opengeospatial / SELFIE

Second Environmental Linked Feature Interoperability Experiment
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Clearly document the outcome of #33 to help with #41. #43

Closed dblodgett-usgs closed 4 years ago

dblodgett-usgs commented 5 years ago

Decision has largely been made. We need clear examples that implement the outcome correctly. This issue should contain annotated syntactically correct examples that illustrate a resource model.

Here's the tier of the model described.

Here's a syntactically correct example...

some discussion of its nuances

alpha-beta-soup commented 5 years ago

Just adding links: #33 #41

abhritchie commented 5 years ago

Slightly modded from a chat Bruce and I had yesterday:

My assumption, is that our JSON-LD data resource documents are RDF docs with contexts that map to OWL Ontologies or RDF schema. We therefore use @id and @type to identify things and bind them to RDF classes*. Data documents returned as JSON-LD should have been prepped accordingly**. The url/foaf:Document pattern is for meta resource docs where we link to documents that are stored elsewhere and may not be, in fact are most likely not, RDF docs … they could just be HTML pages, or GML or … Because of this high risk of non-RDF content (and the moral and philosophical problems it raises) we don’t use formal RDF semantics to bind to the linked document. For starters we wrap the link in a schema:subjectOf property (loose linking rather than strong rdf linking) and we kept the looseness going by proposed the “url” property, it’s just a link, not an HTTP URI, and foaf:primaryTopic property is a strong hint at the type of the target but not an explicit binding to an RDF Class (I understand this to be consistent with the soft/hard typing view Simon has expressed in a DXWG thread about dct:type).

* Meaning we have to create RDF/OWL ontologies for all our application schema. Meaning Abdel’s work is the most important right now. ** I you can’t serve data that can be converted into a legitimate RDF document then don’t use JSON-LD.

dblodgett-usgs commented 5 years ago

Thanks @abhritchie for the updates. I'm recording an email to the SELFIE list here for reference.

The SELFIE example documents have been updated and merged into the master branch.

The changes:

dblodgett-usgs commented 5 years ago

This document is what I believe to be a minimal example (derived from here) that demonstrates the use of "schema:url" : "http://url" to reference formal RDF/JSON-LD data resources and more generally reference any data resource within a "schema:subjectOf" block.

(Updated 9/23/19 based on @abhritchie comment below)

    "@context": [
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "gw:GW_AquiferSystem",
    "name": "Aquifer system : Richelieu",
    "subjectOf": [
            "url": "",
            "@type": "foaf:Document",
            "primaryTopic": "gw:GW_AquiferSystem",
            "format": [
            "url": "",
            "@type": "foaf:Document",
            "primaryTopic": "gw:GW_AquiferSystem",
            "format": [

@denevers @brodaric -- Can you verify that this is where we want to land?

@bsimons14 @amacleod-cerdi @abhritchie -- Can you provide some description of the nuances here?

denevers commented 5 years ago

I need to read a bit more just to be sure I understand the issue correctly.

bsimons14 commented 4 years ago

If I understand this correctly based on Alistair's comments above, then we are using "@id" when the resource is in RDF and "url" when it is not. I am unclear why we need both. I can see a need for "url" but I don't know what benefits we get by also allowing "@id". Presumably it brings in the additional overhead that a client must be able to navigate both. I understood from the meeting summarised in #33 that we would only use "url". To quote Boyan and agreed to by Alistair: "it is simpler, neutral about the resource (data id vs api), supports the narrative, and allows (I think) the more compact data encoding favored by AR. On the downside, its less descriptive, but the enhanced description is likely needed for a small group of uses cases."

abhritchie commented 4 years ago

Oh bother. In your example Dave, and the source in the repo, the first object should have been removed when I cleaned everything up yesterday (update: I've updated the example). The first and second objects in the subjectOf array point to the same resource. It is a hangover from having the two options sitting side by side. Based on what I'm now calling the Range-33 decision (because it sounds cool) the example should look like this:

    "@context": [
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "gw:GW_AquiferSystem",
    "name": "Aquifer system : Richelieu",
    "subjectOf": [
            "url": "",
            "@type": "foaf:Document",
            "primaryTopic": "gw:GW_AquiferSystem",
            "format": [
            "url": "",
            "@type": "foaf:Document",
            "primaryTopic": "gw:GW_AquiferSystem",
            "format": [
bsimons14 commented 4 years ago

