opengeos / whiteboxR

WhiteboxTools R Frontend
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print(wbt_list_tools()) prints Error #70

Closed wiesehahn closed 2 years ago

wiesehahn commented 2 years ago

In the documentation it says

# List all available tools in whitebox-tools

Instead an Error is printed

> print(wbt_list_tools())
All 0 Tools containing keywords:
[1] "All 0 Tools containing keywords:"
brownag commented 2 years ago

Are you using a recent version of the package from CRAN or GitHub? With latest version available on CRAN (2.1.2) and on GitHub ( I get the following:

#> [1] '2.1.2'
#> [1] "WhiteboxTools v2.1.0 by Dr. John B. Lindsay (c) 2017-2022"                  
#> [2] ""                                                                           
#> [3] "WhiteboxTools is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed at"
#> [4] "the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research "     
#> [5] "Group (GHRG). See for more details."
x <- wbt_list_tools()
#> All 455 Available Tools:
#> AbsoluteValue: Calculates the absolute value of every cell in a raster.
#> AdaptiveFilter: Performs an adaptive filter on an image.
#> Add: Performs an addition operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> AddPointCoordinatesToTable: Modifies the attribute table of a point vector by adding fields containing each point's X and Y coordinates.
#> AggregateRaster: Aggregates a raster to a lower resolution.
#> And: Performs a logical AND operator on two Boolean raster images.
#> Anova: Performs an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test on a raster dataset.
#> ArcCos: Returns the inverse cosine (arccos) of each values in a raster.
#> ArcSin: Returns the inverse sine (arcsin) of each values in a raster.
#> ArcTan: Returns the inverse tangent (arctan) of each values in a raster.
#> Arcosh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arcosh) of each values in a raster.
#> Arsinh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine (arsinh) of each values in a raster.
#> Artanh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent (arctanh) of each values in a raster.
#> AsciiToLas: Converts one or more ASCII files containing LiDAR points into LAS files.
#> Aspect: Calculates an aspect raster from an input DEM.
#> Atan2: Returns the 2-argument inverse tangent (atan2).
#> AttributeCorrelation: Performs a correlation analysis on attribute fields from a vector database.
#> AttributeCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis: Performs a correlation on two input vector attributes within a neighbourhood search windows.
#> AttributeHistogram: Creates a histogram for the field values of a vector's attribute table.
#> AttributeScattergram: Creates a scattergram for two field values of a vector's attribute table.
#> AverageFlowpathSlope: Measures the average slope gradient from each grid cell to all upslope divide cells.
#> AverageNormalVectorAngularDeviation: Calculates the circular variance of aspect at a scale for a DEM.
#> AverageOverlay: Calculates the average for each grid cell from a group of raster images.
#> AverageUpslopeFlowpathLength: Measures the average length of all upslope flowpaths draining each grid cell.
#> BalanceContrastEnhancement: Performs a balance contrast enhancement on a colour-composite image of multispectral data.
#> Basins: Identifies drainage basins that drain to the DEM edge.
#> BilateralFilter: A bilateral filter is an edge-preserving smoothing filter introduced by Tomasi and Manduchi (1998).
#> BlockMaximumGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using a block maximum scheme.
#> BlockMinimumGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using a block minimum scheme.
#> BoundaryShapeComplexity: Calculates the complexity of the boundaries of raster polygons.
#> BreachDepressions: Breaches all of the depressions in a DEM using Lindsay's (2016) algorithm. This should be preferred over depression filling in most cases.
#> BreachDepressionsLeastCost: Breaches the depressions in a DEM using a least-cost pathway method.
#> BreachSingleCellPits: Removes single-cell pits from an input DEM by breaching.
#> BufferRaster: Maps a distance-based buffer around each non-background (non-zero/non-nodata) grid cell in an input image.
#> BurnStreamsAtRoads: Burns-in streams at the sites of road embankments.
#> Ceil: Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is greater than or equal to the values in a raster.
#> Centroid: Calculates the centroid, or average location, of raster polygon objects.
#> CentroidVector: Identifies the centroid point of a vector polyline or polygon feature or a group of vector points.
#> ChangeVectorAnalysis: Performs a change vector analysis on a two-date multi-spectral dataset.
#> CircularVarianceOfAspect: Calculates the circular variance of aspect at a scale for a DEM.
#> ClassifyBuildingsInLidar: Reclassifies a LiDAR points that lie within vector building footprints.
#> ClassifyOverlapPoints: Classifies or filters LAS points in regions of overlapping flight lines.
#> CleanVector: Removes null features and lines/polygons with fewer than the required number of vertices.
#> Clip: Extract all the features, or parts of features, that overlap with the features of the clip vector.
#> ClipLidarToPolygon: Clips a LiDAR point cloud to a vector polygon or polygons.
#> ClipRasterToPolygon: Clips a raster to a vector polygon.
#> Closing: A closing is a mathematical morphology operation involving an erosion (min filter) of a dilation (max filter) set.
#> Clump: Groups cells that form discrete areas, assigning them unique identifiers.
#> CompactnessRatio: Calculates the compactness ratio (A/P), a measure of shape complexity, for vector polygons.
#> ConservativeSmoothingFilter: Performs a conservative-smoothing filter on an image.
#> ConstructVectorTIN: Creates a vector triangular irregular network (TIN) for a set of vector points.
#> ContoursFromPoints: Creates a contour coverage from a set of input points.
#> ContoursFromRaster: Derives a vector contour coverage from a raster surface.
#> ConvertNodataToZero: Converts nodata values in a raster to zero.
#> ConvertRasterFormat: Converts raster data from one format to another.
#> CornerDetection: Identifies corner patterns in boolean images using hit-and-miss pattern matching.
