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Media Types #21

Closed cmheazel closed 4 years ago

cmheazel commented 4 years ago

OAB Issue 1404

Status: Open Assigned To: Heazel, Charles OAB Telecon 20200128

proposing that the OAB recommend that a new OGC policy and prodcess related to the definition, approval, and maintenance of OGC media types become a new responsibility of the OGC Naming Authority.

Related to 1436 - link types

ACTION: send background to OGC-NA for their discussion (including IANA) - Chuck to contact Gobe. Include Issue 1436

ghobona commented 4 years ago

NOTE: Previously a TTL file, now a CSV file. Will be converted to TTL file once review is completed.

cportele commented 4 years ago

The official media type string registered by IANA is not really a skos:altLabel. It is the most important label. Perhaps switch with prefLabel? In the link relation types, the IANA string is also the prefLabel.

pebau commented 4 years ago

+1 for an OGC-central maintenance. However, we should follow common Internet practice and rely on the standard naming, such as "image/tiff". Not only is this the format used in WCS, it is also a constant source of discomfort with users having to deal with the "unwieldy" OGC URLs. Maybe we can have both alternatives as synonyms.

heidivanparys commented 4 years ago

Could skos:notation maybe be used instead, for the official media type string?

From :

A lexical label is a string of UNICODE characters [...] in a given natural language, such as English or Japanese [...] The preferred and alternative labels are useful when generating or creating human-readable representations of a knowledge organization system. These labels provide the strongest clues as to the meaning of a SKOS concept. [...]

From :

A notation is a string of characters such as "T58.5" or "303.4833" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.

A notation is different from a lexical label in that a notation is not normally recognizable as a word or sequence of words in any natural language.

How about the IANA registry? Is that available somewhere as RDF? If yes, what is used there?

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

Yes to using skos:notation for the standard tokens

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

The thing about skos:notation is that there may be multiple values - and they are supposed to be scoped by "datatype" - so we need a canonical URI for "This is an IANA media-type token"

maybe using ?

<> skos:notation "application/geopackage+sqlite3"^^<>

Note this would allow us to have the short names for formats in OGC specs also registered as notations:

<> skos:notation "gml"^^> not that there might be nuances for different service types - so we could use explicit versions - but may also use a "Common" base specification. I could probably entail all sub-types automatically in the definitions server - there wont be too many,

pebau commented 4 years ago

SKOS is not optimal from two perspectives:

Hence, from a practitioner's perspective and as a compromise combining the best of all worlds let me suggest the same: allowing "image/png" plus have a synonym for .

PS: And let us agree on not using the version number which is ill-defined and (mis)used in different ways in def/ .

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

@pebau - I may be wrong, but the discussion about SKOS is not about embedding URIs where media-type tokens currently live - its about having a canonical mechanism to have a discoverable web object that tells you what this notation is.

Think of SKOS as purely the format of the "catalog record" in our register of tokens....

pebau commented 4 years ago

@rob-metalinkage, my apologies if I got this wrong. My impression was that a general identification mechanism was to be established for most, if not all services to use. Which would be a good thing, I like the idea that such identifiers can float around, and all use it the same, interchangeable way; for such a case I just wanted to keep the well-known synonyms. But then again, please ignore if not applicable in the first place.

ghobona commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the suggestions and discussion. I'll update the CSV to reflect the approach proposed by @heidivanparys and @rob-metalinkage , specifically:

<> skos:notation "application/geopackage+sqlite3"^^<>
ghobona commented 4 years ago

I have just updated mediatypes.csv with commit

ghobona commented 4 years ago

Turtle files generated. They will be published on 30 May 2020 if there are no objections from OGC-NA.

ghobona commented 4 years ago

The OGC Media Types register has been published at

ghobona commented 4 years ago

The OGC Media Types register moved to

Created a skos:exactMatch from to

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

when we update the HTML viewer for the Defs Server one of my ambitions is to better handle the various issues around this. Open to feedback from the field here.

A smartish client could automatically follow sameAs and/or exactMatch - but particularly some equivalent of rel='canonical' and bring in the preferred object details, with some sort of message about canonical status and bookmark/citation expectations. This would also handle the general issue for bookmarking objects by URI - not the redirected resource - as browser seem too dumb to handle the nuances of 3xx redirects. (Again, any insights welcome!)