opengeospatial / boreholeie

Repository to support the work done in the 2018-2019 Borehole Interoperability Experiment
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Provide a property to add Borehole header information #56

Open denevers opened 5 years ago

denevers commented 5 years ago

As discussed in teleconf, we need to add header info to bhml:Borehole to hold borehole specific information (owner, drilling method, date, etc..).

we exclude metadata, because it might have a mixed semantic (such a linking to metadata about the dataset itself (who created the record, who is maintaining the dataset) as opposed to borehole header.

property should be "anyType" (at the conceptual model, modeled as "Process" class of O&M)

need to include in XSD and EAP

sgrellet commented 5 years ago

discussed at last telco (sept 30). Do we create a property in core for borehole details or we use "Metadata". we decided to push it to SWG

sgrellet commented 5 years ago

notes for the future, see 20190917 13:00-14:30 (Paris Time Zone) Telco 30 notes Need ‘header’ info Need to have driller, why, how, … info 4 ways