#> CorrectVignetting: Corrects the darkening of images towards corners.
#> Cos: Returns the cosine (cos) of each values in a raster.
#> Cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine (cosh) of each values in a raster.
#> CostAllocation: Identifies the source cell to which each grid cell is connected by a least-cost pathway in a cost-distance analysis.
#> CostDistance: Performs cost-distance accumulation on a cost surface and a group of source cells.
#> CostPathway: Performs cost-distance pathway analysis using a series of destination grid cells.
#> CountIf: Counts the number of occurrences of a specified value in a cell-stack of rasters.
#> CreateColourComposite: Creates a colour-composite image from three bands of multispectral imagery.
#> CreateHexagonalVectorGrid: Creates a hexagonal vector grid.
#> CreatePlane: Creates a raster image based on the equation for a simple plane.
#> CreateRectangularVectorGrid: Creates a rectangular vector grid.
#> CrispnessIndex: Calculates the Crispness Index, which is used to quantify how crisp (or conversely how fuzzy) a probability image is.
#> CrossTabulation: Performs a cross-tabulation on two categorical images.
#> CsvPointsToVector: Converts a CSV text file to vector points.
#> CumulativeDistribution: Converts a raster image to its cumulative distribution function.
#> D8FlowAccumulation: Calculates a D8 flow accumulation raster from an input DEM or flow pointer.
#> D8MassFlux: Performs a D8 mass flux calculation.
#> D8Pointer: Calculates a D8 flow pointer raster from an input DEM.
#> DInfFlowAccumulation: Calculates a D-infinity flow accumulation raster from an input DEM.
#> DInfMassFlux: Performs a D-infinity mass flux calculation.
#> DInfPointer: Calculates a D-infinity flow pointer (flow direction) raster from an input DEM.
#> Decrement: Decreases the values of each grid cell in an input raster by 1.0 (see also InPlaceSubtract).
#> DepthInSink: Measures the depth of sinks (depressions) in a DEM.
#> DevFromMeanElev: Calculates deviation from mean elevation.
#> DiffFromMeanElev: Calculates difference from mean elevation (equivalent to a high-pass filter).
#> DiffOfGaussianFilter: Performs a Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter on an image.
#> Difference: Outputs the features that occur in one of the two vector inputs but not both, i.e. no overlapping features.
#> DirectDecorrelationStretch: Performs a direct decorrelation stretch enhancement on a colour-composite image of multispectral data.
#> DirectionalRelief: Calculates relief for cells in an input DEM for a specified direction.
#> Dissolve: Removes the interior, or shared, boundaries within a vector polygon coverage.
#> DistanceToOutlet: Calculates the distance of stream grid cells to the channel network outlet cell.
#> DiversityFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the number of different values in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster.
#> Divide: Performs a division operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> DownslopeDistanceToStream: Measures distance to the nearest downslope stream cell.
#> DownslopeFlowpathLength: Calculates the downslope flowpath length from each cell to basin outlet.
#> DownslopeIndex: Calculates the Hjerdt et al. (2004) downslope index.
#> EdgeDensity: Calculates the density of edges, or breaks-in-slope within DEMs.
#> EdgePreservingMeanFilter: Performs a simple edge-preserving mean filter on an input image.
#> EdgeProportion: Calculate the proportion of cells in a raster polygon that are edge cells.
#> ElevAbovePit: Calculate the elevation of each grid cell above the nearest downstream pit cell or grid edge cell.
#> ElevPercentile: Calculates the elevation percentile raster from a DEM.
#> ElevRelativeToMinMax: Calculates the elevation of a location relative to the minimum and maximum elevations in a DEM.
#> ElevRelativeToWatershedMinMax: Calculates the elevation of a location relative to the minimum and maximum elevations in a watershed.
#> ElevationAboveStream: Calculates the elevation of cells above the nearest downslope stream cell.
#> ElevationAboveStreamEuclidean: Calculates the elevation of cells above the nearest (Euclidean distance) stream cell.
#> EliminateCoincidentPoints: Removes any coincident, or nearly coincident, points from a vector points file.
#> ElongationRatio: Calculates the elongation ratio for vector polygons.
#> EmbankmentMapping: Maps and/or removes road embankments from an input fine-resolution DEM.
#> EmbossFilter: Performs an emboss filter on an image, similar to a hillshade operation.
#> EqualTo: Performs a equal-to comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> Erase: Removes all the features, or parts of features, that overlap with the features of the erase vector polygon.
#> ErasePolygonFromLidar: Erases (cuts out) a vector polygon or polygons from a LiDAR point cloud.
#> ErasePolygonFromRaster: Erases (cuts out) a vector polygon from a raster.
#> EuclideanAllocation: Assigns grid cells in the output raster the value of the nearest target cell in the input image, measured by the Shih and Wu (2004) Euclidean distance transform.
#> EuclideanDistance: Calculates the Shih and Wu (2004) Euclidean distance transform.
#> Exp: Returns the exponential (base e) of values in a raster.
#> Exp2: Returns the exponential (base 2) of values in a raster.
#> ExportTableToCsv: Exports an attribute table to a CSV text file.
#> ExtendVectorLines: Extends vector lines by a specified distance.
#> ExtractNodes: Converts vector lines or polygons into vertex points.
#> ExtractRasterValuesAtPoints: Extracts the values of raster(s) at vector point locations.
#> ExtractStreams: Extracts stream grid cells from a flow accumulation raster.
#> ExtractValleys: Identifies potential valley bottom grid cells based on local topolography alone.
#> FD8FlowAccumulation: Calculates an FD8 flow accumulation raster from an input DEM.
#> FD8Pointer: Calculates an FD8 flow pointer raster from an input DEM.
#> FarthestChannelHead: Calculates the distance to the furthest upstream channel head for each stream cell.
#> FastAlmostGaussianFilter: Performs a fast approximate Gaussian filter on an image.
#> FeaturePreservingSmoothing: Reduces short-scale variation in an input DEM using a modified Sun et al. (2007) algorithm.
