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Register GeoSPARQL definitions #238

Closed ghobona closed 8 months ago

ghobona commented 10 months ago

The URIs in the attached spreadsheet were submitted by the GeoSPARQL SWG on 2023-05-31.

Names Request.xlsx

Note that this GitHub Issue should only discuss the definitions (i.e. URIs with a /def segment).

ghobona commented 10 months ago

Issue 238A

These returned a 404 error

After checking GitHub Pages, _allfunctions.html was changed to _all_functions.html

Noted that the v1.0 turtle file still has _allfunctions.ttl. Let the name of the turtle file unchanged. However, I recommend changing it to match the name of the HTML file (i.e. _all_functions).

Noted that the name of the v1.1 file correctly matches that of the HTML file. (i.e. _all_functions)


————— Issue 238B

This one also returned a 404 error.

When checking GitHub Pages, we noticed that there is no HTML encoding available.

———— Issue 238C

This one also returned a 404 error.

After checking GitHub Pages, it was changed to


Issue 238D

Multiple URIs did not follow the patten specified in Clause 5.2 of the OGC-NA definitions policy, therefore a revision to the URIs has been proposed.

Some resources in the initial proposal were duplicated but with different URIs, therefore those duplications have been omitted in favour of the URIs that have version numbers. The omitted URIs are:


ghobona commented 10 months ago

After review, the URIs are proposed to be revised as shown in this table.

nicholascar commented 10 months ago

v1.0 turtle file servicedescription_allfunctions.ttl has been renamed to servicedescription_all_functions.ttl but the HTML built from it has a problem - I am trying to fix that now.

nicholascar commented 10 months ago

Issue 238A is now fixed - files renamed and rebuilt

Issue 238B is now fixed - offline HTML file generation

Issue 238C is now fixed with the correct file name being used

nicholascar commented 10 months ago

Issue 238D

Clause 52 says that the version is an optional field. so we would like the un-versioned forms of IRIs to point to the latest version. This means:

Also, in your response table above, you have indicated a "GeoSPARQL 1.0 Ontology", a "GeoSPARQL 1.1 Ontology" and a "GeoSPARQL Base Ontology", so following my logic above, the "GeoSPARQL Base Ontology" is currently the "GeoSPARQL 1.1 Ontology", so you can add the 1.1 resources to the "Location of resource in HTML" and "Location of resource in TTL".

ghobona commented 9 months ago

The mappings have been submitted to the Infrastructure Office for activation.

ghobona commented 9 months ago

@nicholascar Please note that there are some GeoSPARQL 1.0 definitions that were published 5 years ago here. Does the SWG wish to label them deprecated or to retain them in parallel with the new ones?

ghobona commented 9 months ago

@nicholascar Further to the question above, the TTL and JSON-LD files have not been updated with the revised URIs. Could you please update the TTL and JSON-LD files?

ghobona commented 8 months ago

@nicholascar I have gone ahead and uploaded the triples from the TTLs that are in the gh-pages branch into OGC RAINBOW.

The ConceptSchemes can be seen here.

There are some URIs that had not been declared as skos concepts, conceptschemes, nor collections. Most have been fixed, however there may be others. So they will be fixed when we discover them.

As the supplied TTL files have been now been uploaded, I am closing this GitHub Issue.

ghobona commented 8 months ago

I am noting this for future reference. The notes build on the explanation that is in Clause 6.5 of the OGC-NA Definitions policy.

If a URI has not been entered into RAINBOW, the system returns an HTTP 400 status code.

If a URI has been entered but has not been declared as the URI of a skos:Concept, skos:Collection, or skos:ConceptScheme, then the system returns an HTTP 500 status code.

Therefore, for definitions (/def) to be registered in RAINBOW, every subject has to be either a skos:Concept, skos:Collection, or skos:ConceptScheme. Furthermore, every skos:Concept has to belong to a ConceptScheme through a skos:inScheme relation.

Consequently, after uploading all geosparql turtle files, the following gaps had to be filled to fix HTTP 400 status responses. The script for detecting which URIs return 400 status responses is here.