opengeospatial / SELFIE

Second Environmental Linked Feature Interoperability Experiment
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Link relations for links in html. #78

Closed dblodgett-usgs closed 4 years ago

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

Migrating a comment from @alpha-beta-soup in #77 to it's own issue. Not entirely off topic for #77, but deserving of a specific issue to track the ideas.

---- original comment below.

As far as SELFIE will go is describing how to advertise that multiple content-types are available for a given URL.

Given the necessity and centrality of an HTML landing page, a pattern the OAFeat API hearitly endorses, then I think we need to consider the appropriate IANA link relation to recommend if implementing this pattern. alternate seems simplest, but describes, related, item and perhaps others (enclosure?) seem possible. I'm only aware of a very small subset of these and I have certainly abused and ignored them in the past. In pygeoapi at present, outbound links to non-HTML (CSV, GeoJSON or RDF/JSON-LD, etc.) representations declared from the HTML view are simply alternate or item. Is that appropriate and adequate? This isn't necessarily a question of content negotiation, but of typing links in general. However, alongside the rel there's a type, presumably application/ld+json (but could be other kinds of RDF, if available)... so it does get back to conneg even if we're trying to avoid that discussion.

pygeoapi in practice:

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

... alongside the rel there's a type, presumably application/ld+json (but could be other kinds of RDF, if available)... so it does get back to conneg even if we're trying to avoid that discussion.

I wouldn't say we are trying to avoid the discussion.

I think it would be valuable to illustrate how the rel and type html link attributes can be used in conjunction with RDF linked data from a content perspective. We should also discuss the diversity of approaches we see for network architectures and URL/API schemes to deliver this content. What I want to avoid is going down a rabbit hole and pretending that we have answers on the network architecture front.

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

OGC API uses these:

Potentially of interest: IANA:


Others may be applicable but the above is from a quick read of what's at the link above.

dblodgett-usgs commented 4 years ago

Need to wrap up the ER and this won't make it -- a candidate for future work.