#> FetchAnalysis: Performs an analysis of fetch or upwind distance to an obstacle.
#> FillBurn: Burns streams into a DEM using the FillBurn (Saunders, 1999) method.
#> FillDepressions: Fills all of the depressions in a DEM. Depression breaching should be preferred in most cases.
#> FillDepressionsPlanchonAndDarboux: Fills all of the depressions in a DEM using the Planchon and Darboux (2002) method.
#> FillDepressionsWangAndLiu: Fills all of the depressions in a DEM using the Wang and Liu (2006) method. Depression breaching should be preferred in most cases.
#> FillMissingData: Fills NoData holes in a DEM.
#> FillSingleCellPits: Raises pit cells to the elevation of their lowest neighbour.
#> FilterLidarClasses: Removes points in a LAS file with certain specified class values.
#> FilterLidarScanAngles: Removes points in a LAS file with scan angles greater than a threshold.
#> FilterRasterFeaturesByArea: Removes small-area features from a raster.
#> FindFlightlineEdgePoints: Identifies points along a flightline's edge in a LAS file.
#> FindLowestOrHighestPoints: Locates the lowest and/or highest valued cells in a raster.
#> FindMainStem: Finds the main stem, based on stream lengths, of each stream network.
#> FindNoFlowCells: Finds grid cells with no downslope neighbours.
#> FindParallelFlow: Finds areas of parallel flow in D8 flow direction rasters.
#> FindPatchOrClassEdgeCells: Finds all cells located on the edge of patch or class features.
#> FindRidges: Identifies potential ridge and peak grid cells.
#> FlattenLakes: Flattens lake polygons in a raster DEM.
#> FlightlineOverlap: Reads a LiDAR (LAS) point file and outputs a raster containing the number of overlapping flight lines in each grid cell.
#> FlipImage: Reflects an image in the vertical or horizontal axis.
#> FloodOrder: Assigns each DEM grid cell its order in the sequence of inundations that are encountered during a search starting from the edges, moving inward at increasing elevations.
#> Floor: Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is less than or equal to the values in a raster.
#> FlowAccumulationFullWorkflow: Resolves all of the depressions in a DEM, outputting a breached DEM, an aspect-aligned non-divergent flow pointer, and a flow accumulation raster.
#> FlowLengthDiff: Calculates the local maximum absolute difference in downslope flowpath length, useful in mapping drainage divides and ridges.
#> GammaCorrection: Performs a gamma correction on an input images.
#> GaussianContrastStretch: Performs a Gaussian contrast stretch on input images.
#> GaussianCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> GaussianFilter: Performs a Gaussian filter on an image.
#> Geomorphons: Computes geomorphon patterns.
#> GreaterThan: Performs a greater-than comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> HackStreamOrder: Assigns the Hack stream order to each tributary in a stream network.
#> HeightAboveGround: Normalizes a LiDAR point cloud, providing the height above the nearest ground-classified point.
#> HighPassFilter: Performs a high-pass filter on an input image.
#> HighPassMedianFilter: Performs a high pass median filter on an input image.
#> HighestPosition: Identifies the stack position of the maximum value within a raster stack on a cell-by-cell basis.
#> Hillshade: Calculates a hillshade raster from an input DEM.
#> Hillslopes: Identifies the individual hillslopes draining to each link in a stream network.
#> HistogramEqualization: Performs a histogram equalization contrast enhancement on an image.
#> HistogramMatching: Alters the statistical distribution of a raster image matching it to a specified PDF.
#> HistogramMatchingTwoImages: This tool alters the cumulative distribution function of a raster image to that of another image.
#> HoleProportion: Calculates the proportion of the total area of a polygon's holes relative to the area of the polygon's hull.
#> HorizonAngle: Calculates horizon angle (maximum upwind slope) for each grid cell in an input DEM.
#> HortonStreamOrder: Assigns the Horton stream order to each tributary in a stream network.
#> HypsometricAnalysis: Calculates a hypsometric curve for one or more DEMs.
#> HypsometricallyTintedHillshade: Creates an colour shaded relief image from an input DEM.
#> IdwInterpolation: Interpolates vector points into a raster surface using an inverse-distance weighted scheme.
#> IhsToRgb: Converts intensity, hue, and saturation (IHS) images into red, green, and blue (RGB) images.
#> ImageAutocorrelation: Performs Moran's I analysis on two or more input images.
#> ImageCorrelation: Performs image correlation on two or more input images.
#> ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis: Performs image correlation on two input images neighbourhood search windows.
#> ImageRegression: Performs image regression analysis on two input images.
#> ImageStackProfile: Plots an image stack profile (i.e. signature) for a set of points and multispectral images.
#> ImpoundmentSizeIndex: Calculates the impoundment size resulting from damming a DEM.
#> InPlaceAdd: Performs an in-place addition operation (input1 += input2).
#> InPlaceDivide: Performs an in-place division operation (input1 /= input2).
#> InPlaceMultiply: Performs an in-place multiplication operation (input1 *= input2).
#> InPlaceSubtract: Performs an in-place subtraction operation (input1 -= input2).
#> Increment: Increases the values of each grid cell in an input raster by 1.0. (see also InPlaceAdd)
#> InsertDams: Calculates the impoundment size resulting from damming a DEM.
#> IntegerDivision: Performs an integer division operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> IntegralImage: Transforms an input image (summed area table) into its integral image equivalent.
#> Intersect: Identifies the parts of features in common between two input vector layers.
#> IsNoData: Identifies NoData valued pixels in an image.
#> Isobasins: Divides a landscape into nearly equal sized drainage basins (i.e. watersheds).
#> JensonSnapPourPoints: Moves outlet points used to specify points of interest in a watershedding operation to the nearest stream cell.
#> JoinTables: Merge a vector's attribute table with another table based on a common field.
#> KMeansClustering: Performs a k-means clustering operation on a multi-spectral dataset.
