugins import rasterio from rasterio.warp import transform_bounds import leafmap.foliumap as leafmap

on ajoute notre fichier geoparquet

datafile ='waaaa.geoparquet'

on lit notre fichier geoparquet

data = pd.read_parquet(datafile)

on ajoute un titre a notre page

st.header("station de meteo")

add raw data

if st.checkbox('show raw data'): st.subheader('raw data') st.write(data)

on affiche la map

on affiche avec symbologie

Ici on a trouver une erreur dans laquel on a transformer depuis pandas to geopandas avant utiliser

geometry = gpd.points_from_xy(data['longitude'], data['latitude']) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, geometry=geometry)

Ici on essai de faire les symbole proportionnel

initial view position , zoom et inclinaison ça sera benifique en 3D

Assuming 'temp_j3' is a column in your GeoDataFrame

day = st.slider('witch day', 0, 6, 2) option = st.selectbox( 'How would you like to choose?', ('temperature', 'humidite', 'precipitation'))

d="" def att(value): if value== 'temperature': d="tempj" if value== 'humidite': d="humd" if value== 'precipitation': d="preci_" return d

color1 = []

def color(value): if att(option)== "tempj" : if value < 15: return [246, 45, 45] # Red elif 15 <= value < 35: return [162, 38, 75] # Purple else: return [16, 52, 166] # Blue if att(option)== "humd" : if value < 30: return [135, 97, 115] # Red elif 15 <= value < 60: return [176, 147, 101] # Purple else: return [20, 120, 51] # Blue if att(option)== "preci_" : if value < 7: return [0, 212, 14] # Red elif 15 <= value < 14: return [0, 113, 133] # Purple else: return [0, 49, 147] # Blue

gdf['fill_color'] = gdf[str(att(option))+str(day)].apply(color) ############


Create a new column 'label' containing the labels for each point

st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style=None, initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=32, longitude=-5, zoom=8, pitch=0, ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=gdf, pickable=True, opacity=0.8, stroked=True, filled=True, radius_scale=10, radius_min_pixels=1, radius_max_pixels=100, line_width_min_pixels=1, get_position='[longitude, latitude]', get_radius=200, get_fill_color='fill_color', # Use the new 'fill_color' column auto_highlight=True,

tooltip = {

"html": "Elevation Value: {OBJECTID}", "style": { "backgroundColor": "steelblue", "color": "white" } } ))

#################### ##############


attribute_columns = [col for col in gdf["OBJECTID"] ] selected_column = st.selectbox("Select Attribute Column:", attribute_columns) ###################

Create an empty DataFrame

ddf = pd.DataFrame()

Add columns to the DataFrame

ddf['jours'] = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] # You can replace None with any default value you want

Add more columns as needed

for nh in ["tempj","preci","humd_"]: ddf[nh] = None for i in range(7): for nh in ["tempj","preci","humd_"]: ddf[nh][i] =[selected_column, nh+str(i)]

Print the empty DataFrame

print(ddf) chart_data = pd.DataFrame(ddf, columns=[str(att(option))])

st.line_chart(chart_data) ################## m = leafmap.Map(height=600, center=[39.4948, -108.5492], zoom=12) url = '' url2 = '' m.split_map(url, url2) m folium_static(m)

The st chart is the issue here im using streamli it sworking perfectly but i want to eiter repleace the chart by a apop up or make the graph appear after clicking on one of the 1500 point on the map that represent the graph

giswqs commented 11 months ago

See this example.