opengeospatial / NamingAuthority

Primary repo for the OGC Naming Authority
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Question on https access #108

Closed ghobona closed 1 year ago

ghobona commented 3 years ago

This question came up as a result of the 2021-05 OGC API code sprint.

Is it possible to access the OGC NA with "https"? From an https application it is becoming almost impossible to access http content.

rob-metalinkage commented 3 years ago


could go to

or we could simply make all redirects go the https: ?

ghobona commented 3 years ago

We need to update the policy to specify what the relationship is between and

The policy only recognises

ghobona commented 2 years ago

This has come up in a previous OGC API Virtual Code Sprint.

Several websites and browsers now prevent access to resources on http from https.

There is an increasing need to update the OGC-NA policies to allow registration of concepts under

So the proposal is:

  1. To update the OGC-NA policies such that after a nominal date (e.g. 30 June 2022) all future item registrations would be under instead of
  2. Existing registered items under would not be modified.
  3. Any concepts currently registered under, would need to be re-registered as new concepts under, and
  4. A skos:exactMatch statement would be declared to indicate a high degree of confidence that a concept in can be used interchangeably with another in
ghobona commented 2 years ago

The proposed approach described above was discussed during the 2022-02-22 OGC Naming Authority meeting. There were no objections to the proposed approach.

jerstlouis commented 1 year ago

Resolving URIs when using https is a major usability issue that would really help if it were fixed:

Gives an input/output error


works fine.

This is really cumbersome/confusing when trying to lookup OGC link relations. (in comparison, /tms works fine with both)

ghobona commented 1 year ago

The policy was updated to allow for use of sameAs. This was a precursor to configuring the system to handle http and https protocoled concepts as one and the same.

So focusing on a single register to trial the approach, here is a representation of the items registered in the GeoTIFF Tag Register.

The concept has an alias

Note that the alias concept is intentionally placed in a separate register. This is to avoid doubling the number of concepts in the original register (in this case the GeoTIFF Tag Register).

We will also need to create aliases for the concept schemes and collections.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I've had to remove the alias register briefly. I'll re-publish it in the next few hours.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

Ok, the alias register is back online. Below is a screenshot that explains how the information is presented.

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 16 26 24

ghobona commented 1 year ago

Most likely we will need separate alias registers, one for each Concept Scheme. This would avoid having a page with 200,000 records listed. It would also make it easier to manage the concepts that are in a Concept Scheme.

avillar commented 1 year ago

@ghobona, @rob-metalinkage, what if we 1) added a general entailment rule that created http<->https owl:sameAs, and 2) slightly modified VocPrez SPARQL queries to retrieve both the HTTP and HTTPS versions of a resource no matter which one was initially requested?

ghobona commented 1 year ago

@avillar If both 1 and 2 can be implemented, then that would be the ideal solution.

avillar commented 1 year ago

(1) can be very easily done in one of the vocprez-specific SHACL entailments. For already loaded resources, a simple SPARQL UPDATE would suffice.

(2) is just a matter of changing SPARQL { <REQ_URI> ?p ?o } patterns into { ?s ?p ?o VALUES ?s { <REQ_URI_HTTP> <REQ_URI_HTTPS> } }. This is doable the current VocPrez version (there are < 30 SPARQL queries total); we'd need to check with @nicholascar and his team on whether they think this is feasible for the new Prez version (or if they even consider it a good idea).

Once this is done, it would not matter whether the user requested the HTTP or HTTPS version, or even if we redirected them to the HTTPS automatically.

The only downside is that the embedded landing pages that Rob set up may break when using HTTPS (since many of them link to HTTP content, and HTTP iframes cannot be used inside HTTPS...).

What do you think, @rob-metalinkage?

jerstlouis commented 1 year ago

The only downside is that the embedded landing pages that Rob set up may break when using HTTPS (since many of them link to HTTP content, and HTTP iframes cannot be used inside HTTPS...).

As was recently pointed out to us, several organizations have policies completely preventing access to http content. For that reason and the above, ideally all of the embedded content should be available through https as well (e.g., by proxying to https that local server that provides the content through http).

ghobona commented 1 year ago

@nicholascar Any response to Item 2 at ?

ghobona commented 1 year ago

@avillar VocPrez does not appear to support the functionality that you outlined at Comment 1568101076.

Let's proceed with the Alias approach (described at Comment 1564351314), since we know that the Alias approach works.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

https aliases have now been created for all http URIs.