#> KNearestMeanFilter: A k-nearest mean filter is a type of edge-preserving smoothing filter.
#> KappaIndex: Performs a kappa index of agreement (KIA) analysis on two categorical raster files.
#> KsTestForNormality: Evaluates whether the values in a raster are normally distributed.
#> LaplacianFilter: Performs a Laplacian filter on an image.
#> LaplacianOfGaussianFilter: Performs a Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) filter on an image.
#> LasToAscii: Converts one or more LAS files into ASCII text files.
#> LasToMultipointShapefile: Converts one or more LAS files into MultipointZ vector Shapefiles. When the input parameter is not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LasToShapefile: Converts one or more LAS files into a vector Shapefile of POINT ShapeType.
#> LasToZlidar: Converts one or more LAS files into the zlidar compressed LiDAR data format.
#> LayerFootprint: Creates a vector polygon footprint of the area covered by a raster grid or vector layer.
#> LeeSigmaFilter: Performs a Lee (Sigma) smoothing filter on an image.
#> LengthOfUpstreamChannels: Calculates the total length of channels upstream.
#> LessThan: Performs a less-than comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> LidarBlockMaximum: Creates a block-maximum raster from an input LAS file. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarBlockMinimum: Creates a block-minimum raster from an input LAS file. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarClassifySubset: Classifies the values in one LiDAR point cloud that correspond with points in a subset cloud.
#> LidarColourize: Adds the red-green-blue colour fields of a LiDAR (LAS) file based on an input image.
#> LidarDigitalSurfaceModel: Creates a top-surface digital surface model (DSM) from a LiDAR point cloud.
#> LidarElevationSlice: Outputs all of the points within a LiDAR (LAS) point file that lie between a specified elevation range.
#> LidarGroundPointFilter: Identifies ground points within LiDAR dataset using a slope-based method.
#> LidarHexBinning: Hex-bins a set of LiDAR points.
#> LidarHillshade: Calculates a hillshade value for points within a LAS file and stores these data in the RGB field.
#> LidarHistogram: Creates a histogram of LiDAR data.
#> LidarIdwInterpolation: Interpolates LAS files using an inverse-distance weighted (IDW) scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool interpolates all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarInfo: Prints information about a LiDAR (LAS) dataset, including header, point return frequency, and classification data and information about the variable length records (VLRs) and geokeys.
#> LidarJoin: Joins multiple LiDAR (LAS) files into a single LAS file.
#> LidarKappaIndex: Performs a kappa index of agreement (KIA) analysis on the classifications of two LAS files.
#> LidarNearestNeighbourGridding: Grids LiDAR files using nearest-neighbour scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarPointDensity: Calculates the spatial pattern of point density for a LiDAR data set. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarPointStats: Creates several rasters summarizing the distribution of LAS point data. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool works on all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarRansacPlanes: Performs a RANSAC analysis to identify points within a LiDAR point cloud that belong to linear planes.
#> LidarRbfInterpolation: Interpolates LAS files using a radial basis function (RBF) scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool interpolates all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarRemoveDuplicates: Removes duplicate points from a LiDAR data set.
#> LidarRemoveOutliers: Removes outliers (high and low points) in a LiDAR point cloud.
#> LidarRooftopAnalysis: Identifies roof segments in a LiDAR point cloud.
#> LidarSegmentation: Segments a LiDAR point cloud based on differences in the orientation of fitted planar surfaces and point proximity.
#> LidarSegmentationBasedFilter: Identifies ground points within LiDAR point clouds using a segmentation based approach.
#> LidarTINGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a Delaunay triangular irregular network (TIN) fitted to LiDAR points.
#> LidarThin: Thins a LiDAR point cloud, reducing point density.
#> LidarThinHighDensity: Thins points from high density areas within a LiDAR point cloud.
#> LidarTile: Tiles a LiDAR LAS file into multiple LAS files.
#> LidarTileFootprint: Creates a vector polygon of the convex hull of a LiDAR point cloud. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool works with all LAS files contained within the working directory.
#> LidarTophatTransform: Performs a white top-hat transform on a Lidar dataset; as an estimate of height above ground, this is useful for modelling the vegetation canopy.
#> LineDetectionFilter: Performs a line-detection filter on an image.
#> LineIntersections: Identifies points where the features of two vector line layers intersect.
#> LineThinning: Performs line thinning a on Boolean raster image; intended to be used with the RemoveSpurs tool.
#> LinearityIndex: Calculates the linearity index for vector polygons.
#> LinesToPolygons: Converts vector polylines to polygons.
#> ListUniqueValues: Lists the unique values contained in a field within a vector's attribute table.
#> Ln: Returns the natural logarithm of values in a raster.
#> Log10: Returns the base-10 logarithm of values in a raster.
#> Log2: Returns the base-2 logarithm of values in a raster.
#> LongProfile: Plots the stream longitudinal profiles for one or more rivers.
#> LongProfileFromPoints: Plots the longitudinal profiles from flow-paths initiating from a set of vector points.
#> LongestFlowpath: Delineates the longest flowpaths for a group of subbasins or watersheds. 
#> LowestPosition: Identifies the stack position of the minimum value within a raster stack on a cell-by-cell basis.
#> MDInfFlowAccumulation: Calculates an FD8 flow accumulation raster from an input DEM.
#> MajorityFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the most frequently occurring value (mode) in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster.
#> MapOffTerrainObjects: Maps off-terrain objects in a digital elevation model (DEM).
