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What is everybody going to be working on, at the July 2024 Open Standards Sprint? #133

Open doublebyte1 opened 2 months ago

doublebyte1 commented 2 months ago

What is everybody going to be working on, at the July 2024 Open Standards Sprint?

prushforth commented 1 month ago

Please see attached presentation for pre-event webinar on how MapML may fit into OGC APIs for Maps, Tiles and/or Features. I will be available for the sprint (online) to help with questions about MapML, the project, the polyfill, the goal etc. Thank you for your help! MapML-API-July-2024-Code-Sprint.pptx

photonbit commented 3 weeks ago

Hello! I am not currently working on any initiative, but I will be coming to the sprint in person. Is any of the tracks / teams / projects more in the need of counting with an extra pair of hands + brain? If so, I can get up to speed before the sprint :books:

cportele commented 2 weeks ago

@pvretano and @cportele will update their servers to align with the current drafts of OGC API Features Part 6 to 9. This includes the documentation and examples for each server on GitHub. Participation will be remote.

chris-little commented 2 weeks ago

I am not planning to do much/any coding, but hope to be on hand to advise and help anyone working with the OGC API-EDR Part 1: Core, whether on the client or server sides, or the recently approved Part 2: Publish and Subscribe Workflows. I will also listen for suggestions, corrections and improvements for future versions, especially around metadata fragments and 'building blocks'.

MichaelJendryke commented 2 weeks ago

I will come with my co-founder to London to read and understand the DGGS API draft and implement as much as we can during the sprint.

jerstlouis commented 2 weeks ago

I plan on working on a number of things:

DGGS-JSON Resources Some DGGS-(UB)JSON resources with GEBCO data packets for ISEA3H zone A6-0-E (level 1) at relative depth 11 (177,877 level 12 sub-zones):

pixalytics commented 2 weeks ago

I will be primarily working on activities linked to the TrainingDML-AI standard / SWG, supporting those interested and considering the automated determination of Data Quality information.

tomkralidis commented 2 weeks ago

On my side:

prushforth commented 2 weeks ago
  • Participating in the MapML breakout and supporting TIEs with our MapML implementation, which I plan to update before then to reflect the latest changes (@prushforth some guidance on that would be most welcome... maybe we could exchange e-mails and/or schedule some time to discuss this Friday if you're available?)

@jerstlouis sure, I would be happy to schedule time email sent.

If anyone else would like a briefing before during or after the sprint, please reach out.

pvretano commented 2 weeks ago

Besides the work I plan with @cportele, I plan to try and create a crawlable catalog of Sentinel images ... a subset of course. Maybe a week or month's worth.

securedimensions commented 2 weeks ago

During the mentor session, I will present the maturing idea of the OGC SensorThings API - WebSub Extension 1.0 using this presentation and - if there is time - demonstrate the implemented prototype of Hub and Webhook.

During the coding time, I plan to update the existing Hub prototype to protect the subscription API with OAuth2 access token and create a simplisitc user dashboard for managing subscriptions.

rpcavaco commented 1 week ago

I'll be at the MapML breakout session, prototyping / experimenting with Javascript. I'll try to focus on vector data support and, if possible, on JSON-FG integration.

jerstlouis commented 1 week ago

Is anyone willing to lead the effort on addressing the OGC API usability issue in GDAL / QGIS? @doublebyte1

Though I will be busy with other things, I will be more than happy to support the effort.

ricardogsilva commented 1 week ago

I'll be prototyping the text/mapml content media type into a server implementation of the OGC API Features, Maps and Tiles standards using pygeoapi as a base.

My specific goal is to enable serving an OGC API resource using the text/mapml content media type for consumption by a client.

I'm still getting up to speed on MapML and will be checking out the pre-event webinar put forth by @prushforth - thanks for that!

Looking forward to interact with the other sprinters on this topic :smile:

alexrobin commented 1 week ago

I'll be updating OpenSensorHub to the latest draft of OGC API - Connected Systems Part 1 and 2. Ian will join us in the afternoon to work on the Python client that is now part of OWS Lib. We'll demo both server and client if people are interested.

Looking forward to work with others.

fterpstra commented 1 week ago

We (me and @joostfarla) will be working on Linters(validation within your editor), our main focus will be on creating a working prototype for an OGC API Features part 1 linter. Nice to haves will be expanding on the existing JSON-FG linter, expanding on linter functionality by creating some form of preview integrated with an editor and working on making a generic library/toolkit to easily construct linters for other standards.

I am also interested to look at Andreas' work on OAuth and notifications and if it can work in line with the Dutch public sector OAuth profile as well as notification standards Cloud events( ) and Async API

SpeckiJ commented 1 week ago

I'll be working on the Implementation of the OGC API - Connected Systems Part 1 and 2 by 52°North. The focus will be on documenting standard-compliance:

sumitsane commented 1 week ago
  1. I will attempt to encode data quality information in training data markup TrainingDML-AI standard / SWG
  2. I will work on the implementation of the CartoSym 2.0 encodings (CartoSym-CSS and CartoSym-JSON). I will try to implement styles using existing standards for symbology in India.
  3. Will help our team work on OGC API - Processes using geopyapi
samadammeek commented 1 week ago

I will be participating on the 11th and 12th. I am here to support the data quality thread started by Ivana Ivanova on the 10th and maybe do some coding to help with machine readable, machine executable provenance chains.

joanma747 commented 1 week ago

I will be working in a server implementation of OGC API Maps that is able to respond HTML with MapML as alternative.

oertz commented 1 week ago

With @ebocher @jerstlouis @maxcollombin we will progress on CartoSym 2.0 (aka SymCore evolution) by mixing spec sprint and code sprint considerations. Also building nice ans relevant maps to exemplify the related specdocs. If people want to discuss, you're welcome!

ChainReaction31 commented 1 week ago

I'll be working with @alexrobin to test updates to the OSH implementation of Connected Systems as well as updating both my contributions to OWSLib's implementation of Connected Systems and our own API library to help verify the server implementation as well as help provide client reference implementation. I provided a short demonstration in the mentor stream earlier.

I have made the source code of that demo using OWSLib available as well as the code running on the Arduino to help showcase the various places that Connected Systems can be utilized.