opengeospatial / bblocks-postprocess

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Refactor Building Block Register scope #26

Open rob-metalinkage opened 6 months ago

rob-metalinkage commented 6 months ago

top level should just reference sub-registers. Create an OGC SWG published bblocks and pass governance to Joanna, and link to incubator.

we should perhaps deprecate "unstable" and move all these elements not formally owned by a SWG to "incubator" - would need to propagate to 3D CSDM application.

Need to link all BBlocks to SWG (via Rainbow - and make sure that integrating the register.ttl creates a back link from the SWG to the BB in the Rainbow..

rob-metalinkage commented 5 months ago

Basic design proposal diagram now in bblocks "About" description.