#> Max: Performs a MAX operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> MaxAbsoluteOverlay: Evaluates the maximum absolute value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#> MaxAnisotropyDev: Calculates the maximum anisotropy (directionality) in elevation deviation over a range of spatial scales.
#> MaxAnisotropyDevSignature: Calculates the anisotropy in deviation from mean for points over a range of spatial scales.
#> MaxBranchLength: Lindsay and Seibert's (2013) branch length index is used to map drainage divides or ridge lines.
#> MaxDifferenceFromMean: Calculates the maximum difference from mean elevation over a range of spatial scales.
#> MaxDownslopeElevChange: Calculates the maximum downslope change in elevation between a grid cell and its eight downslope neighbors.
#> MaxElevDevSignature: Calculates the maximum elevation deviation over a range of spatial scales and for a set of points.
#> MaxElevationDeviation: Calculates the maximum elevation deviation over a range of spatial scales.
#> MaxOverlay: Evaluates the maximum value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#> MaxUpslopeElevChange: Calculates the maximum upslope change in elevation between a grid cell and its eight downslope neighbors.
#> MaxUpslopeFlowpathLength: Measures the maximum length of all upslope flowpaths draining each grid cell.
#> MaximalCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> MaximumFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the maximum value in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster.
#> MeanCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> MeanFilter: Performs a mean filter (low-pass filter) on an input image.
#> MedianFilter: Performs a median filter on an input image.
#> Medoid: Calculates the medoid for a series of vector features contained in a shapefile.
#> MergeLineSegments: Merges vector line segments into larger features.
#> MergeTableWithCsv: Merge a vector's attribute table with a table contained within a CSV text file.
#> MergeVectors: Combines two or more input vectors of the same ShapeType creating a single, new output vector.
#> Min: Performs a MIN operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> MinAbsoluteOverlay: Evaluates the minimum absolute value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#> MinDownslopeElevChange: Calculates the minimum downslope change in elevation between a grid cell and its eight downslope neighbors.
#> MinMaxContrastStretch: Performs a min-max contrast stretch on an input greytone image.
#> MinOverlay: Evaluates the minimum value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters.
#> MinimalCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> MinimumBoundingBox: Creates a vector minimum bounding rectangle around vector features.
#> MinimumBoundingCircle: Delineates the minimum bounding circle (i.e. smallest enclosing circle) for a group of vectors.
#> MinimumBoundingEnvelope: Creates a vector axis-aligned minimum bounding rectangle (envelope) around vector features.
#> MinimumConvexHull: Creates a vector convex polygon around vector features.
#> MinimumFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the minimum value in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster.
#> ModifiedKMeansClustering: Performs a modified k-means clustering operation on a multi-spectral dataset.
#> ModifyNoDataValue: Converts nodata values in a raster to zero.
#> Modulo: Performs a modulo operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> Mosaic: Mosaics two or more images together.
#> MosaicWithFeathering: Mosaics two images together using a feathering technique in overlapping areas to reduce edge-effects.
#> MultiPartToSinglePart: Converts a vector file containing multi-part features into a vector containing only single-part features.
#> MultidirectionalHillshade: Calculates a multi-direction hillshade raster from an input DEM.
#> Multiply: Performs a multiplication operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> MultiplyOverlay: Calculates the sum for each grid cell from a group of raster images.
#> MultiscaleElevationPercentile: Calculates surface roughness over a range of spatial scales.
#> MultiscaleRoughness: Calculates surface roughness over a range of spatial scales.
#> MultiscaleRoughnessSignature: Calculates the surface roughness for points over a range of spatial scales.
#> MultiscaleStdDevNormals: Calculates surface roughness over a range of spatial scales.
#> MultiscaleStdDevNormalsSignature: Calculates the surface roughness for points over a range of spatial scales.
#> MultiscaleTopographicPositionImage: Creates a multiscale topographic position image from three DEVmax rasters of differing spatial scale ranges.
#> NarrownessIndex: Calculates the narrowness of raster polygons.
#> NaturalNeighbourInterpolation: Creates a raster grid based on Sibson's natural neighbour method.
#> NearestNeighbourGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using the nearest neighbour.
#> Negate: Changes the sign of values in a raster or the 0-1 values of a Boolean raster.
#> NewRasterFromBase: Creates a new raster using a base image.
#> NormalVectors: Calculates normal vectors for points within a LAS file and stores these data (XYZ vector components) in the RGB field.
#> NormalizedDifferenceIndex: Calculate a normalized-difference index (NDI) from two bands of multispectral image data.
#> Not: Performs a logical NOT operator on two Boolean raster images.
#> NotEqualTo: Performs a not-equal-to comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> NumDownslopeNeighbours: Calculates the number of downslope neighbours to each grid cell in a DEM.
#> NumInflowingNeighbours: Computes the number of inflowing neighbours to each cell in an input DEM based on the D8 algorithm.
#> NumUpslopeNeighbours: Calculates the number of upslope neighbours to each grid cell in a DEM.
#> OlympicFilter: Performs an olympic smoothing filter on an image.
#> Opening: An opening is a mathematical morphology operation involving a dilation (max filter) of an erosion (min filter) set.
#> Or: Performs a logical OR operator on two Boolean raster images.
#> PairedSampleTTest: Performs a 2-sample K-S test for significant differences on two input rasters.
#> PanchromaticSharpening: Increases the spatial resolution of image data by combining multispectral bands with panchromatic data.