The other issue raised in #33 is: "WRT to using foaf:primaryTopic instead of dc:type." I don't think this was resolved there but was resolved in #41: To quote Alistair: "dct:type is being replaced by foaf:primaryTopic (see #33). This is used to strongly suggest the type of target resource described by the document located at the url - the target resource may not have an RDF representation - e.g. it could be a GML doc, or or HTML page". Simon Cox raised some issue with this, but did not specify what it was. If other SELFIE participants are happy to go along with Boyan's suggestion, then I suggest we agree to use it until shown the error of our ways.

denevers commented 4 years ago

I'm a bit reluctant to stir the pot here as I try to understand respective points. I just now realise another aspect of the url vs @id. the former is not necessary pointing to a RDF, the second must. GSIP did not make that distinction since content negotiation was doing just that. I initially understood url/@id as the former is a generic url, most likely an API call, don't even consider this as an identifier while the second is a resource and an identifier for something that can be conneg and resolved (so other datasets might use this URI to point to something). I saw "url" pattern as a way to access stuff without the overhead of content negotiation. ok. I don't have a horse in this race.

The bit I need explanation is @type (sorry). My understanding of @type was that it identify the type (in the schematic sense) of the document / snippet I'm looking at. Because if I pull a RDF version of GWML, the aquifer (encoding using GWML schema) will also be @type = gw:AquiferSystem. hence my confusion.. (and I don't imply we got it right in the current version of GSIP MIR)

help ?

denevers commented 4 years ago

caffeine kicking in..

to add to my message.. I would expect the MIR to have @type="selfie:mir"...

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

I don't think we would ever have a pointer to the MIR (MR) directly so we wouldn't document its type in that way?

Not sure this helps, but @type is just short for and @id is short for subject.

Here is the example flattened out at

<> <> "Aquifer system : Richelieu" .
<> <> _:b0 .
<> <> _:b1 .
<> <> <gw:GW_AquiferSystem> .
_:b0 <> "application/ld+json" .
_:b0 <> "text/ttl" .
_:b0 <> "" .
_:b0 <> <> .
_:b0 <> "gw:GW_AquiferSystem" .
_:b1 <> "application/vnd.geo+json" .
_:b1 <> "text/html" .
_:b1 <> "" .
_:b1 <> <> .
_:b1 <> "gw:GW_AquiferSystem" .
denevers commented 4 years ago

And this is where I get confused. For me @type is also an information for the system ingesting the document (the MIR) to figure the type of the node it is currently parsing (amongst other things)

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

Yeah, no. Since @id is just a subject, what @type is saying is:
@id : : @type

denevers commented 4 years ago

Sorry - you lost me

abhritchie commented 4 years ago

Another way of putting (or misrepresenting) what @dblodgett-usgs said is perhaps: we shouldn't have formally defined ELFIE resource types (elf:MetaResource; elf:DataResource). Personally, in the context of SELFIE, I think we are discovering we are over engineering things.

denevers commented 4 years ago

Personally, in the context of SELFIE, I think we are discovering we are over engineering things.

Good point. Maybe we should move on.

abhritchie commented 4 years ago

ELFIE started with a model of views on representations of environmental things (inspired by the UK Linked Data API, specifically the part about viewing resources). I say inspired by because we made no effort to reconcile what we did with an actual implementation using the LDA. Revisiting it, perhaps we should compare our thing with the LDA. It could give us a mechanism to implement (and define) what we want without overloading the \@identifying and \@typing of things (handling domain models and API resource models). MIR: DIR: Where meta is the default view.

abhritchie commented 4 years ago

Note, however that ELFIEs should be striving for a low barrier of entry. So, again, we should be wary of over complicating things.

denevers commented 4 years ago

reformatted ttl from Dave's flattened version

<> <> "Aquifer system : Richelieu" ;
        <> "application/ld+json" , "text/ttl" ;
        <> "";
        <> <>;
        <> "gw:GW_AquiferSystem"
        <> "application/vnd.geo+json","text/html";
        <> "";
        <> <>;
        <> "gw:GW_AquiferSystem" 
 <> <gw:GW_AquiferSystem> .
dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

Would be helpful to have one or more people read and summarize the tradeoffs of the issues brought up here in reference to the specifications of the properties in question. We seem to be at an impasse and we need to clarify the argument with data.

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

For consideration of the group:

After further conversation. The issues being discussed here are beyond the scope of what we can solve in this experiment. We have space in the ER outline to discuss them and suggest future work. Existing SELFIE experimental contexts and implementation stand and will be documented in the ER.

Consolidated contexts will be brought to a ELFIE outcomes context.

This will allow us to move forward with completion of the IE while recording the outcome of these conversations.

We need to recognize that there is a semantic web / rich linked data set of use cases that are outside the scope of the IE to be left for future work.