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Schema/model mapping solution #35

Open rob-metalinkage opened 2 weeks ago

rob-metalinkage commented 2 weeks ago

It is not possible to directly uplift many JSON schema constructs directly to a target model - GeoJSON geometry to GeoSPARQL being a classic example.

Accordingly the mapping to a target model has to be a two (or three) step process of (pre-process) - uplift - entail target.

Leaving aside pre-process for now, SHACL validation rules should be inherited from target models - and apply the final entailed version if an entailment is specified.

Should >1 entailment be considered? For now dependency driven rules suggests only the set of targets in the model heirarchy matter.

Possibly multiple transforms could be defined - but each would need to be bound to a separate model to inherit all tests. It may be better to have examples from the model point to the transform outputs - thus each model would know how to handle tranformation outputs, not the schema BB itself. This may lead to circular dependencies however - unless each BB could visit the validators for a target model.

In summary - the proposed initial task is support a post-uplift entailment step and defer SHACL validation to the output of this step if present.