#> PatchOrientation: Calculates the orientation of vector polygons.
#> PennockLandformClass: Classifies hillslope zones based on slope, profile curvature, and plan curvature.
#> PercentElevRange: Calculates percent of elevation range from a DEM.
#> PercentEqualTo: Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values equal to an input on a cell-by-cell basis.
#> PercentGreaterThan: Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values greater than an input on a cell-by-cell basis.
#> PercentLessThan: Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values less than an input on a cell-by-cell basis.
#> PercentageContrastStretch: Performs a percentage linear contrast stretch on input images.
#> PercentileFilter: Performs a percentile filter on an input image.
#> PerimeterAreaRatio: Calculates the perimeter-area ratio of vector polygons.
#> PickFromList: Outputs the value from a raster stack specified by a position raster.
#> PlanCurvature: Calculates a plan (contour) curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> PolygonArea: Calculates the area of vector polygons.
#> PolygonLongAxis: This tool can be used to map the long axis of polygon features.
#> PolygonPerimeter: Calculates the perimeter of vector polygons.
#> PolygonShortAxis: This tool can be used to map the short axis of polygon features.
#> Polygonize: Creates a polygon layer from two or more intersecting line features contained in one or more input vector line files.
#> PolygonsToLines: Converts vector polygons to polylines.
#> Power: Raises the values in grid cells of one rasters, or a constant value, by values in another raster or constant value.
#> PrewittFilter: Performs a Prewitt edge-detection filter on an image.
#> PrincipalComponentAnalysis: Performs a principal component analysis (PCA) on a multi-spectral dataset.
#> PrintGeoTiffTags: Prints the tags within a GeoTIFF.
#> Profile: Plots profiles from digital surface models.
#> ProfileCurvature: Calculates a profile curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> Quantiles: Transforms raster values into quantiles.
#> RadialBasisFunctionInterpolation: Interpolates vector points into a raster surface using a radial basis function scheme.
#> RadiusOfGyration: Calculates the distance of cells from their polygon's centroid.
#> RaiseWalls: Raises walls in a DEM along a line or around a polygon, e.g. a watershed.
#> RandomField: Creates an image containing random values.
#> RandomSample: Creates an image containing randomly located sample grid cells with unique IDs.
#> RangeFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the range of values in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster.
#> RasterArea: Calculates the area of polygons or classes within a raster image.
#> RasterCellAssignment: Assign row or column number to cells.
#> RasterHistogram: Creates a histogram from raster values.
#> RasterPerimeter: Calculates the perimeters of polygons or classes within a raster image.
#> RasterStreamsToVector: Converts a raster stream file into a vector file.
#> RasterSummaryStats: Measures a rasters min, max, average, standard deviation, num. non-nodata cells, and total.
#> RasterToVectorLines: Converts a raster lines features into a vector of the POLYLINE shapetype
#> RasterToVectorPoints: Converts a raster dataset to a vector of the POINT shapetype.
#> RasterToVectorPolygons: Converts a raster dataset to a vector of the POLYGON shapetype.
#> RasterizeStreams: Rasterizes vector streams based on Lindsay (2016) method.
#> Reciprocal: Returns the reciprocal (i.e. 1 / z) of values in a raster.
#> Reclass: Reclassifies the values in a raster image.
#> ReclassEqualInterval: Reclassifies the values in a raster image based on equal-ranges.
#> ReclassFromFile: Reclassifies the values in a raster image using reclass ranges in a text file.
#> ReinitializeAttributeTable: Reinitializes a vector's attribute table deleting all fields but the feature ID (FID).
#> RelatedCircumscribingCircle: Calculates the related circumscribing circle of vector polygons.
#> RelativeAspect: Calculates relative aspect (relative to a user-specified direction) from an input DEM.
#> RelativeTopographicPosition: Calculates the relative topographic position index from a DEM.
#> RemoveOffTerrainObjects: Removes off-terrain objects from a raster digital elevation model (DEM).
#> RemovePolygonHoles: Removes holes within the features of a vector polygon file.
#> RemoveShortStreams: Removes short first-order streams from a stream network.
#> RemoveSpurs: Removes the spurs (pruning operation) from a Boolean line image; intended to be used on the output of the LineThinning tool.
#> Resample: Resamples one or more input images into a destination image.
#> RescaleValueRange: Performs a min-max contrast stretch on an input greytone image.
#> RgbToIhs: Converts red, green, and blue (RGB) images into intensity, hue, and saturation (IHS) images.
#> Rho8Pointer: Calculates a stochastic Rho8 flow pointer raster from an input DEM.
#> RobertsCrossFilter: Performs a Robert's cross edge-detection filter on an image.
#> RootMeanSquareError: Calculates the RMSE and other accuracy statistics.
#> Round: Rounds the values in an input raster to the nearest integer value.
#> RuggednessIndex: Calculates the Riley et al.'s (1999) terrain ruggedness index from an input DEM.
#> ScharrFilter: Performs a Scharr edge-detection filter on an image.
#> SedimentTransportIndex: Calculates the sediment transport index.
#> SelectTilesByPolygon: Copies LiDAR tiles overlapping with a polygon into an output directory.
#> SetNodataValue: Assign a specified value in an input image to the NoData value.
#> ShapeComplexityIndex: Calculates overall polygon shape complexity or irregularity.
#> ShapeComplexityIndexRaster: Calculates the complexity of raster polygons or classes.
#> ShreveStreamMagnitude: Assigns the Shreve stream magnitude to each link in a stream network.
#> SigmoidalContrastStretch: Performs a sigmoidal contrast stretch on input images.
#> Sin: Returns the sine (sin) of each values in a raster.
#> SinglePartToMultiPart: Converts a vector file containing multi-part features into a vector containing only single-part features.
#> Sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine (sinh) of each values in a raster.
