opengeospatial / NamingAuthority

Primary repo for the OGC Naming Authority
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Register GeoXACML 3.0 URNs #150

Closed ghobona closed 9 months ago

ghobona commented 2 years ago

Register the following GeoXACML 3.0 URNs:

The URNs above would be consistent with the ones below that were used in GeoXACML 1.0:

Also, register the following GeoXACML 3.0 URNs:

ghobona commented 2 years ago

Recommended to GeoXACML SWG on 2021-10-13.

Will be registered when GeoXACML 3.0 goes for Public Comment.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue. The issue can be reopened when GeoXACML 3.0 is submitted for Public Comment.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

@securedimensions I have reopened this issue because GeoXACML 3.0 is about to be submitted to the OAB.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

The GeoXACML SWG proposes to use “urn:ogc:def:geoxacml:3.0” as the base and then:

securedimensions commented 1 year ago

Resolution from the NA meeting during the 125th Member Meeting (

    Data-Type: urn:ogc:def:geoxacml:3.0:data-type:geometry
    Functions: urn:ogc:def:geoxacml:3.0:function:<name>
    Status: urn:ogc:def:geoxacml:3.0:status:<name>
ghobona commented 1 year ago

@rob-metalinkage I uploaded the contents of this Turtle file through the Django CMS but it appears that VocPrez is not displaying the registered items.

The containing folder is here.

Does VocPrez support URNs?

avillar commented 1 year ago

@ghobona, is this on production or dev?

I had to change the triplestore used by the defs-dev VocPrez to a fuseki instance with a copy of the data, since RDF4J was for some reason freezing for some VocPrez queries, rendering the whole thing unusable. I was planning on leaving this as it is right now, at least for the duration of the MM.

Regarding URNs, I think so.

ghobona commented 1 year ago

I tried to publish it to production. Note however that I was using the Django CMS on defs-dev, which used to be able to publish to production.

I'm not seeing any of the concepts that have URNs as identifiers, which leads me to think that VocPrez might not support URNs.

@nicholascar Could you please confirm whether VocPrez does indeed support URNs?

ghobona commented 9 months ago

@avillar It appears that VocPrez does not support URNs. Could you please look into alternative software options for publishing definitions identified via URN?

ghobona commented 9 months ago

@avillar Thank you for registering the URNs. I'm glad to see that VocPrez supports URNs.