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`wbt_laplacian_filter()` variant= OptionList argument type needs shell quoting #46

Closed brownag closed 2 years ago

brownag commented 3 years ago

This is a note to make aware of some unexpected behavior I found while testing functions systematically.

I made some notes on this but never posted an issue. Still pondering what the general approach should be for sanitizing user input data and types in the autogenerated methods. I have some tools that I have been working for checking the arg string that might be able to be dropped into all of the generated code.

This is an analogue of #20 where arguments plopped into shell can lead to unexpected results. In this issue the shell does not like the parentheses floating around unquoted.

This wbt_laplacian_filter() behavior shows up as Syntax error: "(" unexpected

Fix: Default variant user argument needs to be wrapped in shQuote(). It will fail with the default value "3x3(1)" . A heavy-handed solution might be to shQuote all "OptionList" parameter types. I say heavy handed because it might not happen all that frequently. At a minimum any default arguments should be quoted so they dont error, ~but probably it should just quote the argument, which would only affect people who may have come up with their own workaround.~ Note: WBT should handle extra quotes for arguments fine, it replaces anything that evaluates to " or ' with nothing.

Of the other OptionList cases (n=5) where the variant parameter name is used wbt_laplacian_filter() is the only one that is sensitive to this bug because of the parentheses in the option labels.

Fix (to be done in a general way)


args <- paste(args, paste0("--variant=", variant))

where variant to

args <- paste(args, paste0("--variant=", shQuote(variant)))

So that --run=laplacian_filter --input=DEM.tif --output=slope.tif --variant=3x3(1) --clip=0 -v becomes --run=laplacian_filter --input=DEM.tif --output=slope.tif --variant='3x3(1)' --clip=0 -v

function_name label parameter_type description
wbt_extract_valleys variant OptionList LQ, JandR, PandD Options include 'LQ' (lower quartile), 'JandR' (Johnston and Rosenfeld), and 'PandD' (Peucker and Douglas); default is 'LQ'.
wbt_laplacian_filter variant OptionList 3x3(1), 3x3(2), 3x3(3), 3x3(4), 5x5(1), 5x5(2) Optional variant value. Options include 3x3(1), 3x3(2), 3x3(3), 3x3(4), 5x5(1), and 5x5(2) (default is 3x3(1)).
wbt_line_detection_filter variant OptionList vertical, horizontal, 45, 135 Optional variant value. Options include 'v' (vertical), 'h' (horizontal), '45', and '135' (default is 'v').
wbt_sobel_filter variant OptionList 3x3, 5x5 Optional variant value. Options include 3x3 and 5x5 (default is 3x3).
wbt_tophat_transform variant OptionList white, black Optional variant value. Options include 'white' and 'black'.