#> Sink: Identifies the depressions in a DEM, giving each feature a unique identifier.
#> Slope: Calculates a slope raster from an input DEM.
#> SlopeVsElevationPlot: Creates a slope vs. elevation plot for one or more DEMs.
#> SmoothVectors: Smooths a vector coverage of either a POLYLINE or POLYGON base ShapeType.
#> SnapPourPoints: Moves outlet points used to specify points of interest in a watershedding operation to the cell with the highest flow accumulation in its neighbourhood.
#> SobelFilter: Performs a Sobel edge-detection filter on an image.
#> SphericalStdDevOfNormals: Calculates the spherical standard deviation of surface normals for a DEM.
#> SplitColourComposite: This tool splits an RGB colour composite image into separate multispectral images.
#> SplitWithLines: Splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer.
#> Square: Squares the values in a raster.
#> SquareRoot: Returns the square root of the values in a raster.
#> StandardDeviationContrastStretch: Performs a standard-deviation contrast stretch on input images.
#> StandardDeviationFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the standard deviation of values in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster.
#> StandardDeviationOfSlope: Calculates the standard deviation of slope from an input DEM.
#> StochasticDepressionAnalysis: Performs a stochastic analysis of depressions within a DEM.
#> StrahlerOrderBasins: Identifies Strahler-order basins from an input stream network.
#> StrahlerStreamOrder: Assigns the Strahler stream order to each link in a stream network.
#> StreamLinkClass: Identifies the exterior/interior links and nodes in a stream network.
#> StreamLinkIdentifier: Assigns a unique identifier to each link in a stream network.
#> StreamLinkLength: Estimates the length of each link (or tributary) in a stream network.
#> StreamLinkSlope: Estimates the average slope of each link (or tributary) in a stream network.
#> StreamPowerIndex: Calculates the relative stream power index.
#> StreamSlopeContinuous: Estimates the slope of each grid cell in a stream network.
#> Subbasins: Identifies the catchments, or sub-basin, draining to each link in a stream network.
#> Subtract: Performs a differencing operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value.
#> SumOverlay: Calculates the sum for each grid cell from a group of raster images.
#> SurfaceAreaRatio: Calculates a the surface area ratio of each grid cell in an input DEM.
#> SymmetricalDifference: Outputs the features that occur in one of the two vector inputs but not both, i.e. no overlapping features.
#> TINGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a triangular irregular network (TIN) fitted to vector points.
#> Tan: Returns the tangent (tan) of each values in a raster.
#> TangentialCurvature: Calculates a tangential curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> Tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) of each values in a raster.
#> ThickenRasterLine: Thickens single-cell wide lines within a raster image.
#> TimeInDaylight: Calculates the proportion of time a location is not within an area of shadow.
#> ToDegrees: Converts a raster from radians to degrees.
#> ToRadians: Converts a raster from degrees to radians.
#> TophatTransform: Performs either a white or black top-hat transform on an input image.
#> TopologicalStreamOrder: Assigns each link in a stream network its topological order.
#> TotalCurvature: Calculates a total curvature raster from an input DEM.
#> TotalFilter: Performs a total filter on an input image.
#> TraceDownslopeFlowpaths: Traces downslope flowpaths from one or more target sites (i.e. seed points).
#> TrendSurface: Estimates the trend surface of an input raster file.
#> TrendSurfaceVectorPoints: Estimates a trend surface from vector points.
#> TributaryIdentifier: Assigns a unique identifier to each tributary in a stream network.
#> Truncate: Truncates the values in a raster to the desired number of decimal places.
#> TurningBandsSimulation: Creates an image containing random values based on a turning-bands simulation.
#> TwoSampleKsTest: Performs a 2-sample K-S test for significant differences on two input rasters.
#> Union: Splits vector layers at their overlaps, creating a layer containing all the portions from both input and overlay layers.
#> UnnestBasins: Extract whole watersheds for a set of outlet points.
#> UnsharpMasking: An image sharpening technique that enhances edges.
#> UpdateNodataCells: Replaces the NoData values in an input raster with the corresponding values contained in a second update layer.
#> UpslopeDepressionStorage: Estimates the average upslope depression storage depth.
#> UserDefinedWeightsFilter: Performs a user-defined weights filter on an image.
#> VectorHexBinning: Hex-bins a set of vector points.
#> VectorLinesToRaster: Converts a vector containing polylines into a raster.
#> VectorPointsToRaster: Converts a vector containing points into a raster.
#> VectorPolygonsToRaster: Converts a vector containing polygons into a raster.
#> Viewshed: Identifies the viewshed for a point or set of points.
#> VisibilityIndex: Estimates the relative visibility of sites in a DEM.
#> VoronoiDiagram: Creates a vector Voronoi diagram for a set of vector points.
#> Watershed: Identifies the watershed, or drainage basin, draining to a set of target cells.
#> WeightedOverlay: Performs a weighted sum on multiple input rasters after converting each image to a common scale. The tool performs a multi-criteria evaluation (MCE).
#> WeightedSum: Performs a weighted-sum overlay on multiple input raster images.
#> WetnessIndex: Calculates the topographic wetness index, Ln(A / tan(slope)).
#> WilcoxonSignedRankTest: Performs a 2-sample K-S test for significant differences on two input rasters.
#> WriteFunctionMemoryInsertion: Performs a write function memory insertion for single-band multi-date change detection.
#> Xor: Performs a logical XOR operator on two Boolean raster images.
#> ZScores: Standardizes the values in an input raster by converting to z-scores.
#> ZlidarToLas: Converts one or more zlidar files into the LAS data format.
#> ZonalStatistics: Extracts descriptive statistics for a group of patches in a raster.
#>  chr [1:456] "All 455 Available Tools:" ...
wiesehahn commented 2 years ago

Fresh install from CRAN

> packageVersion("whitebox")
[1] ‘2.1.2’
> print(wbt_version())
WhiteboxTools v2.1.0 by Dr. John B. Lindsay (c) 2017-2021

WhiteboxTools is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed at
the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research 
Group (GHRG). See for more details.
[1] "WhiteboxTools v2.1.0 by Dr. John B. Lindsay (c) 2017-2021"                  
[2] ""                                                                           
[3] "WhiteboxTools is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed at"
[4] "the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research "     
[5] "Group (GHRG). See for more details."                    
> wbt_verbose(TRUE)
> x <- wbt_list_tools()
All 0 Tools containing keywords:
brownag commented 2 years ago

Can you show the output for this command, please? And what platform are you running this on?

print(whitebox:::wbt_system_call("--listtools", command_only = TRUE))
print(whitebox:::wbt_system_call(paste("--listtools", NULL), command_only = TRUE))

If you run the above command output directly in your shell, do you get the same result?

wiesehahn commented 2 years ago

running on Windows, guess thats the problem.

> print(whitebox:::wbt_system_call("--listtools", command_only = TRUE))
[1] "\"C:/Users/jwiesehahn/AppData/Local/renv/cache/v5/R-4.1/x86_64-w64-mingw32/whitebox/2.1.2/921d2eadfb2a5656a58960a3511c112d/whitebox/WBT/whitebox_tools.exe\" --listtools"
> print(whitebox:::wbt_system_call(paste("--listtools", NULL), command_only = TRUE))
[1] "\"C:/Users/jwiesehahn/AppData/Local/renv/cache/v5/R-4.1/x86_64-w64-mingw32/whitebox/2.1.2/921d2eadfb2a5656a58960a3511c112d/whitebox/WBT/whitebox_tools.exe\" --listtools "
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:4
+ "\"C:/Users/jwiesehahn/AppData/Local/renv/cache/v5/R-4.1/x86_64-w64-m ...
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unerwartetes Token "C:/Users/jwiesehahn/AppData/Local/renv/cache/v5/R-4.1/x86_64-w64-mingw32/whitebox/2.1.2/921d2eadfb2
a5656a58960a3511c112d/whitebox/WBT/whitebox_tools.exe\" --listtools"" in Ausdruck oder Anweisung.
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
brownag commented 2 years ago

I hadn't noticed the extra trailing whitespace and its effect on windows shell. I made an update to the package on github that should correct this. Thanks for reporting the issue.

brownag commented 2 years ago

P.s. I think you need to remove the backslash escaping quotes when run manually. My suspicion is the extra space is interpreted as a keyword so you get 0 results